


I'm sick of this guys trying to fix or make a more desirable WWE. I don't think that's posible since The McMahon Clan including Triple H are on top of the wrestling world ruling what to watch and who you should cheer. However, We don't have to stick with the same lame gimmicks and boring feuds, just use your imagination and you will have your 'Fantasy Event"

  1. Match #1- The Road Warriors Vs. Kamala & Iron Sheik.

    What a way to start, the ferocious in your face Warriors clashing with the African Beast and the Mad Sheik. The ring won't hold these wild animals and perhaps this could end in a DQ.

  2. Match #2- "Superstar Billy Graham" & Rick "The Model" Martel Vs Jesse "the Body" Ventura & GoldDust.

    I don't know what would be better, their egos or their lavishing styles. Hey! Let's throw in Rico as the special guest referee and enjoy the fun.

  3. Match #3- Bruiser Brody & One Man Gang Vs. Carlos Colon & Abdullah The Butcher.

    Ok, we all need some bloody hardcore action, and believe me that this guys will turn your neighborhood butcher into a pussycat!

  4. Match #4- The Rock, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka & Rick "The Dragon" Steamboat Vs. Rick Flair, Roddy Pipper & Greg "The Hammer" Valentine.

    I know this match alone is worth the money, this is a total package bout with greatness written all over.

  5. Match #5- The Undertaker & Big John Stud Vs. Andre The Giant & "Sadistic" Steve Strong.

    I wonder how this monster could fit in a ring, but any way it should be interesting see Andre chokeslaming Taker and the The Evil Steve Strong in a grunge fight with John Stud. What a jewel!

  6. Match #6- Ultimate Warrior & Hulk Hogan Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin & Golberg.

    This is a main event anywhere, anyday, but I reserve that spot for a more deserving bout. This match is so big I'll make it "Hell in a Cell".

  7. Match #7- Cactus Jack & Terry Funk Vs. Dustin Rhodes & Harley Race.

    Ay Caramba, four legends of hardcore battle in a "Barb wire, stacks and broken glass" fight.

  8. Match #9- Macho Man Randy Savage & Triple H Vs. Sting & Shawn Michaels.

    Do I need to say more...

  9. Main Event- Bret "The Hit Man" Hart Vs. Kurt Angle.

    They deserve this spot since they are the most dominant wrestlers to ever live and this guys put the "H" in Hall Of Fame.

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