“Nightmare” Ken Wayne a Legendary Wrestling Superstar is our special guest on William Hatfield’s The Wrestling Hotseat Audio Interview Show this week! In this rare audio interview, the always entertaining Ken Wayne speaks with us about his legendary career and some of the greatest moments he’s experienced wrestling all over the world. Ken Wayne has a natural comedic timing and engaging storytelling style, he is able to mix humour and a level of seriousness while covering a wide variety of subjects. If you’ve never heard Ken Wayne talk before, you cannot miss this great show! In this highly entertaining 30 minute audio interview Mr. Wayne goes into great detail to discuss the current state of professional wrestling it’s past, present, and what he’d like to see in the future.
Topics discussed include:
How The Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart was behind the formation of the Nightmares tag team
How wearing a mask helped him to become a better performer
His thoughts and admiration for longtime partner and foe “Nightmare” Danny Davis
The importance of maintaining tradition in wrestling and also how it’s important to change with the times
The growing influence of MMA
Why the American style should be incorporating more Strong Style & MMA realism into matches
Thoughts on his legendary father, promoter Buddy Wayne
Ken Wayne has performed all aspects of the wrestling business, but what would’ve he excelled at had he not been a wrestler
His father’s feelings on him becoming a wrestler
His thoughts on his son Eric becoming a wrestler
Memories of his series of matches with Mando, Hector, & Chavo Guerrero Sr. and a GREAT Chavo Classic story!
His uncensored thoughts on Rob Van Dam and his style of wrestling
Why a history of athletics is crucial and beneficial to training in pro wrestling
His thoughts on Ring of Honor and why he believes they are doing things the right way
Ken tells us about his wrestling school and what makes training with a solid training experience
The upcoming “Graduation” DVD featuring his son Eric Wayne and how the DVD will feature a 60 minute match and the graduation ceremony
Nightmare Ken Wayne runs one of the most prestigious wrestling schools in the country, so for those wanting to expand their knowledge of the
business, Ken runs several classes for beginners, intermediate, and advanced level students. You can visit www.nightmarekenwayne.com for all
the contact information for the school and so much more!!
You can also gear up for Ken’s newest DVD, research the career and see great historic pictures and videos all on www.nightmarekenwayne.com
A special thank you goes out to Brian Thompson of bptbookings@yahoo.com and www.rronews.com for facilitating this fantastic interview.
Mr. Thompson is an official booking agent to Nightmare Ken Wayne, Beautiful Bobby Eaton and many other stars of the Gulf Coast Region.
You can download the interview or listen online at
and while you’re there check out the other interviews with stars of the WWE, TNA, WCW, ECW, and the National Wrestling Alliance,
like “Nightmare” Ken Wayne, Doug Basham, Bill DeMott, “Southern Justice” Jude Justice, “Tradition” Chris Draven,
“Lightning” Mike Quackenbush, “Stone Cold” Shark Boy, “The Damaja” Danny Basham, “The ECW Zombie” Tim Arson, and more!
You can also take the show with you on Itunes at http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=275126496
Direct Download Link http://www.myvirtualbc.com/audiointerviews/kenwayne.mp3
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