AEW Fight For The Fallen Results
July 13, 2019
Jacksonville, Florida
Results by: Mike Tedesco of
A video opens the show that showcases all the big matches that will take place on tonight’s AEW Fight For The Fallen.
MJF, Sammy Guevara, and Shawn Spears vs. Darby Allin, Jimmy Havoc, and Joey Janela
Shawn Spears demanded Justin Roberts announce him as “The Chairman.” The commentators wondered how Spears would get along with MJF because MJF considers himself Cody’s best friend. Darby Allin’s ribs are taped up from the Coffin Drop on the apron two weeks ago at AEW Fyter Fest.
MJF will start against Joey Janela. MJF talks some trash, so Janela hits a hip toss and dropkicks him in the face. MJF talks a little trash to Shawn Spears. Janela tags in Jimmy Havoc, who bites MJF’s fingers. Havoc then bends MJF’s arm and stomps it. Havoc wrenches the arm and bits MJF’s fingers again. MJF turns the wrench on him, but Havoc takes him down with a snapmare and covers for a two count. Havoc bits the fingers again. MJF distracts the referee and pokes Havoc in the eyes. MJF then hits a scoop slam before tagging in Sammy Guevara. Janela also tags back in. Guevara quickly kicks Janela and sends him to the corner for an enzuigiri. Janela avoids a springboard and hits a German Suplex into the turnbuckles! Havoc tags back in, but Guevara knees him. Havoc responds with a shot to the back of the head. Havoc hits the ropes, hits Spears, and boots Guevara in the face. Havoc goes for a diving double stomp, but Guevara moves. Guevara then knees Havoc in the face.
Shawn Spears tags in to loud boos. Darby Allin demands to be tagged in, and he tags in to a big reception. Allin feels Spears upstaged him at Fyter Fest. Spears tags out to Guevara. Allin won’t take his eyes off Spears. Guevara tries to gain his attention and flips him off. Allin takes him down and applies an arm bar. Allin springboards off the top rope with an arm drag. Janela tags in and hits a running shoulder. Janela sends him to the corner and dives, but Guevara moves. Janela comes back with a hurricanrana. Guevara reverses a whip and dropkicks Janela down. MJF tags back in, and the crowd loudly boos him. MJF gets on the apron with Janela. Janela lifts him, but MJF slides off and snaps him off the top rope. MJF then forearms him, and Janela hits the ground hard!
Spears tags back in, puts Janela in the ring, and stomps him down in the corner. Spears hits a big back suplex before stomping him. Spears viciously chops him, and Guevara gets a cheap shot in. Guevara tags in, and he chops Janela in the corner. Guevara rakes the face in the corner before hitting a snapmare and applying a chin lock. Janela fights up, but Guevara takes him down and double stomps him. Spears tags in, but MJF blind tags in hard. MJF takes Janela down and taunts the crowd. MJF does a cartwheel, mocks Spears’ “10” taunt, and gives him a double middle finger. Janela clotheslines Spears down, and MJF takes out Janela. MJF shouts at Spears.
Havoc and Guevara tag in. Havoc viciously takes him down. Havoc takes MJF down and slams Spears onto him. Guevara quickly tackles Havoc into the corner and taunts the crowd. Jim Ross talks about the egos in the match. MJF gets knocked into Spears in the corner. Havoc then uses MJF’s back as a platform to hit Guevara with a superplex. Havoc gets MJF and Spears out of the ring. Allin blind tags in. Guevara takes Havoc out of the ring. Allin hits a slingshot stunner for a two count. Spears broke up the pin. MJF sends Janela into the corner. Havoc then hits the Acid Rainmaker! Guevara then takes Havoc out. 10 minutes have passed. Guevara attacks Allin in the corner. Guevara goes for a shooting star to the floor on Janela, but lands on his feet when he moves. Guevara hits a suicide dive on Havoc before hitting a Fosbury Flop on Janela. Guevara then hits a Spanish Fly on Allin for a near fall! An “AEW” chant fires up. Guevara cannot believe Allin kicked out. Allin is clutching at his injured ribs. Guevara goes to the top rope, but Janela grabs him and hits a Death Valley Driver on the apron! Spears gets Guevara in the ring and tags himself in. Allin rolls MJF up thinking he’s the legal man, but Spears grabs him and hits a ushigoroshi. Spears follows up with a Death Valley Driver for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: MJF, Sammy Guevara, and Shawn Spears
MJF teases attacking Shawn Spears, but he backs off. Highlights are shown from this match.
Shad Khan, owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars and father of Tony Khan, is shown at ringside. Calais Campbell of the Jaguars is also at ringside. Eddie and Chuck Farah, sponsors of Fight For The Fallen, are at ringside as well. Private Party also have a seat.
Alex Jebailey is at ringside, but Atlas Security escorts him away.
Video Package: Brandi Rhodes vs. Allie
Allie vs. Brandi Rhodes w/ Awesome Kong
Brandi goes for a handshake, and Allie obliges. All of a sudden, Awesome Kong’s music hits. Brandi smiles. Kong smiles.
