Professional Championship Wrestling
2922 Galleria Drive -Arlington, TX 76011
CONTACT:Chris & Thomas Bussey
817-706-5656 –



Media Advisory: Local, family-owned wrestling arena offers live, weekly matches, interaction with wrestlers; TLC films the action.
Who: PCW Wrestling, the Bussey family, TLC (The Learning Channel), and PCW wrestlers
What: PCW Wrestling and the Bussey family honor wrestling legends Bronko Lubich and “Sweet Brown Sugar” Skip Young on November 17 with five live, family-friendly matches.
Concurrently, TLC (The Learning Channel) will film the matches and the Bussey family for a new reality television show, which will air in early January 2008.


Heroes 2 Legends Fight Card
§ Nobe Bryant vs. Mace Malone
§ PCW CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH – TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: JT LaMotta vs. James Johnson vs. Shawn Daivari (former WWE wrestler)
§ #1 CONTENDER’S MATCH: Franco D’Angelo vs (winner of Qualifier match)
§ PCW TV TITLE MATCH: Brett Idol vs. Shadow (TNA Superstar Lance Hoyt)
§ #1 CONTENDER’S MATCH QUALIFIER: Apocalypse vs. Robert Evans


Tickets are available for purchase at PCW prior to the match and are $20 for front row reserved, $15 for second row reserved, $10 for general admission, and $5 for children ages 10 and under. Visit for more information.
November 17 is $1 beer night; Miller Light Promotional Girls will be present. Concessions are available for purchase.


When: Heroes 2 Legends – Saturday, November 17 at 8:00PM, doors open at 7:20PM. Live matches every Saturday night; visit for schedule.
Where: PCW Wrestling Arena behind Six Flags Mall
2922 Galleria Drive
Arlington, TX 76011
Why: Enjoy live wrestling matches and interact with wrestlers as they fight for their titles. Watch the Bussey family in action. Potentially be filmed by TLC camera crew for the new reality show.
About PCW, the Busseys and their new reality show:
§ PCW Wrestling and The Gym are owned and operated by the Bussey family
§ Mike Bussey (the father) started PCW and The Gym, and his two sons, Chris and Thomas, follow in his footsteps. Cheryl (the mother) runs concessions and helps business operations. Kim Bussey trains as boxer at The Gym and films the wrestling matches for PCW’s proprietary DVDs. The other Bussey siblings also participate in each show and are part of TLC’s new reality show about the Bussey businesses and their family. TLC’s new national reality show will air in early 2008


Company Fact Sheet


Company Name: PCW Wrestling
Founded: 2000
Owners: Thomas and Chris Bussey
Business Profile: Family-owned and operated wrestling arena offering live, weekly, family-friendly wrestling matches.
Headquarters: 2922 Galleria Drive Arlington, TX 76011 Phone: 817-706-5656,
Philosophy PCW wrestlers are the audience members’ wrestlers. Wrestlers train with PCW and stay in the PCW family. Audience can count on their wrestlers competing frequently and consistently.
History: Mike Bussey, family patriarch, started PCW Wrestling and The Gym. Sons Thomas and Chris Bussey are now the owners.
Unique Aspects: The entire Bussey family works at PCW and their training facility – The Gym.
TLC (The Learning Channel) is currently filming the first season of a new television reality show, which will air in early January 2008. The show is about the Bussey family and their businesses.


Thank you,
Chris and Thomas Bussey
Chris – 817.706.5656
Thomas – 817.538.7278