Weomen Superstars Uncensored returned to Boonton, NJ this past Saturday night, 8/22 at the Boonton Elks Lodge for two DVD tapings. In front of one of the biggest crowds ever at the Boonton Elks Lodge, the following took place:

WSU DVD Taping One
#1 Spirit Championship Contender Match
Amber d. Roxxie Cotton
After the match, Rick Cataldo ran out to attack Roxxie, as he was upset about losing the rights to the Beatdown Betties name. Annie Social came out to save her Beatdown Betties partner. Social said even though Roxxie has aspirations of winning the Spirit Championship and that both women are focusing on their single careers, the Beatdown Betties always have each others backs. Roxxie said the next time Cataldo and Roxxie square off, it will be a Loser-Leaves-WSU Match.

Amber O’Neal d. Annie Social
Many fans called this the second best match of the night and a show stealer, as the debuting Amber O’Neal tore it up with the always improving and in-your-face Annie Social.  These two had a long bout, that O’Neal eventually was able to win. Despite being welcomed to WSU by the WSU faithful, O’Neal blew off the fans.
Jessicka Havok & Hailey Hatred d. Ariel & Cindy Rogers
In what was supposed to be Havok/Hatred vs Pierce/Morrison, Havok & Hatred came to the ring and said Pierce canceled the match. Havok/Hatred put out an open challenge to anyone who would take them on, as Havok & Hatred said they were the best in the mid-west and came to WSU for the best competition. The returning Cindy Rogers answered the call and accepted the challenge, as Rogers introduced one of her real-life best friends, the debuting Ariel! Ariel said it was great to finally be in WSU and wanted to see what the best in the mid-west were all about.
In a grueling tag team match, Havok/Hatred were able to defeat these two single stars who have held multiple championships during their careers. After the match, Ariel & Rogers shook hands, signaling that despite the loss, the two remain allies in WSU.
Kylie Pierce d. Lea Morrison
Kylie Pierce came out to the ring with Lea and berated her. Pierce was upset that Morrison entered the Spirit Championship last week and snuck that title opportunity spot from her. Pierce said that Morrison was an embarrassment and that it was time for Pierce to teach her a lesson.
Pierce soundly defeated Morrison in a match that saw the teacher humiliate the student. Morrison’s confidence looks to have been broken by Pierce.
WSU Spirit Championship Match
(c) Latasha d. Jana
In a wild brawl, this feud that has been going on for nearly a year, saw these two brawl into the streets of Boonton. These two tore each other up and spent more time out of the ring than in it! Eventually Latasha, who has been on the  losing end of this feud as of late, was able to pin Jana out of no-where. Jana flipped out after the match and it looks like we haven’t even scratched the surface between these two!
WSU Tag Team Championship Match
(c) Brooke Carter & Alicia d. Rain & Angel Orsini via DQ
In another intense and electrifying match, these two teams went at it tooth and nail. However, when the referee was knocked down by Rain, Rain wanted to take a short-cut and wanted her new employee, Angel Orsini, to do the dirty work. Orsini was handed a chair by Rain to blast Brooke Carter with, but Orsini refused to do it, having a new found respect for Carter after their recent battles in August.  Rain flipped out that Orsini wasn’t listening and taking her orders, so she grabbed the chair and destroyed Brooke with it. Unfortunately for Rain, the referee saw Rain use the chair and DQ’d Rain & Orsini. Rain went ballistic and if you weren’t there, you will want to see the DVD for Rains post-match reaction where she went bonkers.
Missy Hyatt hosted the latest “MISSY’s MANOR”, which featured the Wedding Shower of Rick Cataldo & Sean Hanson. As  you can imagine, this got class-less real fast. Both exchanged gifts and Hanson even gave himself a gift- a bottle of sugary and feminine “Twizted Tea” which made the crowd chant alcoholic. Hanson announced that Cataldo/Cotton was official for the next show in a loser-leaves-WSU match. Hanson then changed the subject and said that even though he has had women in the northeast and New England areas, and perhaps even created a little mischief in his life, it was his father who was a homosexual, which in turn gave Hanson his homosexual genes.  Hanson said that he’s given into his homosexual urges and said it was finally time to give the fans what they wanted, by allowing the fans to watch them make out for the first time. This led to Missy Sampson coming out. Sampson said after what she went through this week (her father passed away) Hanson had s ome fucking balls to come out and say what he said. Missy said while Cotton/Cataldo was booked to be a loser-leaves match, there was another Loser-Leaves-WSU Match booked for the second taping, and announced that it would be Missy Sampson vs Sean Hanson, much to the delight of the crowd! Sampson said she was going to give Hanson a taste of what’s to come, but before she attacked Hanson, Sampson put on the Big Van Missy mask to a huge reaction, which led to Cataldo & Hanson getting out of Dodge!
