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Welcome to The Armpit wrestling quiz for the week of May 15, 2017.

WWE released its WWE Network subscription numbers this month as part of their quarterly earnings report.  As a subscriber from day one (technically day two since I couldn’t get through on day one due to excessive demand), I thought this would be a good time do a quiz on the “WWE Network.”

There was no winner to last week’s quiz, so hopefully it’ll be easier this week.

Last week’s answers:

1) Sean Waltman was synonymous with Jerry Lynn early on in his career.  The two feuded in matches that were ahead of their time.

2) Waltman earned the name 1-2-3 Kid by upsetting Razor Ramon on Raw in 1993.

3) In 1995 Waltman joined the Million Dollar Corporation.

4) In the 4 Horsemen parody performed by the nWo, Waltman played the role of Ric Flair.  That’s the skit that caused a lot of controversy for how Kevin Nash portrayed Arn Anderson as drinking too much.

5) Flair said to Syxx, “I’ve had more world titles than you’ve had pieces of ass!”

6) When Waltman returned to the WWF in 1998 as X-Pac, he cut a passionate promo on Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff.  Those were the days, what a magical period of time that was.

7) X-Pac won the WWF tag team titles with future politician Kane.

8) True, Waltman did win TNA’s X Division title.

9) MTV backed the short-lived, awful WSX promotion that Waltman was a part of.

10) Waltman made a cameo on “The Surreal Life,” where Chyna was on the cast.

This week’s questions:

1.  Hard to believe it has been over three years since the WWE Network was first launched.  It had been in the works for years, with significant startup costs.  But it’s not the first subscription service WWE offered.  What was the precursor to the WWE Network called?

a) WWE Classics on Demand
b) WWE WrestleFlix
c) WWE Anywhere, Anytime
d) WWE Vault

2. Original talk was of WWE launching their own 24/7 cable network, but the WWE Network in place now is much better because of both the live stream and archived footage.  Which promotion does NOT have any archived footage on the Network?

a) AWA (American Wrestling Association)
b) FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling)
c) WCW/NWA (World Championship Wrestling/National Wrestling Alliance)
d) UWF/Mid-South (Universal Wrestling Federation)
e) GWF (Global Wrestling Federation)
f) WCCW (World Class Championship Wrestling)
g) SMW (Smoky Mountain Wrestling)
h) ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling)

3. True or false: The WWE Network was launched in all foreign countries from the very start.

a) True
b) False

4. The first reported subscription number reported by WWE was well under expectations, especially considering initial demand couldn’t have been higher given all the fans who couldn’t even sign up due to so many people crashing the system.  What was this original subscription number in April 2014?

a) 1,200,000
b) 93,173
c) 999,000
d) 667,000

5. Due to contractual obligations, WWE can’t live-stream Raw or SmackDown on the Network.  Allowing this would be stupid on the part of the USA Network, for obvious reasons.  Roughly how long after their original air date are Raw and SmackDown available on the WWE Network for on-demand viewing?

a) One week
b) One month
c) Six months
d) One year

6. You’d think WWE would be so self-absorbed as to post more of their OWN archived content on the Network, such as complete annual seasons of their syndicated shows from the 1980s that so many of us grew up on.  For some inexplicable reason, that hasn’t happened yet, although surely some day they’ll be on there as they get converted to HD.  Of all the old WWF shows, which series IS on the Network in its entirety?

a) WWF Superstars of Wrestling
b) WWF Wrestling Challenge
c) WWF Prime Time Wrestling
d) WWF All American Wrestling
e) WWF Action Zone
f) WWF Shotgun Saturday Night
g) WWF Sunday Night Heat
h) WWF Metal
i) WWE Confidential
j) WWF Tuesday Night Titans
k) WWF Mania

7. The Cruiserweight Classic and UK Tournament were two exclusive events on the WWE Network that drew critical acclaim.  Name the respective two winners of those tournaments.

a) TJ Perkins and Tyler Bate
b) Brian Kendrick and Seven
c) Neville and Tyler Bate
d) Gran Metalik and Pete Dunne

8. The last three questions aren’t trivia questions, but survey questions.  How do you most often watch the WWE Network?

a) On your phone
b) On your tablet
c) On your computer
d) On a streaming device (Roku, Apple TV, game console, etc)
e) Your TV is newer and has the app built in

9. Which feature of the WWE Network do you watch the most?

a) Archived WWE/WWF content
b) Archived non-WWE content
c) Live stream only
d) Exclusive wrestling shows like NXT, 205 Live
e) Non-wrestling programs like Swerved, Total Divas, Camp WWE, Ride Along, and Holy Foley

10. This isn’t a trivia question, but more of a survey question.  If WWE Network added more indie footage, including some of the successful promotions in the UK, how much per month would you be willing to pay?

a) $9.99
b) $12.99
c) $14.99
d) $19.99

There are three ways to send us your answers to the quiz:

1) Email them to quiz@armpit-wrestling.com
2) Find me on Facebook under the name “Pit WP” and send your answers to me there.
3) Find me on Twitter at ArmpitWP and send me a direct message with your answers.
4) Use the Contact form at armpit-wrestling.com

We will randomly generate a number to determine the winner.  For example, if the number is 25 and you’re the 25th person to contact us with correct answers, you win.  Winners receive a free copy of our brand new e-book, “The Armpit Wrestling Quiz Archives: Volume 1.”  It features 128 quizzes we’ve written over the years and clocks in at 420 pages and a whopping 1,079 questions on pro wrestling history dating back to the 1980s.  We’ll also announce your name here next week as the winner.

Answers will be posted next week.  Have fun and good luck.