
ECWA Recap & Results 7-12-14 Hall of Fame Show

1- Dirty Money defeats Drolix and Oz Tyler- What made this match intriguing was the debut of both Dirty Money and Drolix. However, the fans were solely behind the youngster Oz Tyler. Dirty Money was content letting Drolix do all the work… they even allied temporarily to beat down Tyler badly. It all broke down when Drolix went for the pin as Dirty Money took exception. A huge flurry of offense by all 3 men excited the crowd. Drolix hit a vertical suplex and utilized his old school beat down forearms to the head while Oz flew around the ring hitting an impressive STO and dropkick. Dirty Money was sent reeling! But Drolix would hit Oz Tyler with a devastating DDT but Dirty Money would seize the chance throwing Drolix from the ring and covering the stunned Tyler for the pinfall.

2- Breaker Morant defeats Michael Spanos- Sporting a new look and attitude, the former Little Mikey was just as happy showing off to the woman in the crowd as fighting Breaker Morant. Morant would not have any of that… he would hit a flurry of his trademark haymakers and even a Frankensteiner off the top turnbuckle. But Spanos wouldn’t go down that easy hitting his usual array of power moves like a sidewalk slam and big suplexes. But Spanos’s cockiness would be his downfall… Breaker Morant would surprise him with his cutter neck breaker slam for the 1…2..3!

3- ECWA developmental talent Brandon defeats Kid USAKid USA looked to easily be able to take care of a rookie like Brandon. He would hit numerous punches and suplexes. It looked like a quick debut for Brandon. But Kid USA went for leap frog and injured his knee. Taking advantage, Brandon showed why he has a bright future in the business hitting a sky high dropkick and ring to top turnbuckle jumping hurricarana that left everyone in attendance stunned. The Kid would recover and look to close in on the victory but Brandon rolled up Kid USA on a sunset flip for the victory!

*The Boss’s Chair began with Mike Tartaglia calling out the ECWA tag team champions Team CK and Woman’s Champion Renee Michelle. They would take to the microphone insulting everyone in the crowd and singing the praises of their tag team title reign. Knowing D-Line wasn’t in the building they issued an open challenge to any team. Ricky Martinez would hit the ring first dumping Renee Michelle much to crowd’s delight… and then introducing his partner that would help him answer the open challenge… the GREEK GOD PAPADON! Papadon’s return spelled trouble for the champions! After accepting the match, all parties left except for Tartaglia… only for Matt Saigon to enter out of nowhere trying to assault The Boss! He would be attacked by the Boss’s new assassin Bolo Yung which led too…

4- Matt Saigon defeats Bolo YungIn match 2 of the Boss’s Challenge, Saigon was matched against the deadly Bolo Yung who loves to dish out heavy punishment with his wide variety of kicks and chops. Yung dominated early landing HUGE kicks to Saigon’s body and head. With The Boss encouraging him, he would slowly weaken Saigon with chops and karate inspired submissions. But Saigon’s unpredictability led him back as Saigon fought fire with fire with kicks and running knees. Feeling the support of the crowd, he landed an ace crusher that seemed to do the trick but a near fall! Climbing to the top rope, he would hit a frog splash for the win!

5- