

Some Indy Feds have their own results section, smaller indy results appear below:
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  1. January 4, 2004--IWRG in Naucalpan: Akuma & Sureno de la Muerte b Panterita & Super Tortuger, Comando Alfa & Comando Gama b Aguila Oriental & Marco Rivera, Avisman II & Cerebro Negro & Zonick 2000 b Avisman I & Hombre Arana & Star boy, Abeja & Hormiga & Mosca b Los Paysos Tricolor, Bat Man & Fantasy & Tinieblas Sr. b Mazada & Nosawa & Universo 2000..

  2. January 18, 2004--IWRG in Naucalpan: Akuma & Conde 2000 b Chamaco Torres & White Man Jr., Colt Master & Star Boy b Caballero Azteca & Monstruo, Avisman II b Avisman I, Mega & Omega & Ultra Mega b Brazo de Oro Jr. & Brazo de Plata Jr. & Brazo de Platino Jr. to keep IC trios titles, Blue Panther & Canek & Super Crazy b Hijo de Anibal & Villanos IV & V. Villano IV & Canek were tearing at each other's masks and issued mask challenges, but Canek didn't accept.

  3. January 25, 2004--IWRG in Naucalpan: Conde 2000 b Panterita del Ring, Carta Brava Jr. & Fantasma de la Opera b Colt Master & Chamaco Torres, Commando Delta & Comando Gama & Garuda (from Japan) b Los Payasos Tricolor, Avisman I b Avisman II to win the Avisman name, Dandy & Pantera & Villano IV b Canek & El Hijo del Diablo & Toro Irisson when V-4 pinned Canek..

  4. February 8, 2004--IWRG in Naucalpan: Panterita del Ring & White Man Jr. b Full Contac & Supercometa, Comando Delta & Comando Gama b Carta Brava Jr. & Fantasma de la Opera, Mega & Omega & Ultra Mega b Cyborg & Guardia & Oficial-DQ, Cerebro Negro & Micke Segura & Rambo b Avisman & Fantasy & Sagrado, Lizmark Jr. & Mil Mascaras & Pantera b Canek & Toro Irisson & Ultimo Guerrero..

  5. February 12, 2004--IWRG in Naucalpan: Mr. Libra & Panterita del Ring b Asteroide & Full Contac, Los Tarascos I & II & III b Fantasma de la Opera & Multifacetico & Star Boy, Comando Alfa & Comando Delta b Mega & Ultra Mega in a non-title to set up a match for the IWRG tag titles probably next week, Lizmark Jr. & Mascara Sagrada & Sagrado b Garuda (not the real one) & Toro Irisson & Veneno, Negro Casas & Scorpio Jr. b Tinieblas Jr. & Villano IV to set up, Villano IV b Tinieblas Jr. in a match where Villano's mask was up against Tinieblas' IWRG heavyweight title..

  6. October 17, 2004--IWRG in Naucalpan: Los Gallos de Jalisco I & II b Boucher & Gato Fenix, Black Shadow & Black Soldier & Mr. Power b Mr. Black & Paramedico & Super Colt, Los Payasos Tricolor b Cyborg & Oficial & Xibalba, Fabian el Gitano & Kung Fu Jr. & Matrix & Micke Segura b Cerebro Negro & Negro Navarro & Scorpio Jr. & El Texano, Villano III b Veneno in a hair vs. hair match..

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