American Combat Wrestling
Tuesday July 17, 2007
Bourbon Street Night Club
4331 US 19N in New Port Richey, FL
$5 admission with an 8:45pm belltime
2 opening round ACW Combat championship tournament matches:
-Austin Amadeus of the New Movement vs. Sideshow
-Dany Only vs. Eddie Taurus of the New Movement
Note: Combat matches are held under HARDCORE rules!!
ACW Tag Team champions Delta Iota Kappa (“Candizzle Dream†Joshua Masters & Sedrick Strong w/Fetish) vs. ACW Cruiserweight champion Jaison Moore & Shan Hill
Nooie Lee vs. Nick “I’m Not Gay†Fame
Shayne Swift vs. Suicide
Plus ACW Heavyweight champion (and former Combat champion) “Rough House†Ralph Mosca will be on hand to observe the tournament.
The New Movement has established their MySpace account at the following location:
Remember ACW is back online, so log onto for information on our events at Bourbon Street Night Club and links to video sites. Like live music, then check out for info on upcoming concerts.