by David Buckler | Mar 18, 2014 | Indies, TV Shows, Videos
Watch Southern States Wrestling TV from March 16, 2014 SSW airs every Sunday 7:30 PM on the local TNN/Heartland affiliate WKIN 19.4 in the Tri- Cities TN/VA market. This Week: Join host Joe Wheeler and Dakota Booth as its Joe Wheeler Day. Celebrating Joe’s 16...
by David Buckler | Jan 8, 2014 | Indies, TV Shows, Videos
Southern States Wrestling TV – January 8, 2014 Join Dakota Booth as he brings you up to dates on news about this Friday’s TNA event in Bristol and Beau James’ injury. Randy Hales and Joe Wheeler call the action as Bulldog Mac takes on Scott Sterling...
by David Buckler | Sep 30, 2013 | Indies
You can watch Southern States Wrestling every Sunday Night in Prime Time 7:30pm on Tri-Cities TNN WKIN Website – Twitter – @SSWWrestling1 Facebook – This week, join host Beau James. Southern...