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  1. Thursday, January 24, 2002--IWRG TV results in Naucalpan: Maligno b Erick Draven, Rambo Jr. & Guerrillero b Star Boy & Fantasy, Kato Kung Lee & Los Payasos Tricolor b Rambo & Bombero Infernal & El Signo & Negro Navarro, Tinieblas Jr. & Mascara Sagrada & Mr. Cacao b Charly Manson & Fuerza Guerrera & Enterrador-DQ, Pentagon Black b Pantera, Pentagon Black b Ultimo Vampiro, Pantera b Ultimo Vampiro to win IWRG middleweight title

  2. Sunday, January 27, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Principe de Fuego & Super Atlas b Los Avisman I & II, Slayer & Caballero Azteca b Guerra C-3 & Erick Draven, Rambo & Rambo Jr. & Guerrillero b Zonik 2000 & Mr. Cacao & Star Boy-DQ, Dr. Cerebro & Paramedico & Cirujano b Mike Segura & Fantasy & Fantasma Jr. to keep DF trios titles in what was said to have been an awesome match and Pentagon Black & Negro Navarro & Charly Manson b Blue Demon Jr. & Villano V & Pantera. Ultimo Vampiro was scheduled but showed up in a neck brace selling a tombstone piledriver from the Thursday show. Pantera turned heel on his partners

  3. Sunday, January 27, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Principe de Fuego & Super Atlas b Los Avisman I & II, Slayer & Caballero Azteca b Guerra C-3 & Erick Draven, Rambo & Rambo Jr. & Guerrillero b Zonik 2000 & Mr. Cacao & Star Boy-DQ, Dr. Cerebro & Paramedico & Cirujano b Mike Segura & Fantasy & Fantasma Jr. to keep DF trios titles in what was said to have been an awesome match and Pentagon Black & Negro Navarro & Charly Manson b Blue Demon Jr. & Villano V & Pantera. Ultimo Vampiro was scheduled but showed up in a neck brace selling a tombstone piledriver from the Thursday show. Pantera turned heel on his partners

  4. February 4, 2002--IWRG results from Naucalpan: Principe de Fuego & Erick Draven b Avisman II & Asteroide, Maligno & Slayer b Guerra C-3 & Nuevo Multifacetico, Oficial & Vigilante & Guardian b Ultra Mega & Mega & Fantasy, Los Payasos Tricolor b Dr. Cerebro & Paramedico & Cirujano-DQ, Pentagon Black & Charly Manson & Fuerza Guerrera b Super Parka & Mike Segura & Pantera

  5. February 17, 2002--IWRG results from Naucalpan: Avisman I & Asteroide b Erick Draven & Catman I, Zonik 2000 & Nuevo Multifacetico b Principe de Fuego & Maligno, Cirujano & Paramedico & Guerrillero b Fantasy & Star Boy & Mike Segura, Rambo & Enterrador & Black Tiger b Ultimo Vampiro & Super Parka & Fantasma, Pantera b Fuerza Guerrera to retain IWRG IC middleweight title

  6. February 20, 2002--IWRG TV tapings in Naucalpan: Erick Draven b Asteroide, Guerra C-3 & Nuevo Multifacetico b Super Atlas & Slayer, Rambo & Rambo Jr. b Fantasy & Star Boy-DQ, Los Payasos Tricolor b Dr. Cerebro & Cirjuano & Paramedico, Felino & Blue Demon Jr. & Dandy b Scorpio Jr. & Blue Panther & Pantera

  7. March 10, 2002--IWRG results in Naucalpan: Los Avisman I & II b Erick Draven & Maligno, Vendeval & Black Jaguar b Super Atlas & Caballero Azteca, Engendro & Guerrillero & Paramedico b Ultra Mega & Coco Blanco & Coco Verde, Fantasy & Star Boy & Nuevo Multifaceitco b Oficial & Bombero Infernal & Comando Delta, Tinieblas Jr. & Mega & Super Mega b Black Dragon & Pentagon Black & Dr. Cerebro

  8. March 17, 2002--IWRG results in Naucalpan: Super Atlas & Erick Draven b Meteoro & Asteroide, Black Jaguar & Vendaval b Los Avisman I & II, Zonik 2000 & Ultra Mega & Fantasma Jr. b Comando Delta & Engendro & Oficial, Cirujano & Paramedico & Dr. Cerebro b Star Boy & Fantasy & Nuevo Multifacetico, Fantasma & El Sicodelico Jr. & Ultimo Vampiro b Charly Manson & Pentagon & Black Magic

