by OWW Contributor | Jul 14, 2016 | Columns
Courtesy of Chris Flynn:WWE has hired some of the most beautiful WWE Divas over the years and many of them have gone on to have relationships and even marriages with fellow WWE stars.Wrestlers usually stick to their own because they travel the world 300 plus days a...
by OWW Contributor | Jul 7, 2015 | Videos
Courtesy of E!:E! takes a wild ride into the world of some of today’s hottest professional athletes from the perspective of the women who stand by their side, otherwise known as WAGS (Wives and Girlfriends of Sports Stars). These WAGS are playing the most...
by David Buckler | Mar 24, 2014 | Indies
MCW March 22, 2014 results with Jake Roberts, Kelly Kelly, Coly Cabana and Gangrel! Maryland Championship Wrestling Tag Wars 2K14 Joppa Market Place Saturday March 22, 2014Over 1,200 People jam packed the building to a near turn away crowd. 1,000 Chairs were...
by David Buckler | Feb 15, 2014 | Miscellaneous
Tag Team Wrestling Takes Center Stage as Maryland Championship Wrestling presents Tag Wars 2K14 featuring Jake “The Snake” Roberts, Former WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly, Colt Cabana and all of the stars of MCW.Baltimore, MD February 13, 2014- Just 2 weeks...
by David Buckler | Feb 14, 2013 | Columns, Womens Wrestling
Right at the start of the year Eve Torres announced she was leaving WWE to pursue other interests. My first reaction was “wow, another Diva is leaving the company. The exodus continues!”Overall I thought 2012 was a good year for the WWE, but...