FCWWWECourtesy of Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com

Florida Championship Wrestling returned to Bourbon Street Night Club Tuesday December 18th for its final show of 2007 Bourbon Street is located at 4331 US 19N in New Port Richey. Remember if you attend our shows WE WILL NOT BE RUNNING December 25th and January 1st. Our next Bourbon Street date is January 8th.

(1) Bryan Kelly defeated Tommy Taylor.

This was Kelly’s first match back from a neck injury suffered at the hands of Afa Jr. and Taylor had to have it in his attack plan. Instead after being out wrestled Taylor went with an open hand slap which Kelly fired back to with right hands. Taylor went to the ring apron but came back in the hard way thanks to Kelly. Kelly got two following a bodyslam but rant into a boor on a corner run. Taylor went to work on the neck with a vise like hold as the fans cheered Kelly on. Kelly fought out and went for some punches but got taken down with double leg with an elbow to the chin for two. Taylor hit a legdrop but was late with the cover and got only two which made Taylor upset. So upset he went up top to miss a legdrop. With an injury Kelly hit Taylor with an atomic drop and an elbow drop to the back that got two but Taylor got his foot on the ropes. Kelly went for a backdrop but Taylor saw it and delivered a boot to the jaw followed by a flapjack move that hurt both men. Taylor and Kelly traded forearm shots but Kelly ducked one and scored the win via the backslide.

(2) “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne defeated the debuting “Campus Legend” Brad Allen.

Osborne was extra cocky tonight facing the newcomer from the Carolina college scene. But to Osborne’s surprise Allen was able to go hold for him with the “Bad Seed”, not letting him out of a side headlock. Osborne escaped only to get nearly beat via a school boy roll. But Allan got into serious trouble when he missed a shoulder block to the corner and hit the ring post instead. Osborne went immediately to work on the injured area, driving it into the corner buckles and using submission holds. The good news was Allen escaped the submission holds; the bad news was he kept running into Osborne. That was until he caught Osborne coming off the second rope and hit him in the gut with a punch. Allen went up top and hit a cross bodyblock but Osborne rolled through and wit ha hand full of tights, got the win.

(3) Kevin Kiley & Rycklon defeated “The Carnival Elf” Sinn Bowdee & Afa Jr.

Afa locked up with Rycklon but a shoulder tackle sent the former champion clear to the floor. Afa returned to the ring only to be sent across it with a throw. Bowdee was tagged in and promptly hit with a hip toss that shook off the Santa hat Bowdee was wearing. Rycklon dropped him on top rope and waited for Bowdee to come down. When he did it was as Kiley tagged in with an elbow to the face for two. But Kiley was backed into the wrong corner where he was double teamed as the referee went to restrain Rycklon. Afa and Bowdee took turns beating Kiley from one side of the ring to the other but Kiley refused to be beaten. Kiley got away after Afa’s headbutt intended for him met Bowdee instead. Kiley had enough sense to roll over and cover Bowdee to get the victory.

(4) Doink the Clown defeated Titan.

Before the match Doink left a whip cream pie in the ring for Titan to find. Titan picked it up and demanded Doink show his face. Doink did as he threw another pie into Titan’s eyes. Doink followed with another pie which blinded Titan. But not enough as Titan hit Doink with a clothesline even was he was on one knee. Doink went to the second rope but Titan caught him with a choke only to switch to a sidewalk slam. Titan picked up Doink for a bodyslam that shook the ring and followed with a Bear Hug submission. But Doink refused to submit. So Titan let the hold go and went to the second rope where he missed an elbow drop. Doink took this chance to go up top and hit a butt first bodyblock which got him the upset win.

After the match “Rough House” Ralph Mosca entered the ring to talk to Titan about something they have been talking about in recent months. Mosca said Titan should hire him as a manager to make sure he never lost another match in FCW. After thinking it over, Titan accepted the offer and left with his new advisor.