  9. March 21, 2002--IWRG TV tapings in Naucalpan: Avisman II b Erick Draven, Avisman I & Zonik 2000 b Vendevel & Black Jaguar, Comando Delta & Bombero Infernal & Guerillero b Fantasma Jr. & Fantasy & Galuda, Negro Navarro & Pantera b Ultimo Vampiro & Dandy, Enterrador & Pentagon Black & Charly Manson b Villanos III & IV & Super Parka-DQ

  10. March 24, 2002--IWRG results in Naucalpan: Los Avisman I & II b Principe de Fuego & Maligno, Black Jaguar & Vendaval b Guerra C-3 & Bestia Rubia, Galuda & Ultra Mega & Dr. O'Borman Jr. b Gran Emir & Comando Delta & Engendro, Dr. Cerebro & Paramedico & Cirujano b Star Boy & Fantasy & Nuevo Multifacetico to keep IWRG trios titles, Ultimo Vampiro & Super Yens & Anibal Jr. b Enterrador & Comando Delta & Herodes-DQ

  11. March 31, 2002--IWRG results from Naucalpan: Star Boy & Zonik 2000 b Principe de Fuego & Vendaval, Super Yens & Ultra Mega & Fantasy b Dr. Cerebro & Xibalba & El Engendro, Galuda & Villano IV & Ultimo Vampiro b Enterrador & Comando Deltra & Bombero Infernal, Rambo b Villano III in two straight falls in a bloodbath

  12. April 4, 2002--IWRG TV tapings in Naucalpan: Principe de Fuego b Zonik 2000, Black Jaguar & Caballero Azteca b Guerra C-3 & Super Atlas, Comando Delta & Guerrillero & Engendro b Galuda & Ultra Mega & Fantasy, Ultimo Vampiro & Dandy b Negro Navarro & Pantera (went 43 minutes and reported as the best match in the building in a long time), Black Tiger & Enterrador & Bombero Infernal b Blue Demon Jr. & Anibal Jr. & Tiineblas Jr.

  13. April 8, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Avisman I & Super Atlas b Maligno & Erick Draven, Principe de Fuego & Gran Emir b Vendeval & Zonik 2000, El Engendro & Xibalba & Paramedico b Star Boy & Ultra Mega & Super Yens, Fantasy & Nuevo Multifacetico & Galuda b Dr. Cerebro & Comando Delta & Bombero Infernal, Blue Demon Jr. & Ultimo Vampiro & Anibal Jr. b Scorpio jr. & Pantera & Rambo-DQ

  14. April 14, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Maligno & Erick Draven b Los Avisman I &II, Super Yens & Zonik 2000 b Black Jaguar & Xibalba, Cirujano & Paramedico & Rambo b Mega & Ultra Mega & Nuevo Multifacetico, Dr. Cerebro b Fantasy to keep IWRG welterweight title, Ultimo Vampiro b Bombero Infernal, Vampiro b Pantera, Infernal b Pantera to win middleweight title

  15. April 21, 2002--IWRG results in Naucalpan: Avisman I b Maligno, Black Jaguar b Zonik 2000, Paramedico & Cirujano b Mega & Ultra Mega, Los Payasos Tricolor b Toro Irisson & Comando Delta & El Engendro, Bombero Infernal b Negro Navarro to win Rey del Ring title

  16. May 12, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Meteoro b Cat Man I, Los Avisman I & II b Scualo & Maligno, Los Payasos Tricolor b Xibalba & Black Jaguar & Comando Delta, Dr Cerebro & Bombero Infernal b Coco Rojo & Ultra Mega to win IWRG tag titles (Meta & Ultra Mega were champs, Mega no-showed), Super Parka & Kato Kung Lee & Ultimo Vampiro b Rambo & Enterrador & Cirujano-DQ

  17. May 19, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Ultra Mega & Zonik 2000 & Nuevo Multifacetico b Black Jaguar & Xibalba & Guerrillero, Fantasy & Star Boy & Ultimo Vampiro b El Engendro & Paramedico & Comando Delta, Super Parka & Los Payasos Tricolor b Bombero Infernal & Dr. Cerebro & Rambo & Enterrador in a lumberjack strap match.

