Among the topics this Tuesday night to be discussed by Nick Anthony, Alan Wojcik and Aaron Kendrick: A review of TNA Sacrifice, rumored hirings and cost cutting measures being used in TNA, a preview of WWE Over the Limt this Sunday, WWE joining forces with Twitter, injury updates and more.
This is the 50th episode of OWW Radio so during the show we’ll be playing audio clips of our favorite guests and callers.
We have scored an awesome guest for the show. former WWE/ROH and current Dragon Gate USA star PAUL LONDON will join us in the 10-11pm eastern hour taking you calls on his tag team with Brian Kendrick and other things YOU want to know. and are your links to listen LIVE!
If you have thoughts or opinions on these topics, you can leave a voicemail TOLL-FREE at 1-866-543-6990 (open 24/7)
or call the show LIVE, TOLL-FREE at 1- 888-357-9876 (option 1 tonight) Remember we do accept any and all opinions!
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OWW Radio – Where Legends and Fans Come Together