TNA IMPACT 12 04 2008


Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: December 4, 2008 (Taped: November 25)

The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Sting & Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner & Booker T & Sharmell) + Team 3-D (Brothers Ray & Devon): Kevin Nash and the Main Event Mafia gave Team 3-D sixty seconds to join them, after that they can consider their death certificate signed. Team 3-D came out to the stage and said they would be teaming with A.J. Styles & Samoa Joe at Final Resolution. Team 3-D said the Frontline represent everything that is right about the business, while “you five” represent everything that is wrong with the business. Brother Ray said they have raped every single company they have ever worked for. Ray said he and Devon hope they never turn into guys like them. Ray said the Main Event Mafia guys broke the code. Team 3-D called out the Frontline, who all suddenly appeared scattered throughout the crowd. Rhino cut a promo on Kurt Angle saying he was one GORe GORe GORe from the unemployment line. Rhino said just watch what he does to Sting tonight. Rhino said Sting should be fighting on the Frontline and when he realizes that it will be way too late.

Jeremy Borash & Lauren Brooke + The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) & Cute Kip James: Jeremy Borash plugged TNA Mobile, which is now free of charge. Cute Kip, Love, and Sky said they would crown Gov. Sarah Palin as the newest member of the Beautiful People tonight.

Jeremy Borash & Booker T & Sharmell: Sharmell said that Booker T hired the Beautiful People to protect his most prized position – HER. Booker T said he can defend the Legend’s title against any body at any time in any match and he will prove it tonight. Booker T’s hilarious accent was over-the-top here, but he snapped out of it at the end.

Booker T w/Sharmell defeated Samoa Joe to retain the TNA Legend’s title: After a great match, Sharmell distracted the referee and the Beautiful People ran down and sprayed something in Joe’s eyes. Booker T hit the Axe-kick and scored the 1-2-3 to win the match and retain the Legend’s title.

Jeremy Borash & The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Sting & Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner): Scott Steiner promised Sting that they would fight for the TNA World title at Final Resolution like it was there own. Steiner claimed Team 3-D didn’t join the Mafia because they didn’t have enough twinkies. Steiner was stumbling over his words, but he was fired up and led Sting & Nash out of the room. Borash asked Angle if he had something to say. Angle said he had something to say to Mick Foley, and they he’ll go to the ring and say it to the world.

Lauren Brooke & Samoa Joe: Lauren said that Samoa Joe just got screwed by the Beautiful People (he wishes). Team 3-D came in and tried to motivate Joe and said it wasn’t about winning the battle, it was about winning the war. Team 3-D said Joe was the future of the business and the last of the old school legit son of a bitches. Ray said that it was time to man up and go to war.

ODB & Roxxi & Taylor Wilde: Roxxi said she hangs with friends in Boston and likes to read comics – wtf? Taylor said she likes to design clothes and play percussions. Taylor called ODB out on not being herself today, and she admitted that it was that time of the month. ODB complained about having the odds stacked against her, with Sharmell having the Beautiful People in her corner. Roxxi & Taylor volunteered to join ODB in the fight. So now the Sharmell/ODB match is a three on three.

Lauren Brooke & Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm w/Jackie Moore) + Abyss: Beer Money Inc. tried to sneak up on Abyss to apologize but Abyss caught them and shoved James Storm against the wall. Storm claimed that the beer bottle slipped out of his hands a few weeks back when he broke it over Abyss’ head. Storm said it was a family tradition to drink before their matches so they invited Abyss to the bar for “one drink.” They gave Abyss a beer and he liked it and asked for more!

Lauren Brooke + The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) & Cute Kip James + Fake Sarah Palin: The Beautiful People greeted a Sarah Palin impersonator (played by Daffney) when she arrived in a limo. Angelina proclaimed “we are the beautiful people and it is a friggin’ honor to meet you!!” The Beautiful People were eager to give Palin a tour, and ignored Cute Kip when he said he had to tell them something. I think Cute Kip knows that Palin is a fake.

VIGNETTE: They showed clips of Christy Hemme training with A.J. Styles and comments from both of them concerning Hemme’s match with Awesome Kong at Final Resolution.

A.J. Styles & Christy Hemme defeated Scott Steiner & Awesome Kong (w/Raisha Saeed & Rhaka Khan): Interesting to note Rhaka Khan was originally brought to TNA by Scott Steiner. Christy Hemme chopped away at Awesome Kong and managed to pin her after an assist from A.J. Styles. Inspirational finish. Too bad Hemme will get eaten and digested by Kong at Final Rolution.

