WWE Non-Televised Live Event
RAW Crew - August 17, 2002 - Terre Haute, Indiana - ISU Hulman Center

  1. OPENER: Spike Dudley def Sean O' Haire..

  2. HARDCORE TITLE: Tommy Dreamer vs. Planet Stasiak..
    • A frozen turkey was used a weapon during this match..
    • Raven pins Dreamer to win..
    • Stasiak pins Raven..
    • Dreamer pins Stasiak to reclaim his gold.

  3. MATCH: Jamal w/Rosie def Shelton Benjamin w/D-Lo..

  4. MATCH: Bradshaw def Chris Nowinski..

  5. MATCH: Booker T def Steven Richards..

  6. STEEL CAGE TAG MATCH: Undertaker & RVD def Chris Benoit & Eddy Guerrero..

  7. WOMANS TITLE: Molly Holly def Trish Status..
    • Victoria was special referee..
    • Trish hit the stratisfaction for the pin but Victoria pulled up the 2 count..
    • Victoria and Trish argued and Molly schoolgirled Trish for the win.

  8. TAG MATCH: Hardy Boyz vs. Raven & Justin Credible..
    • Matt cut a Smackdown! promo saying he will be a star..
    • Matt walks out on Jeff and allows a beat down to insue...
    • Raven & Justin get into an argument about who will pin Jeff..
    • Raven pushes Justin and Jeff rolls him up for the 3 count!

  9. TERRE HAUTE TABLES MATCH: Bubba Ray vs. Big Show..
    • Trish makes a run in and was almost slammed onto the table..
    • Bubba makes the save with a kick to the Big Shows genitals..
    • 3D on the table for the win.

  10. If you attend a WWE house show, or any other wrestling show for that matter, we would love to from you;
    Send in your results, you recaps, opinions and thoughts on the show you paid your hard earned money on..
    Please send to this address oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com.

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