Brandi goes to attack Allie from behind, but Allie cuts her off. The bell rings. Allie takes her down, but Brandi makes a comeback. Allie hits a Russian Leg Sweep before hitting a senton splash for a two count. Allie chops the chest and looks at Awesome Kong. Brandi reverses a whip to the corner, but Allie hits a springboard cross-body block. Allie gets on the apron and kicks Brandi back. Allie then goes outside and stares at Awesome Kong. Kong invites her to attack, but Allie declines. Brandi then baseball slides Allie down. Brandi smiles and poses. Brandi stomps Allie and talks some trash. Brandi grabs a bottle of water, takes a sip, and pours it on Allie. Brandi bounces Allie off the apron and puts her in the ring. Brandi hits a running knee for a one count. Brandi bounces Allie in the corner and stomps away at her. Allie turns her and forearms away at her in the corner. Brandi hooks a side headlock, but Allie whips her off. Brandi shoulder blocks her down and kicks her in the face for a near fall. Brandi punches Allie and chokes her on the ropes. Brandi picks up another two count.
Kong looks like she’s enjoying this match. Allie fights back at Brandi and kicks her down. Allie hits the ropes, but Kong grabs the ankles. Allie is furious. Brandi knees her in the back and hits a (kind of) German Suplex for a near fall. Brandi pie faces her and talks some trash. Allie ducks a kick and rolls her up for a near fall. Allie blocks a bicycle kick and hits a neckbreaker. Awesome Kong is looking psychotic at ringside now. The referee is counting both women down, but they’re up at eight. They trade forearms with Allie coming out on top. Allie takes her down and hits some running elbows in the corner. Allie gets pumped up and hits a sliding forearm. Allie picks up a near fall.
Brandi elbows her, but Allie comes back with a bulldog for a near fall. Allie sets up for a move, but Brandi gets out. Brandi boots her back and hits a tornado suplex for a near fall. Brandi slaps the mat in frustration. Allie soon takes Brandi down with a superkick and hits a running Death Valley Driver. Allie covers, but Kong pulls Brandi to the ropes to break up the pin. Allie is irate and talks a little trash to Kong. Brandi catches Allie with an inside cradle for a near fall. Allie applies a dragon sleeper, but Kong gets on the apron. The referee doesn’t see Brandi tap out. Allie releases and yells at the referee. Brandi rakes the eyes and hits a Bionic Spear for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Brandi Rhodes
Brandi Rhodes talks a little trash to the crowd while Awesome Kong stands alongside her. They high five. Brandi then attacks Allie before sending her into Kong. Kong sets up, but AJA KONG WALKS OUT ONTO THE STAGE! Aja Kong walks to the ring, and Awesome Kong looks stunned. Aja Kong gets in the ring and goes face-to-face with Awesome Kong. Referees run down to break them up. Brandi convinces Awesome Kong to walk away. Aja Kong stares at Awesome Kong as she walks off. Aja Kong then helps Allie up, and they leave together.
Winners advance to All Out to compete for 1st round bye
The Dark Order vs. Jack Evans and Angelico vs. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus w/ Marko Stunt
Stu Grayson and Jack Evans start the match. Grayson chops the chest and grabs him coming off the ropes with a springboard. Grayson slams him down and viciously throws him to the corner. Angelico tags in and punches Grayson. They hit the ropes, and Grayson dropkicks him down. Grayson hits a torture rack slam. Evil Uno tags in and bits Angelico. Angelico kicks Uno and tags in Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy hits a springboard arm drag followed by a hurricanrana and a dropkick. The crowd loudly cheers Jungle Boy. Uno quickly rips at the face to stop the momentum. Uno argues with the referee before using him a shield from Jungle Boy. Uno then hits a neckbreaker. Luchasaurus is tagged in while Uno taunts the crowd. Uno immediately tags Evans in.
Evans pumps himself up and tries to shove Luchasaurus, but Luchasaurus doesn’t budge. Luchasaurus takes him down and throws him across the ring. Luchasaurus boots Evans and German Suplexes him. Jungle Boy tags in and gets some shots. Grayson tags in on Evans, and Grayson takes him down. Grayson fights back and sends him out of the ring. Uno slams Jungle Boy on the apron. Grayson hits a slingshot senton to the floor. Uno picks up a one count. Grayson tags in, and The Dark Order stomps Jungle Boy down in the corner. The crowd boos them. Grayson chops Jungle Boy down and tags in Uno. Jungle Boy tries to fight The Dark Order off, but Uno stops him. The crowd is chanting for Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy then catches Grayson with an enzuigiri. Uno quickly tags in and knocks Luchasaurus off the apron. Jungle Boy goes for a tag to Evans and Angelico, but Uno pulls them off the apron. Uno takes Jungle Boy down and hits a senton bomb for a near fall. Uno knocks Jungle Boy down. Marko Stunt flips off Uno.
Luchasaurus tags in, as does Grayson. Luchasaurus takes him down before attacking Evans and Angelico. Luchasaurus hits a standing moonsault, and the crowd is going crazy. Luchasaurus then chokeslams Evans out of the ring onto Angelico. Jungle Boy then wipes them out with a shooting star press. Luchasaurus hits a tombstone facebuster, but Uno breaks it up. Luchasaurus slams Uno down and tags Jungle Boy in. Grayson hits Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus with an overhead kick. Evans tags in, and he hits Jungle Boy with a running forearm. Evans and Angelico hit a double-team, but Uno comes in. Evans and Angelico take him out. They hit an assisted 450 splash for a near fall. Angelico tags in and hits Jungle Boy with a BT Bomb in the corner. Evans tags in, but Marko Stunt interferes. Stunt hits Evans with a top rope hurricanrana, and the referee ejects him from ringside. Luchasaurus gets in the ring, and Stunt climbs on him. Luchasaurus then presses him out of the ring onto Angelico.