WSU World Championship Match
No  Time-Limit Match
(c) Mercedes Martinez d. Nikki Roxx at the 35 Minute Mark
Mercedes Martinez is laying claim as being the best WSU World Champion of all-time. Coming off a historic 70 minute Iron-Woman match with Angel Orsini on 6/6, Martinez was pushed to the limit by Nikki Roxx here. This match was incredible, as both of these women know each other. After wrestling to a draw on 8/8, this match was made a No-Time Limit match to ensure there would be a winner.
This match saw counter after counter. We actually saw Martinez use Roxx’s BARBIE CRUSHER finisher on Roxx for a near-fall, which Roxx countered with by hitting Martinez’s signature BRAINBUSTER on Martinez for a near fall. However, after 35 minutes, Roxx got caught on the top rope. Martinez quickly saw the situation at hand and brainbustered Roxx from the top rope for the 1-2-3, which brought every fan to their feet. Another womens Match of the Year Candidate.
After the match, Rain & Orsini came out and attacked both Roxx & Martinez. Rain & Orsini beat both down, as Rain made it clear she wants the WSU Championship at any cost. However, Roxx & Martinez were able to fight them off. Martinez & Roxx then challenged Orsini/Rain to a tag team match at the second DVD taping. The war of words were fiery here and if you want pure emotion, unbridled fury and just maniacal rage, you will want to see what these two teams said to each other.
After a brief intermission, WSU returned with the second half of the show, with another DVD taping.
Jennifer Cruz d. Jana
In what may be the biggest upset in WSU all year, Cruz defeated perennial title contender, Jana in the middle of the ring. In Jana’s defense, Jana who previously defeated three women last week in the Spirit Championship Tournament with her Jana-Vice, had Cruz locked in the Jana Vice. That is when Latasha came out. Latasha distracted Jana, and Jana broke the hold, allowing Cruz to roll-up Jane from behind! Jana went completely bezerk after the match and it looks like that now Latasha is in Jana’s head as the tables have been turned in this feud.
Winner Guaranteed A Spirit Championship Match
Fatal Four Way Elimination Match
Ariel d. Kylie Pierce, Lea Morrison & Annie Social
The frustration between Pierce & Morrison reached a fever pitch in this match, when Morrison refused to lie down for Pierce. These two went at it hard in this match. Pierce was able to eliminate Annie Social by hook & crook, but then Morrison was able to defeat Pierce, in what set Pierce off big-time! Pierce attacked Morrison after being eliminated, which allowed Ariel, who said after the match that she didn’t want to win the match this way, to pick up the scraps.
Amber O’Neal d. Cindy Rogers
It seems that making a “fucking splash” in WSU would be an understatement for Amber O’Neal. After having a show-stealing match with Annie Social, these two turned it up and had a classic see-saw battle of a match. In the end Amber was able to get by Rogers, who some have speculated may have a bit ring-rust.
WSU Spirit Championship Match
(c) Latasha d. Amber
Latasha went 2-0 on 8/22 and was able to continue her reign as Spirit Champion by defeating Amber in a hard-fought match. However, backstage WSU cameras caught Jana attacking Latasha as soon as Latasha got behind the curtain! Jana destroyed Latasha and left Latasha laying in bloody heap. While Latasha may have found it funny to laugh at Jana for losing to Jennifer Cruz earlier in the night, Jana made sure that Latasha wouldn’t have last laugh.
Rick Cataldo d. Roxxie Cotton
In a match that has to be seen to be believed, Cataldo used his bag of tricks (and Hanson) to get by Cotton. Where Cotton goes from here is unknown. Cotton looked dejected after the match, perhaps realizing she would have to settle  going to weaker places where the competition isn’t that high as WSU. However, there were rumblings that Cotton planned on protesting to WSU considering Cataldo didn’t wrestle the match fair & square.
While celebrating Cataldo’s win, Big Van Missy ran out and we had our impromptu
Big Van Missy d. Sean Hanson in less than 2 minutes
This was a complete kill-job as Big Van Missy dedicated this match to her recently deceased father. Missy destroyed Hanson and WSU fans finally got their wish – Sean Hanson will never wrestle in a WSU ring again!
Big Van Missy celebrated her win in the ring and what happened next was one of the most disgusting, humiliating and classless acts we’ve ever seen. Typing this up does not give you the proper image of what happened which is why we encourage you to see the DVD if you weren’t there.
Havok & Hatred came out and beat Big Van Missy to near-death. That is not an exaggeration or wrestling hyperbole.  Havok & Hatred said they would fucking beat Missy Sampson to death so she could join her dead father. That wasn’t even the worst of what they said, but in respect to Sampson and her recently deceased feather, we will not recap any more of what was said, only to say if you want to see why Havok & Hatred became the most hated people in WSU overnight, then get the DVD.
