

What The WWE Is Doing RIGHT
April 18, 2005 by Leslie Connelly

I am not an avid reader at these columns so please excuse me if this has only been happening recently. But of what I have read I just see people focussing on what WWE do wrong (apart from some exceptions). Now I know that WWE are making some bad decisions and bad storylines, but look at it this way.

How do you know there storylines are bad"
How do you know they are not using talent correctly"
How do you know that the championships seem worthless"

I know how you know. It's because you watch it and follow it! So let's look at what they are doing right to keep you watching. Look back to the late 90's, early 21st century. Everybody loved the "spot fest" matches at first, but then there was that abundance of actual wrestling, which knocked us back. Now look at recent times, these at what "spot fests" I think really stood out as good matches (not just to me but to everybody).

TNA Turning Point 2004 - Six Sides of Steel - XXX Vs AMW
WWE Taboo Tuesday 2004 - Cage Match - Randy Orton Vs Ric Flair
WWE Wrestlemania 21 - Money in the Bank Ladder Match - Edge Vs Chris Benoit Vs Chris Jericho Vs Shelton Benjamin Vs Christian Vs Kane
WWE New Years Revolution 2005 - Elimination Chamber - Triple H Vs Randy Orton Vs Batista Vs Chris Jericho Vs Chris Benoit Vs Edge
TNA Destination X 2005 - X Division - Christopher Daniels Vs AJ Styles Vs Elix Skipper Vs Ron Killings
Now I can just see the emails coming in bashing me about certain "pure wrestling" matches being better matches than these. I know that there are better matches than these but, were these not good matches" I am in no way knocking the "pure wrestling" matches that they have also produced. I for one can say that Angle Vs Michaels at WM21 is my match of the year so far. So I now see you bewildered as to what my point actually is"

My point is that WWE have kept a pretty even balance of "spot fests" and "pure wrestling" matches. The actual wrestling product is what keeps you, the viewer and the critic, hooked. There are obviously those matches that suck and those are the bad things, were as this column is focusing on the good things. I feel like the WWE DDP now, being all positive. But we need to be more positive!

Whether you agree or disagree with my opinion, feedback is always good.

by Leslie Connelly ..
Kyle92187 wrote:
I myself try to be positive, but recently the WWE's decisions have been getting me angry. As for the WWE balancing mat wrestling and spotfests... One question... Where are these spotfests" I would love to see a "holy sh*t" moment to add a nice touch to PPVs. To answer some of your questions in the beginning in a neat little package, I will give you this line... "It's a matter of perspective"







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