Title History
- “Junior-VM” (1973 & 1975);
- European Middleweight title (1976, 1978, 1979, 1981);
- World Middleweight title (1977, 1979, 1982);
- OS-Bronze in “Greek-roman style” (1984);
Career History
- Early 1990s: Frank Andersson wrestled in the WCW, but never got a real break through..
- 1995-98: Frank Andersson had trouble with the law over cocain abuse..
- ~~~Stockholm Sweden: Swedish Police Officers aprehended Frank Andersson when he was stealing a TV..
- ~~~Frank Andersson threw the TV away and said to the Police Officers: “Comé on! I´ll take you both on!”
- ~~~The officers then drew ther firearms and said: “Try anything and you get a bullet in your kneecap”..
- 2005: Frank Andersson filed a request for “Personal bankruptcy” the the Swedish Tax authority..
- 2006: Frank Andersson is completely rehabilitated and is now living a peacefull life in Sweden. Free of Drugs and Alcohol.