ROH Star Adam Cole Discusses: ROH Under Sinclair, Morale, Tag Wrestling, CM Punk and More

On Episode #31 of the WNS Podcast, had the pleasure of interviewing ROH Star, Adam Cole ahead of Ring of Honor’s big taping under the Sinclair Broadcasting Era, this Saturday which is due to air Saturday September 24th, when ROH debuts on the SBG Stations. Cole discusses a full range of topics such as ROH’s purchase, tag team wrestling, CM Punk and CZW.

You can listen to the full Adam Cole interview by clicking the link below -or- Right Click, Save As to download the .MP3 Audio file:

Below are some highlights from the interview:

On Sinclair Broadcast Group’s Purchase of ROH: Adam Cole opens up the interview saying he was a huge wrestling fan growing up and wrestling and television are hand in hand. He notes that the partnership with Sinclair is something everyone within Ring of Honor is excited about. He adds Sinclair Broadcasting has huge faith in the ROH product and understand that it should not be tarnished or changed, they understand it is the unique alternative to WWE and TNA Wrestling. Cole concludes this part by noting the he is fortunate at the young age of 22 to be apart of ROH and seen by so many different people.

On ROH Backstage Morale: Cole notes that ROH locker room Morale is very high at the moment and even before the Sinclair purchase everybody in the locker room wanted to be the absolute best wrestler they can be. Everybody backstage is excited for the first Sinclair taping on Saturday.

On Working With the likes of The Briscoe Brothers and Kings of Wrestling: Cole notes it is a very intimidating process walking into the ring with his tag partner Kyle O’Reilly and going up against some of the stars he was a fan of growing up, but at the same time it is very exciting facing some of the best in the athletes in the world. Cole hopes he and O’Reilly can become the best tag team in ROH by going up against some of the best in the company right now.

On ROH Tag Team Division and the lost art form of Tag Wrestling: Cole notes that when he first got into wrestling he has visions of becoming a singles wrestler and the reason for that is promotions like WWE have trained their audiences to believe tag team wrestling is a “sideshow act” and he believed at one stage that the only way he would succeed is if he was a singles wrestler. He believes that ROH has proven that theory wrong with their tag team division and believes ROH has the best tag team division in the world.

On CM Punk: Cole notes that he first discovered CM Punk on the Obsessed With Wrestling website, now Online World of Wrestling. He said that Punk “blew his mind” with his promo ability and his feud with Raven “blew him away” and opened his eyes that there is a lot more out there than the WWE.

On Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW): Cole notes that he never felt pressured into doing an ultraviolent match in his career by CZW Owners DJ Hyde or John Zandig because they knew he brought something different to the table. He puts over DJ Hyde and notes the company is now more “well rounded than it is perceived to be” and CZW does ultraviolent best in the United States. He adds that Hyde has done a great job of adding really good wrestling, highflyers, strikers and hilarious characters. He also puts over Drake Younger, Scotty Vortex, Danny Havoc and Sami Callihan who turned death matches it into an art form.

 Adam Cole also discusses the first time he got goosebumps watching Steve Austin vs. The Rock, inspirational wrestlers such as Kurt Angle, Al Snow’s wrestling philosophy, his tag partner Kyle O’Reilly, Touring the world, favorite matches and dream match against Shawn Michaels. Listen to the full interview at (Just hit play on the audio player!)