Sunset Flip Presents: NXT Again?

By Jim Boy Star

As mentioned on this past week’s episode of the Sunset Flip Wrestling show, congratulations to Kaitlyn for winning NXT Season 3. With that in mind, one question popped into my mind after watching the season finale. Why the hell is there going to be another season? No one has given me a good answer on this.

I understand why season 3 had to finish. Season 3 actually had a TV for about a month. The WWE was interested in getting it on another network, however, let’s be straight they failed. There is no new TV deal and in fact, have gone and started looking for a home for an upcoming Tough Enough season.

Firstly, knowing there is no TV deal, there really was no reason to announce a season 4. Being a pro wrestling radio show host, I will not cover the show except for elimination and finale. The reason for that is not related to the actual show, it is because the eliminations have a chance of affecting WWE news (ie: Jamie was eliminated and then fired). As a pro wrestling radio show host, I feel that if you cover NXT each week, you should also be covering TNA Xplosion. Both are not on United States TV on a national level and I think it’s only fair to exclude both shows.

Secondly, some may say that WWE can still get advertising dollars if the show is aired on the internet. Once again, not the case. I watched the season finale and all the ads consisted of in-house products (ex: WWE shop, Cena DVD, commercials for Smackdown).

Lastly, the show is on the internet so my question is this. Who will actually benefit from a Season 4? With no TV ratings, it’s assumed that the audience in lowered because eventually all shows moved to the internet get canceled. NXT, as a show, was already the lowest rated show of all four shows of WWE programming. So it has to be assumed the viewership is even lower than that. With the viewership being so low, you may as well just walk the new rookies onto Raw or Smackdown and have a match. The fans will have the exact same reaction, as if they have never been seen before. This will be the case and having another season would not make a difference in audience connection because even less of the WWE audience will be paying attention to this show.

An unrelated thought, why don’t they just throw the new guys in a house, make them live together, and do something meaningful…… like Tough Enough!

This week’s Sunset Flip Wrestling Show is huge as we have two guests.

Gary Yap from EPIC War out of California is on the show discussing the upcoming 6 hour Ironman match. Yes 6 hours. Not 1 hour, not 30 minutes, 6 hour Ironman match.

Plus we also have Maven Bentley the Vice President of Combat Zone Wrestling to push the upcoming CZW PPV.

You can listen to the Sunset Flip Wrestling show at

Have a great week everyone.