  18. July 7, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Scualo & Principe de Fuego b Avisman I & Meteoro, Orion & Nuevo Multifacetico b Black Jaguar & Maligno, Engendro & Moreno Casas & Comando Delta b Los Megas, Dr. Cerebro & Enterrador & Black Terry & Shu El Guerrero b Ultimo Vampiro & Los Brazos Jr., Tony Rivera b Bombero Infernal

  19. July 11, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Orion b Maligno, Nuevo Multifacetico & Danger Star b Principe de Fuego & Moreno Casas, Rambo & Toro Irisson & Comando Delta b El Hijo del Anibal & Kato Kung Lee & Ultimo Vampiro, Villano III & Black Dragon & Felino b Engendro & Enterrador & Ventarron, Dr. Cerebro b Kick Boxer in Vale Tudo rules match

  20. July 21, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Paramedico & Black Jaguar b Meteoro & Guerra C-3, Principe de Fuego & Maligno b Full Contact & Danger Star, Oficial & Vigilante & Guardian b Los Payasos Tricolor-DQ, Fantasy & Ultimo Vampiro & Black Tiger b Bombero Infernal & Dr. Cerebro & Engendro, Santo & Pantera b Black Tiger & Scorpio Jr.-DQ

  21. August 29, 2002--IWRG TV tapings in Naucalpan: Moreno Casas b Danger Star, Comando Delta & Alfa b Zonik 2000 & Nuevo Multifacetico, El Signo & El Hijo del Diablo & Negro Navarro b Kato Kung Lee & Tony Rivera & Fantasy, Black Dragon & Ultimo Vampiro & Negro Casas b Nozawa & Black Tiger & Mazada, Scorpio Jr. won three-way over Tinieblas Jr. and El Hijo de Anibal to keep IWRG heavyweight title

  22. September 29, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Los Avisman I & II b Escualo & Sureno de la Muerte, Mascarita Sagrada & Octagoncito b Pierrothito & Piratita Morgan, Fantasy & Full Contact & Micke Segura b Cerebro Negro & Comando Alfa & Parmaedico, Bombero Infernal d El Hijo del Diablo to keep Rey del Ring title, Fantasma & Mascara Sagrada & Ultimo Vampiro b Comando Delta & Engendro & Enterrador-DQ..

  23. October 6, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Asteroide & Meteoro b Escualo & Sureno de la Muerte, Multifacetico & Perseo Jr. b Erick Draven & Moreno Casas, Mega & Omega & Ultra Mega b Comando Alfa & Delta & Gama, Dr. Cerebro & Fantasy & Micke Segura b Cerebro Negro & Negro Navarro & Paramedico, Bombero Infernal & Engendro & El Hijo del Diablo b Black Dragon & Mascara Sagrada & Villano III..

  24. October 20, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Akuma & Guerra C-3 b Meteoro & Orion, Galaxia R-2 & Guerra C-3 b Los Avisman I & II, Comando Delta & Guardia & Oficial b Los Payasos Tricolor-DQ, Fantasy b Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerebro & Pantera & Tinieblas Sr. & Ultimo Vampiro b Bombero Infernal & Engendro & El Hijo del Diablo & Karma..

  25. November 10, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Orion & Perseo Jr b Akuma & Sureno de la Muerte, Avisman I b Guerra C-3, Multifacetico & Micke Segura & Star Boy b Comando Alfa & Comando Delta & Guardia, Bombero Infernal & El Engendro & El Hijo del Diablo b Cirujano & Dr. Cerebro & Paramedico to win State of Mexico trios titles, Fantasy & Kato Kung Lee Sr. & Ultimo Vampiro b Black Tiger & Juventud Guerrera & Rambo..

  26. December 8, 2002--IWRG in Naucalpan: Asteroide b Cat Man, Akuma & Moreno Casas b Multifacetico & Star Boy, Mascarita Sagrada & Octagoncito & La Parkita b Nine de Calle & Pequeno Violencia & Piratita Morgan, Black Dragon & Fantasy & Kato Kung Lee Sr. b Comando Alfa & Mazada & Rambo-DQ, Atlantis & Mascara Sagrada & Ultimo Vampiro b Black Tiger & Enterrador & Pentagon Black..

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