Before the days of Divas and Knockouts, there was only one… Baby Doll. Now, is proud to welcome the legendary woman behind the legendary stars as James Guttman speaks to Nickla Roberts in an all-new exclusive 40 minute shoot interview!
By the side of former ClubWWI guests Tully Blanchard and Sam Houston, Nickla has been seen the ring from both sides of the spectrum. Whether terrorizing babyfaces with the Horsemen or defending them with Dusty Rhodes, Baby Doll is someone fans of ’80s wrestling will never forget. Nickla talks about a ton of subjects, with nothing off-limits, including her departure from wrestling, the contents of her Dusty Rhodes blackmail envelope, the double meaning behind it, why they storyline never finished, hating the “Andrea the Giant” gimmick in WCCW, knocking out Jim Cornette, and more. For a full list of topics, head to
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Baby Doll’s career is quite unique. Although brief, she’s one of the most memorable stars of the 1980s. Growing up in a wrestling family, she was almost destined for the ring from the start. During her 40 minute shoot interview with James Guttman, she talks about her initial run and her comeback today. The self proclaimed “Queen of the Cougars” has been getting back into taking bookings again and helping young stars, most notably Swiss star Steve Allison. But the first time around, it was her relationship with another star that lead to her departure from wrestling.
While still with Jim Crockett promotions, Baby Doll married Sam Houston. Houston went to the WWF and, although they two were in separate companies, they still made time to see each other. This didn’t sit well with the powers-that-be in JCP and, as she explains to listeners, it meant that one day you could be working…and the next day you could be gone.
“At that time, Sam was working for WWF and I was working for Crockett. So on my days off, I would fly to see him and he would fly to see me (on his days off). For some reason, the office just didn’t like that. Then, out of the blue, my name was no longer on the booking sheet. That’s how they fired you. You looked at the booking sheet and your name was no longer on it. It was like, ‘Oh. I no longer have a job anymore.’ There was no explanation. There was no, ‘Gee. This didn’t work out. ‘I have no idea. Still. To this day, I have no idea what happened.”
It wasn’t as if she didn’t have hints that many in JCP had an issue with her wedding to Houston. As she goes on to explain to Guttman, one star in particular tried to stop the wedding before it even began by actually calling Sam’s dad, Grizzly Smith, on the phone…
“They wanted me to stay the single, Marilyn Monroe, everybody’s girl but nobody’s girl kind of thing. Then to have Sam, as the guy that I was with, to be a mid or undercard guy….It was funny because Dusty had called (Sam’s) dad whenever we had announced we were going to get married and he tried to talk Griz into telling Sam not to get married. Looking back, it wasn’t the wisest thing to do. But if you get married, you want to be with that person.”
She explains that the irony in all this is that it was Dusty Rhodes and Magnum T.A. who inadvertently got her and Houston together to begin with. Baby Doll discusses her marriage to Sam and the ups and downs that came with it. Last June, during Sam’s brief release from prison, he appeared for a interview with James.
Although she left early, Baby Doll’s departure may have been a blessing in disguise. So many stars from that time period had come and gone. Some have passed away and some have stayed too long. But BD feels that she’s lucky for being able to stay positive about wrestling. One name that James Guttman brings up is Dark Journey. When searching around for potential guests, JG found very little, if any, information about the woman who became the Horsemen’s valet after Baby Doll. Nickla talks about her experience working with Journey, how she was lost in the ring, and more. But in regards to where she is now, no one is really sure.
“Last I heard was that she was in San Francisco and no one has heard from her in a really really long time. I heard she had gotten into some drug problems and had been murdered. And another one is that she had gotten into some drug problems and had gone to jail. I never even knew her real name. I had always called her Journey.”
