

Index of Kirsty Quested Columns

1. Bret Hart: The Best There Ever Will Be.
2. Owen Hart: The King of Harts.
3. Shawn Michaels: Going the Distance.
4. The Screwjob AGAIN... But Let's Lay It To Rest.
5. The Undertaker: Dead Man Walking.
6. Some Zest From The Quest - April 2005.
7. Some Zest From The Quest - May 2005.
8. Some Zest From The Quest - June 2005.
9. Some Zest From The Quest - July 2005.
11. Some Zest From The Quest - August 2005.
12. Some Zest From The Quest - October 2005.
13. Some Zest From The Quest - December 2005.
14. Some Zest From The Quest - May 2006.

Contact: [email protected]

Born and raised in New Zealand, I've been a fan of wrestling since I was 14. When you're "imprisoned" at a girl's boarding school, entertainment options are limited but WWE Superstars Of Wrestling was one of them. I'm now 31 and I still mark out as much as I ever did, although the smark in me can get extremely analytical in discussion! My all-time favourite wrestler is Bret "Hitman" Hart, but others run a close second: Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash (as Diesel), Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Batista, John Cena, Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio are right up there.

I've been writing since a young age and am a member of the New Zealand Writers Guild. I am also a columnist for the New Zealand Pro Wrestling Informer ( When not watching wrestling, or writing about it, I'm employed in the IT Department at the University of Canterbury. I've been married to Simon for 10 years, but the "other" man in my life is tall, dark, handsome, with 4 legs and a long tail. He's affectionately known as Possum, but for competition purposes I added a touch of the wrestling obsession and named my horse Big Daddy Cool.

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