Please credit Alan J. Wojcik of if used, thanks.
  You can call him Michael Shane, “Maverick†Matt or even Martyr. No matter the name used, you are talking about the one and only Matt Bentley who has been in the wrestling business since 1999.
  If you ever wondered about Matt’s career or some of his famous matches against the likes of Paul London then the new DVD MATT BENTLEY†MY PERSPECTIVE needs to be in your collection. This is unlike any “shoot†interview you have seen released. This is told from Matt’s point of view with no interviewer talking over him. This DVD takes you from his training days at the Shawn Michaels Training Academy to his current tenure with TNA Wrestling.
Here’s the chapter listing for the DVD: Shawn Michaels Training Academy, Texas Wrestling Alliance, FMW Japan, Chairshot, ECW, WCW, Working the Indies, Ring of Honor and the Ladder Match with Paul London, Working All-Japan & Zero-One, WWE, TNA and Mexico.
I am sure readers are wondering if I found anything wrong with the DVD and I did, I kept thinking it should be longer than two hours because Matt gives a great interview. Matt talks about his fast rise in the business to Japan and ECW because of being trained by WWE superstar Shawn Michaels and how things got confusing in 2001 when WWE bought WCW and ECW went bankrupt. Matt talks of his struggles on the Indies while he was trying to get work with the WWE after numerous tryouts (I didn’t believe the number when Matt talks about it) and his experiences with ROH and TNA.
Also unlike other shoot interviews, when a topic ends Matt provides in-ring footage of the topic. From a TWA Tag Team Table’s match (as part of the team “More Than a Handfulâ€), a Title for Title match with Sho Funaki, the Ladder match with Paul London, you get full length matches. In addition the bonus matches include an ECW fan-cam bout with Chris Chetti, an ECW fan-cam match against OZ and his TWA debut in a handicap match against then champion Venom.
The DVD can be ordered one of two ways, by visiting or or send $20.00 plus $5.95 for shipping (total of $25.95) in check, cash, or money order payable to:
Matt Bentley
P.O. Box 951371
Lake Mary FL 32795-1371
“Lost In Chaos” featuring TNA’s Matt Bentley will be performing live Friday August 17th at The Haven in Winter Park, FL. Doors open at 7PM and “Lost In Chaos” will go onstage at 8:30 sharp. Tickets are only $5 for 21 and over and $7 for 18-20 and can be purchased at the door. The Haven is located at 6700 Aloma Ave. Winter Park, FL. For more information on “Lost In Chaos” visit there myspace page at