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Online World of Wrestling is proud to present OWW Radio hosted by Nick Anthony. On this edition of OWW Radio, we pay tribute to the late, great Jack Brisco.  OWW Radio also welcomes this week’s featured guests; Bob & Pam Allyn, the daughter and son-in-law of the legendary Dean of Wrestling Gordon Solie.

Interview – Bob & Pam Allyn

Bob opened the interview sharing his first memories about the first time he saw Jack Brisco wrestle
Pam called Jack a true grappler and a phenomenal athlete putting him in the in the same class as Lou Thesz and Don Curtis.  Pam called him a gentlemen, soft spoken, had a great sense of humor but was also sensitive at the same time
Bob spoke about Jack’s generosity and how he was willing to drive an hour to Bob and Pam’s house to help with their research when they were starting out as authors despite having had back surgery
Pam talked about Jack Brisco’s NCAA success
Bob mentioned Jack and Gordon Solie’s common interest in watching stock car racing
Pam shared her memories of inducting her father Gordon Solie into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2008.  Pam remembers being scared backstage at WrestleMania as the inductees were waiting to be led out into the arena for their introductions, Jack supported Pam which helped ease her nerves (Gordon Solie and Jack & Jerry Brisco were inducted that same year)
Pam talked about the Florida connection between Jack & Jerry Brisco, Eddie Graham and Gordon Solie within that Hall of Fame 2008 class
Pam and Bob talked about the amateur wrestling influence that Jack was drawn to, and the style being a major part of Florida wrestling
Bob spoke about Gordon Solie’s favourite Jack Brisco match he called; a one hour draw with Dory Funk Jr..  Solie thoroughly enjoyed the Brisco/Funk matches
Pam shared Gordon Solie’s opinion on Jack Brisco as a human being and their close friendship
Pam and Bob mentioned that Jack, Gordon, Lou Thesz, Don Curtis, Brian Blair and a few others would meet up once a month
Pam and Bob talked about the last get together for Gordon before his passing at Gordon’s favourite hang out
The get together with friends (called the Legends Luncheon) continues to this day

Bob shared a funny story involving Jack Brisco, Gordon Solie, Dusty Rhodes and Jim Barnett
Bob & Pam shared a story about Jack’s sensitive side
Jack Brisco and Dory Funk Jr. had 300 matches together
A new NWA belt was made in time when Jack defeated Harley Race for his first NWA Title reign
Bob spoke about Gordon Solie always emphasizing the amazing condition of pro wrestlers because they could endure wrestling for over an hour

Pam shared a story once told her by Gordon Solie where he had Jack Brisco and Dory Funk weigh themselves before their match to see how much weight would be lost during their hour long match, Jack lost 8.5 pounds and Dory lost 12 pounds
Bob & Pam spoke about the humility Jack carried himself and the respect he had for everyone he met
Bob & Pam talked how wrestlers back in Jack’s era had little rest and wrestled through serious injuries
Bob & Pam talked about Jack’s transition into tag team wrestling with his brother Jerry
Bob & Pam talked about the intense Briscos/Funks matches and their friendships outside the ring
Bob & Pam talked about the heels and faces traveling separately in Jack’s era

Bob talked about heels back in the day being attacked by angry fans
Bob & Allyn share their final thoughts on Jack Brisco

OWW Radio would like to thank Bob & Pam Allyn.  Bob & Pam are available to contact at gsolie1@gmail.com.  Bob & Pam are the co-authors of The Solie Chronicles, a biography based on the life and times of the late, great, wrestling announcer Gordon Solie.  The Solie Chronicles is available to purchase from following link http://www.1wrestlinglegends.com/crowbarpress/solie/index-bd.htm
Download this special 2 hour episode from the following links
iTunes Podcast: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
ClickWrestle: http://www.clickwrestle.com/podcasts/owwradio

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