


It Just Feels Right

Description: It has to be said this DVD has the best cover ever. Lita has never looked better.

Watching this DVD is a sad experience, not because it bored me to tears (because it didn't) but it showed me just how good Lita once was. Before she went to having unprotected sex with Kane and becoming Edge's b#*ch and reduced to almost 'manager' status Lita, was probably one of the best luchadore performers on the roster. Watching the DVD it is almost a shame WWE never capitalised on this and had her going for the lightweight/cruiserweight title at some point. For a Diva DVD it is also good that they didn't just make a sub-par soft-core porn film with Lita lounging around and wearing very little. As with most WWE DVDs of this time (Before WWE realised you can fit more than 55 minutes on the disk) the main part of this DVD is a documentary. This tells her story from independent scene to big break in WWE and teaming up with the Hardys.
However, a lot of this footage feels rushed with very little actually mentioned about her early days and there is far too much unnecessary filler. In all honesty, they should have just done a Lita/Hardy Boyz DVD as at least 2/3 of the disk is about them as a team.

It is interesting that on a Divas DVD, they include more bonus footage than they do on most other WWE superstars. Most is throwaway behind the scenes stuff, but some good matches make up for it. Maybe a little more from her early career would have been interesting. And not including her debut with Essa Rios is a crime. (Man it was cool when she did those moonsaults at the beginning!)

Rating: Overall an OK DVD, with very limited repeat play (unless you enjoy Lita) 5/10

Reviewed by David Simpson on January 15, 2006.

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