(5) Nattie Neidhart defeated Nicole of Bella Twins (w/Brianna)

Neidhart was back after an overseas adventure and ready to get back to work beating the FCW Diva’s all over the state. Neidhart and Nicole chain wrestled until Neidhart used the hair for a takeover and that made Nicole mad, fighting back with punches. Nicole went for a head scissor but Neidhart dropped her in the top rope and followed out with chest chops. When Neidhart came back with Nicole it was more punishment to the face and chest. Nicole escaped a waistlock and got a roll up for two but got caught in a sleeper hold. With the fans cheering her on, Nicole escaped the hold only to be sent to the mat with a shot to the throat. Neidhart went back to the sleeper, this time taking Nicole down to the mat making her carry body weight. But Nicole fought to her feet once more this time escaping with shot to Neidhart’s ribs and a takeover. Both ladies struggled to their feet but it was Nicole who got on the attack, using Neidhart’s anger against her with a series of holds including a sit out facebuster that got two. But Neidhart got the last move when Nicole missed a corner move and hit a German suplex with a bridge to win.

It was now time for “Handsome Heath’s Happy Hour” with the least popular Heath Miller. His guest was the enormous Irishmen Sheamus who clearly intimidated Miller. Miller asked Sheamus about being in America after conquering all of Europe. After comparing hair and physiques they got to the subject of people they have wrestled recently namely G-Rilla. That was all the “Rocket Surgeon” needed to hear and he made his way to the ring with Robert Anthony. Anthony said Miller needed to learn not to shoot his mouth off. Anthony said last week Miller needed to cheat to win and asked for a rematch with Sheamus as the fourth man in the bout.

(6) G-Rilla & Robert Anthony defeated “Handsome” Heath Miller & Sheamus.

Anthony and G-Rilla controlled the match until Anthony got caught on the wrong side of the ring and spent several minutes trying to get away from Miller and Sheamus. But despite the vicious beating Miller and his new found friend dished out, Anthony refused to quit fighting back. Anthony thought he got control with a cross bodyblock but Sheamus caught him and hit two backbreakers. Anthony fought out of a Camel Clutch and crawled to his corner where the “Mastodon of Mayhem” was ready to tag in and clear the ring. Miller was hit with two atomic drops before G-Rilla hit a roll over pin for two that Miller barely escaped from. G-Rilla hit Miller with his own version of Rolling Thunder but he took his focus off Miller and got hit with an Acecrusher for two but his top rope bodyblock was turned into a powerslam for the pin by G-Rilla.

(7) In a number one contenders match, Johnny Curtis defeated Chris Gray.

This was a big test for both men with the FCW Commissioner Steve Keirn watching on. They began with some mat wrestling that Curtis controlled until Gray got a single leg takedown. Curtis kicked out and went to an armbar with his hands locked on the shoulder but Gray took him to the ropes, where he missed a punch and got hiptossed. Gray got to his feet but was hit with a clothesline and other moves for two. Gray tried to dump Curtis to the floor but he held on and ended up being suplexed to the floor instead. Curtis followed suit and laid in chops as Gray tried to get to his feet. But Gray turned the tables on Curtis with shots to the left arm and shoulder. The action came back to the ring where Gray kept attacking the arm and shoulder with some European influence. Curtis fought back but got bodyslammed on the injured arm which helped Gray in his cause. Curtis kept fighting back and was able to distance himself from Gray with a back suplex after a hip toss. Curtis hit a sitout slam but Gray kicked out before defeat arrived. Curtis went for a punch but Gray kicked the left arm and used it to float into a hangman’s neckbreaker. The two men traded several near falls but Gray couldn’t kick out of an inside cradle and was defeated.

(8) “Superfan” Chet Douglas & Steve Lewington defeated “The Natural” Nic Nemeth (w/ Big Rob) & Hade Vansen via DQ.