Jeremy Borash & Kurt Angle & Mick Foley: Kurt Angle said that the only reason Mick Foley isn’t crippled right now is because he gave him a pass. Angle said if Foley screws him at Final Resolution then he will make sure Foley never walks again. Foley said he won’t allow Angle to intimidate him, and reminded Angle that he fired the first shot at Bound For Glory. Foley said he would just make sure the Main Event Mafia doesn’t get involved and the match stays one-on-one with Rhino. Angle said he would have somebody who is not with the Mafia watching his back.

Lauren Brooke & Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm w/Jackie Moore) & Abyss: The party continued, as Beer Money Inc. had gotten Abyss completely drunk and forced Jackie to kiss him against her will. Abyss asked “does that mean I’m not a virgin any more?”

Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed & Eric Young defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir & Sonjay Dutt & Jimmy Rave: The Sheik abandoned his partners and joined Mike Tenay & Don West on commentary. After the match, the Sheik attacked Eric Young – but Young fought back and chased the Sheik away from the ring.

Jeremy Borash & TNA World Heavyweight champion Sting: Sting said he has a lot going on and has gone out on a limb lately. Sting was conflicted about the thing going on with A.J. Styles and his dad. Sting said at Final Resolution he will be in the ring with guys he can trust. Sting said tonight he has to go in the ring and do what he knows how to do – and that’s wrestle. Sting said nothing is going to stop him from finishing what he knows needs to be finished.

Lauren Brooke + The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) & Cute Kip James & Fake Sarah Palin + Booker T & Sharmell: The Beautiful People were showing the fake Sarah Palin (played by Daffney) Booker T’s dressing room. Booker T came out of the shower and told Kip James to “get those two bimbos and that yack out of here.”

ROUGH CUTZ: LAX (Homicide & Hernandez)..

Lauren Brooke & Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm w/Jackie Moore) & Abyss: Abyss got a call from Matt Morgan on his cell phone. Abyss said he thinks they should invite Morgan to have a drink with them. Beer Money Inc. said they were fresh out, but Abyss found a full bottle on the bar. Roode said it WAS FULL and smashed it over Abyss’ head!

Kurt Angle + Jeff Jarrett: Mike Tenay said this could be the final time they see Kurt Angle on iMPACT. Kurt Angle came out in a suit and called out Jeff Jarrett, who came out to the stage with his gimmick guitar. Angle said the more the people celebrate the more focused he becomes. Angle said he and Jarrett haven’t agreed on anything since he came to TNA. Angle said Jarrett was jealous of his success, and dodged him every chance he got. Angle made comments about Jarrett’s daughters and said when he is done with Jarrett he will own TNA, Jarrett’s family, and Jarrett himself. Angle said he has no idea what he’s going to do when he gets Jarrett in the ring. Jarrett said if Angle is going to take down his career, his company, and his family, then there’s only one way he’s going to do it – over my dead body.

Lauren Brooke & Rhino: Rhino said he heard every word that Kurt said to Jeff, and the only thing he can think about is his family and daughter. Rhino said everybody knows that Jeff’s daughters are the heart and soul of TNA. Rhino said Angle has broken every code in the book and went out of the realm of wrestling. Rhino said he doesn’t know what he’s capable of doing to Sting tonight!

Jeremy Borash & The TNA Frontline (Samoa Joe & A.J. Styles & Brother Ray & Devon): A.J. Styles said he’s been like brothers with Samoa Joe since they met (does that count when they had a blood feud in TNA?). Styles said he never thought in a million years they would be on the same side as Team 3-D. Styles said doing the right thing is how you get respect like Team 3-D did. Styles said doing the right thing makes you a LEGEND. Styles said he will walk out of Final Resolution as World champion and there is nothing Sting can do about it. Joe didn’t have much to say. Editor’s Note: I’m getting an uneasy feeling that Joe is going to turn and go with the Main Event Mafia.

Rhino defeated TNA World Heavyweight champion Sting: Rhino missed a GORe and slammed head-first into a guard rail – causing him to be bloodied! Late in the match, Kurt Angle ran down and jumped on the ring apron, but Rhino knocked him off! A.J. Styles came down to take care of Kurt, which distracted Sting long enough for Rhino to hit the GORe and pin Sting to win! The TNA Frontline hit the ring to celebrate with RHino while Angle tried to explain himself to Sting.
