The latest episode of FIP Radio, which features Dave Crist as the special guest, is available for download at:

MSL: And we are back on FIP Radio! And this is a first on FIP Radio, we’ve actually recorded an interview, on the way to a show! I’m sitting in the car with Nick Holler, as he drives down the great highways on Florida. And I’ve got Irish Airborne in the car. And we’re gonna’’ talk to Dave Crist, one half of Irish Airborne. Dave, you’re about to make your FIP debut tonight. What’s going through your head?

DC: Right now there’s a lot of nerves, a lot of thoughts circling around my head. I just don’t know what to expect.

MSL: Yeah, anything goes in FIP. I don’t know if you’ve heard, that’s kind of our slogan here.

DC: That’s what I’ve heard, I heard you guys are real intense down here.

MSL: There’s no match makers. Basically, the inmates run the asylum down here in FIP.

DC: That’s what I’ve heard.

MSL: And you and your brother Jake have kind of made your names up in Ring of Honor, and you’re coming down to FIP for the first time. And Ring of Honor, a very…what would the phrasing be for this Nick? Let’s just say it’s a very serious promotion. And you come down to FIP, a little more laid back, a little more relaxed. You don’t even know who your opponents are tonight!

DC: That is correct. Normally we would know who we are facing coming into the show. Tonight we do not know. So we were not able to mentally prepare for the match we are going to have tonight.

MSL: Can’t scout your opponents, can’t watch tapes. It could be anything tonight. Maybe it’s a hardcore match, against the Necro Butcher and Mad Man Pondo, maybe there’s luchadores coming in from Mexico. You can be involved in any sort of thing. I just saw the expression on Jake’s face. You’re looking forward to maybe some luchadores tonight? Gives me the thumbs up!

DC: Well I’m down with some luchadores, but I don’t know about the hardcore death match stuff. That’s not something that we do often.

MSL: So anything’s possible here. Now for people that are not familiar with Irish Airborne, tell the fans of FIP Radio, how did you guys get your start, who trained you guys, where you been working the past few years?

DC: Well actually we’ve been wrestling now for 4 years. We were trained by a guy by the name Bill Covaleski. We furthered our training at Heartland Wrestling Association with Cody Hawk, and Les Thatcher. And we pretty much have been working for IPW, DCW, HWA, IWA-Mid South, and here recently with Ring of Honor.

MSL: Now I’ve seen you guys compete in Ring of Honor many times, and FIP of course the sister promotion of Ring of Honor, so it’s long over due, that you guys make your FIP debut. Now, looking at the FIP landscape, some of the great teams in FIP, like the Briscoe Brothers, like the Heartbreak Express, like the YRR, who are young, rich, and ready for action, who would you guys like to face? If you could pick your opponents tonight, who would they be?

DC: Well to tell you the truth, I would love to get in the ring with the Briscoes. I mean, we’ve had a couple of encounters with them, and each time, I feel we’ve had good matches with them. And I think we’re not too far away from getting that victory that we need.

MSL: So let’s assume maybe you guys are able to pick up the big win tonight. Tomorrow night, in Crystal River, try to set your self up, for a shot at the FIP Tag Team titles with the Briscoe Brothers. What would it mean to you guys, if you were to capture the FIP Tag Team titles?

DC: Well actually, it would definitely be very prestigious. We would definitely rank it very high in things and accomplishments we’ve achieved. So I just am really looking forward to being here, really looking forward to having fun, and just seeing what FIP is all about.

MSL: Now, what is kind of the philosophy behind the Irish Airborne? What are you guys about? What do you guys do in your spare time? What goes into creating this tag team?

DC: Well, my brother’s very laid back, he’s a real quiet guy. We both enjoy playing golf. I’m kinda’ more of a crazier guy, we both enjoy paintball. I’m a little bit more of the Leroy Jenkins, if you will, ready to go out there and do some suicide runs. I’m more of the crazier one, if you want to categorize this.

MSL: So that shows in the ring as well?

DC: My brother, he’s more of the technician. I’m more of the razzle-dazzle.