Being a fan of all things wrestling, Douglas cam to the ring sporting a “Natural” t-shirt. Nemeth didn’t seem flattered claiming the shirt was stolen from a lady friend. It didn’t take long before Big Rob tried to help his buddy and FCW Security with the referee’s blessing tossed him from ringside. Nemeth didn’t have time to be angry as he was being beaten senseless by Lewington and Douglas. Vansen was able to tag in but he decided to use some martial arts moves on Douglas who channeled his inner Karate Kid. Vansen’s skills were good but Lewington saved his partner on a corner whip, using his body to shield Douglas from hitting. Nemeth tried the same for Vansen but the two ended up in an unflattering position on the mat which made them furious. Lewington tagged in and allowed Vansen to kick him in the chest a hard as he could. All it did was set up Vansen for a suplex. But he was able to turn the table by using Douglas as a distraction to keep the referee busy long enough for Nemeth to get in a cheap shot. Nemeth and Vansen made several tags working over the British heavyweight by keeping him grounded. But Lewington escaped a chinlock and tagged in Douglas who channeled his inner Batista, but his Batista Bomb was blocked as Vansen came in to aid Nemeth. But the match was called a DQ when Big Rob hit the ring and then Lewington. FCW security’s Matt O’Neal saved Lewington from further damage which only infuriated Big Rob. After things settled down Billy Kidman came into the ring to introduce O’Neal to the fans who had cheered him on. Kidman offered his expertise to train O’Neal for in-ring competition.

(9) Ted DiBiase Jr. became FCW Southern Heavyweight champion when he defeated “The Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson.

This was a rematch from the December 4th event that saw DiBiase lost via DQ when the former champion Afa attacked Wilson. Both men tried to keep the bout mat based with takeovers and side headlocks with neither man giving an inch. That was until DiBiase dumped Wilson to the floor and went to follow. He got to the ropes where Wilson was waiting with a kick right to DiBiase’s jaw. Wilson went to work on DiBiase with a chinlock but the challenger got to his feet and avoided a leg lariat that sent Wilson crashing into the ropes. DiBiase went on the attack using every dirty trick in the arsenal to wear down Wilson before settling in with a rear chinlock. But Wilson fought to his feet only to be sent back to the mat by using Wilson’s front hair as a handle. DiBiase kept on the neck with a corner whip that looked like a car accident. But Wilson fought back only to be hit with a powerslam for two thanks to a cocky cover by the challenger. DiBiase hit a slam and hit a middle rope based double stomp to Wilson’s ribs that got two. DiBiase thought he had the match won when he went p top but Wilson met him and brought him off with a superplex that did damage to both men. When they did get to their feet it was Wilson who was the aggressor hitting a sitout dropkick to DiBiase’s face for two. Wilson was feeling it as he went for the Cloverleaf but DiBiase pushed him to a neutral corner. Wilson fought back with a running boot to the face and a Prefect Plex for two. DiBiase was in big trouble so he saved himself by pulling the referee in front of Wilson’s slingshot dropkick. With the referee down DiBiase locked in the Million Dollar Dream but Wilson fought out and into the Cloverleaf as Afa Jr. came out to steal the championship belt. This made Wilson let go of the hold long enough for DiBiase to get to his feet to grab a rag laced with some kind of substance that rendered Wilson powerless to fight off the effects of the Million Dollar Dream. The referee checked Wilson out and called for the bell declaring DiBiase the winner via submission.

Remember we will not be hosting shows on December 25th and January 1st to allow everyone time to enjoy the holiday with their families. But we will return January 8th 2008. Remember each and every Tuesday you can see the future of wrestling, Florida Championship Wrestling, the developmental territory of WWE at Bourbon Street night Club, 4331 US 19N in New Port Richey. Log onto www.fcwwrestling.com for more information on all the FCW Superstars and Divas plus a new video message from Smackdown Superstar and former World Heavyweight champion Rey Mysterio!!! You never know who from Raw, Smackdown or ECW might come to FCW.

Can’t make it to Bourbon Street, well FCW is coming to a city near you!!

Saturday January 12th we will visit Hernando High School, 700 Bell Avenue in Brooksville with a bell time of 8pm as part of the David Williams Celebrity Tribute to the Troops. The proceeds will benefit the Hernando County Sheriff’s Youth Education Services Foundation and Lea’s Prayers & Postage Inc. $10 is the admission for this event.

On Saturday January 19th we will be at the USA Flea Market 11721 US 19 in Port Richey for a 1pm show.

On January 26th we will return to the Jewish Community Center. The JCC is located at 9841 Scenic Drive in Port Richey and we begin our show at 8pm.