by OWW Contributor | Mar 16, 2017 | Other Wrestling Podcasts, Podcasts
Ring Rust Radio’s Donald Wood had Lucha Underground Champion Johnny Mundo on the show this week, and it was a great episode with plenty of exclusive content. Johnny Mundo Transcription: Ring Rust Radio: Lucha Underground is on a midseason hiatus, but the company...
by OWW Contributor | Sep 13, 2015 | Indies
Hazard – Bluegrass Championship Wrestling at The National Guard Armory: Adam Newsome, Colby Carmichael, and J.T. Walker defeated Dr. X, Michael Jameson, and Jason Steel… Stan Sierra pinned Matty B. … Beau...
by OWW Contributor | Jul 28, 2015 | Behind the Scenes
Lucha Underground’s Johnny Mundo recently took some time to participate in an exclusive interview with The former John Morrison reveals his thoughts on Tough Enough, the differences between Johnny Mundo and John Morrison. He also opens up about his...
by OWW Contributor | Apr 30, 2015 | Other Wrestling Podcasts, Podcasts
Ring Rust Radio had former WWE and current Lucha Underground Star Johnny Mundo on the show this week, and it was a great episode with plenty of exclusive content. Listen to the Blog Talk Radio Episode here! Johnny Mundo transcription: Donald Wood: For the wrestling...