Not satisfied by hospitalizing Missy Sampson, Havok & Hatred turned their verbal assault onto Alicia & Brooke Carter. Havok & Hatred said Alicia will regret that she ever came out of retirement and called Carter a “rat”. Clearly, Havok & Hatred crossed the line and have no respect for anyone. Despite being new comers to WSU, Havok & Hatred have made it clear that they will step on the throats and stab anyone in the back if it satisfies them.
WSU Tag Team Match
Jessicka Havok & Hailey Hatred d. (c) Alicia & Brooke Carter to become NEW WSU Tag Team Champions
In a hard-hitting and fiercely fought war, Havok & Hatred were able to beat the champions to win the championships.  WSU has never seen a team like Havok/Hatred and after their actions on 8/22, they will become number 1 targets for many WSU stars. Carter was also purposely injured by Havok/Hatred during the match as Havok/Hatred have no respect or care in the world for anyone. One thing is for sure, on 10/3, Alicia & Carter will be amped up like never before when they take on Havok/Hatred in a rematch.
Angel Orsini & Rain d. Nikki Roxx & WSU World Champion Mercedes Martinez
This was another dramatic match with many twists and turns, as a big story was told by the “Top 4” in WSU. After 20 minutes, we saw Martinez going for a clothesline on Rain, only for Rain to duck the move and Roxx to be hit out of it.  With Roxx on the floor and Martinez temporarily startled, Rain capitalized and hit her patented implant DDT for the clean 1-2-3 on the WSU World Champion. This is the first time Martinez has been cleanly pinned in competition in her championship reign.
After the match, Orsini & Rain slowly watched the ring from the floor, as they knew that the best, in their minds, was yet to come. Roxx and Martinez got to their feet, with Roxx helping Martinez, as earlier we saw Martinez help Roxx to her feet. However, Roxx had other plans and destroyed Martinez with a barbie crusher! Orsini  & Rain hit the ring, and Rain beat up Martinez some more.
Rain introduced the newest stable in WSU, herself/Orsini/Roxx, clearly a group that no one could match power with, as Roxx has become Rain’s latest employee.  Rain said what the three have in common was that all three of them have been on/wrestled on TV, while Martinez just watches them on TV.
Rain told Orsini to finally destroy Martinez once and for all. Rain handed Orsini a steel chair, a chair Orsini would not use earlier in the show. Rain told Orsini to fucking do it now. Orsini was handed the chair, but instead of blasting Martinez, Rain got smashed with the chair!  Orsini then went head hunting on Nikki Roxx and Roxx left the ring.
With Roxx/Rain on the floor, Orsini helped Martinez up. Orsini then cut one of the most intense and realisitic speeches we’ve ever heard in WSU. MUST SEE DVD!
Orsini said that she built the WSU Championship up and while she knows she can’t get a shot at Martinez due to the Ironwoman match stipulation, she’d rather see a fighting champion than a cunt like Rain with the belt. Orsini said the WSU Championship is the most important championship in womens wrestling today and could not go thru with being Rain’s employee and seeing the belt treated as a prop or as a toy.
Orsini said that despite everything Martinez and herself have gone thru, Orsini has all the respect for Martinez in the world and more importantly respects the WSU World Championship and what that belt means. Orsini said she didn’t kill herself, giving up a year of her life as champion to see someone like Rain walk in and just try to weasel her way in as champion.
Martinez then grabbed the mic and backed up Orsini, giving a fiery speech about the WSU World Title and what it represents. Martinez says she knows Roxx is booked all over the world these days since she’s left TNA, but only in WSU will Roxx get the beating of her life. Martinez challenged Roxx to a match anywhere anytime, whether it’s on 10/3, at NWS, at ACE, CZW or wherever.
Orsini challenged Rain to a match on 10/3. Orsini made it clear that she’s beaten Rain before (Finals of 2009 J-Cup Tournament) and now will rip Rain from limb-to-limb.
As the show was coming to a close, and with Roxx/Rain in the back, the entire WSU locker room, sans Rain/Roxx, came to the ring with a birthday cake for Angel Orsini. Orsini, who’s 29th birthday is in two days (She says she’s 29, and WSUWrestling.com didn’t have the stones to challenge her on that claim, as we did not want the “Kiss of Death”) was sung happy birthday by WSU fans and the wrestlers.
WSU returns on 10/3 with the following announced:
Angel Orsini vs Rain
Jessicka Havok & Hailey Hatred vs Alicia & Brooke Carter
More matches to be announced soon!
Also appearing: Mercedes Martinez, Malia Hosaka, Jana, Latasha, Jennifer Cruz & more!
Stay tuned to WSUWrestling.com for much more as we are updating the site every day.
We hope to have these DVDs in your mail box in three weeks time.
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We have new videos, pictures and live results, plus late-breaking news on the facebook page at all times.
Thank you to all the fans who came out for the biggest womens wrestling show of the summer!