MSL: Ok now you mentioned that you play golf.

DC: I do play golf!

MSL: And I woke up, probably about an hour ago. Came downstairs to eat some Wheaties. You guys were sitting in the living room, and “The Living Legend” Larry Zbysko, was watching the Golf Channel.

DC: That is correct.

MSL: Were you able to pick up any golf tips from him? He has played on the Senior Tour in the past, probably one of the greatest golfers in professional wrestling.

DC: Actually, yes. We sat there and shot the breeze with him. He gave us some techniques that we might want to try. And we’re looking forward to putting that to use on the golf course.

MSL: So did you ever think, as you fly down to Florida, you mentioned earlier, you guy had to wake up at 4 in the morning, to make that flight. Did you think you’d come to Florida, and instead of talking about wrestling, maybe watching tapes of your opponents, instead you’re watching the Golf Channel, and working on your golf game?

DC: It was really weird, because it’s not something that we normally do at a wrestling show, it’s not something we normally do on a wrestling trip. Most of the time we’re very business oriented, we’re very “get in there”, see what our opponents are like, and just do it.

MSL: Now while you’re in town, I know a lot of the Ring of Honor wrestlers love to come down to FIP, it’s kinda’ like a mini vacation. Are you guys going to try to check out any of the tourist stops here in Florida, or are you solely focused on golf and pro wrestling?

DC: Well, unfortunately, we’re going to have to put the golf aside. Right now we are focused on pro wrestling. We are looking to get our names out there, we want to get bigger and strong. So we’re going to do anything it takes to take our game to the next level.

MSL: So no Disney World, no Universal Studios….

DC: None of the sorts. We’re watching tapes, we’re gonna’ buckle down tonight, we’re gonna’ sit in our hotel room and study a lot of tapes.

MSL: Now when we get to Melbourne, in about 45 minutes or whatever else is left on our drive, have you given any thought to maybe going into the locker room, and maybe gossiping a little bit, see maybe if you can find out who your opponents are, maybe even find out who your opponents are tomorrow night?

DC: Well, we’re definitely going to go in there and mingle a little bit. Say hello to the guys that we already know, introduce ourselves to the guys we don’t know. And we’re definitely going to snoop around, and see maybe who our opponents are for tonight and tomorrow.

MSL: Because I think really, we need to go into private detective mode. And maybe I can help you guys with this.

DC: Hey, I’m down!

MSL: And even if we can’t find out who you’re facing tonight, let’s try to find out who you’re facing in Crystal River. Because if you are as focused as you say, and I believe you, you seem like an honest guy, if you are not going to Disney World tomorrow, maybe we can track down some footage, from the FIP library, and whoever your facing tomorrow, and study some tape tonight, and tomorrow afternoon. So if you have any detective strategies? I don’t know if they really teach that in wrestling school.

DC: Well let me go ahead, I know the fans can’t see this, but does this look like the face of a liar?

MSL: No, of course not.

DC: Definitely not. I’m very all business, I’m very kick-ass, take some names. And yeah actually, I do have a few detective things up my sleeve, that we might be able to use tonight.

MSL: Now if you are a man who tells the truth, if you are not a liar, could that possibly hinder your effort of your devious nature might needed to obtain this information that we seek?

DC: Well, I’m going to do what it takes to grasp the knowledge that I need. To grasp the knowledge it’s going to take to possibly get us a victory tomorrow. So I wouldn’t necessarily see that as being cheating, or being deceiving, I would look at that as bettering my opportunities.

MSL: Ok well here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to get to the building, I’m going to put Nick on the case. Nick you are officially in charge of finding out who their opponents are tomorrow night. And what we’ll do is, we’ll talk to Jake after your match tonight, we’ll find out how the match went. And then maybe, hopefully, we can also talk about what’s gonna’ be going on tomorrow night in Crystal River. I want to thank you Dave for coming on the show. A big night tonight, it’s gonna’ be your FIP debut. We’re gonna’ take a quick break, and we’ll be right back, on FIP Radio!