www.WrestlersRescue.org would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of support for James “Kamala” Harris through its Kamala Campaign Fund!

Friends & Fans of The Ugandan Giant have been generous & gracious with their time, money & effort in their desire to assist Kamala as he recovers from double-leg amputation.  And Now, Kamala’s PEERS have reached out to help this Gentle Giant!  Wrestling Superstar Jeff Jarrett (WWE, WCW, TNA) has DONATED an AUTOGRAPHED ACOUSTIC GUITAR to be auctioned for this worthy cause!

The money generated from this Autographed Guitar Auction – and the www.WrestlersRescue.org Kamala Campaign Fund – will go toward Kamala’s medical care, basic living costs & a myriad of other expenses as he transitions into a more handicapped-accessible world.

The auction will start at 8pm on Monday June 11th and will end at 8pm Friday the 15th.  

If can donate to the Kamala Campaign Fund through Paypal by visiting: www.WrestlersRescue.org


you can Send Memorabilia for Auction to:

Wrestler’s Rescue

c/o Kamala

1162 Saint Georges Ave.

Suite 313

Avenel, NJ  07001

We express our heartfelt gratitude to Jeff Jarrett for his gift.  For Auction-Site, Start-Time & all other pertinent info regarding the Kamala Campaign Fund, please visit www.WrestlersRescue.org.  You can also visit: www.TheUgandanGiantKamala.com where Kamala sells all kinds of merchandise, including a CD with songs written & performed by the Living Legend himself!


Dawn Marie
1162 Saint Georges Avenue
Suite 313
Avenel, New Jersey, 07001
Cell: 908-565-0388
Fax: 732-548-5875