Among the topics to be discussed by Alan Wojcik joined contributor Jim Varsallone of the Miami Herald and some of the WTR gang if they are allowed: Fatal Four Way PPV news from Smackdown and Raw including a recap of the “Viewer’s Choice” show, a preview of NXT Season 2 debut in Tampa, the continuing road to TNA Slammiversary 2010 PPV including a breakdown of the event and more.


Online World of Wrestling radio is honored to have the dean of wrestling photographers and magazines BILL APTER who in addition to working for is part of the new Kayfabe Commentaries release Ringside with Terry Funk (available at ). Mr. Apter will take questions from callers as well as from our interactive chat room.

Just when you thought it was safe to stop reading this note along comes former WWE and current ROH star COLT CABANA ,who joins the show to talk about his standup comedy show, time in FCW/WWE, his current place in Ring of Honor and well whatever Colt feels like.  If you loved his interview segments on ROH DVD then get your questions ready for Colt Cabana!

NEW!!! You can now visit our website and which are your links to listen LIVE! The WTR offers an interactive CHAT room to join other listeners in liking or hating the show. Your comments in the room could be read on the air by Alan!

Call the show LIVE, TOLL-FREE at 1- 888-357-9876 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (option 1 tonight) Remember we do accept any and all opinions! Skype users can call Sir Rockin who is our technical producer.

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