Nickla discusses so much more including the whereabouts of ’80s valet Sunshine with tons more including talk of today’s product and top stars like John Morrison, Evan Bourne, The Miz, and others. You can check out Nickla on Myspace at:
Remember, Baby Doll is just one of well over 250 stars you can hear in uncut shoot interviews as soon as you sign up to Others include: Sivi Afi , Aaron Aguliera, Skandar Akbar, Brent Albright, Ole Anderson, Road Warrior Animal, Tony “T.L. Hopper” Anthony, Buff Bagwell, Doug Basham, Paul Bearer, Giant Bernard, Big Daddy V, Eric Bischoff, Steve Blackman, Brian Blair, Tully Blanchard, Nick Bockwinkel, “The Boogeyman” Marty Wright, Bad News Brown, D-Lo Brown, “Jumping” Jim Brunzell, Mike “Simon Dean” Bucci, Bull Buchanan, Lance Cade , Christian, John Cena Sr., Chaz “Headbanger Mosh” , Bryan “Adam Bomb” Clark, Rob Conway, Jim Cornette, Justin Credible, Austin “Consequences” Creed, D-Ray 3000, Scott D’Amore , Christopher Daniels, Shawn Daivari, Dangerous Danny Davis, Dawn Marie, Damian Demento, Colin Delaney, Brother Devon, Demolition Ax, Demolition Smash, Bill DeMott, Ted DiBiase, J.J. Dillon, Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore, Disco Inferno, Spike Dudley, Hacksaw Jim Duggan , Kenny Dykstra, Bobby Eaton, Paul Ellering, Armando Estrada,, Manny Fernandez , Fifi The Maid, Francine, Mr. Fuji, Dory Funk Jr., Terry Funk, Greg Gagne, Ronnie Garvin ,Jackie Gayda, Joel Gertner, Glacier, Sylvain Grenier, Tod Gordon, Zach Gowen, Juventud Guerrera, Chalie Haas, Chris Harris , Bruce Hart , Jimmy Hart, Diva Search’s Jessica Hatch, Dave Hebner, Earl Hebner, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, Jon Heidenreich, Christy Hemme, Hillbilly Jim, Molly Holly , The Honky Tonk Man, Tim Horner , Scotty 2 Hotty, Sam Houston, Mr. Hughes, The Iron Sheik, Ivory, B.G. James, Jazz, Ahmed Johnson, Judge Jeff Jones, Orlando Jordan, Kamala, Kid Kash, Kevin Kelly, Pat “Simon Diamond” Kenney, Ron Killings, Cpl. Kirschner, Kizarny, Kevin Kleinrock, Brian Knobbs, Ivan Koloff, Nikita Koloff,, Bobby Lashley, Bruno “Harvey Wippleman” Lauer, Jerry “The King” Lawler, “The Total Package” Lex Luger, Buschwhacker Luke, Rodney Mack, Magnum T.A. , Balls Mahoney, Rick Martel, Clarence Mason , “Masterpiece” Chris Masters, Robbie McAllister, Rory McAllister, Matt Morgan, Ernest Miller, Missing Link, Father James Mitchell, Mo From Men on a Mission , Sean Mooney, Ricky Morton, Don Muraco, Trevor Murdoch, Kevin Nash, Nidia, Nunzio, One Man Gang, Sonny Onoo, Paul “Mr. Wonderful” Orndorff, Oscar From Men on a Mission , Fred “Typhoon/Tugboat/Shockmaster” Ottman, Pierre-Carl Ouellet, Outback Jack, Diamond Dallas Page, Ken Patera, Nick Patrick, Jim Powers, Tom Prichard, Ivan Putski, Harley Race, Baron Von Raschke, “The Yeti” Ron Reis , Rhino, Dustin Rhodes, Tommy Rich, Rikishi, Paul Roma, “Super Hero in Training” Rosie, Jacques Rougeau, Terri Runnels, Lance Russell, Samoa Joe, Bruno Sammartino, Samu, Tito Santana, Dan “The Beast” Severn, Ron Simmons, Elix Skipper, Slick, Tracey Smothers, Al Snow, Sim “Deuce” Snuka, Dennis Stamp, George “The Animal” Steele, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, Idol Stevens, The Stro, AJ Styles, Dave “Evad” Sullivan, Kevin Sullivan, Dave Taylor, Sylvester Terkay, ECW’s Tiffany, Too Cold Scorpio, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Jimmy Valiant, Johnny Valiant, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Sid Vicious, Vito, Nikolai Volkoff, Koko B. Ware, Erik Watts, Steve “Dr. Death” Williams, David Young, Mae Young , Larry Zybszko, and More.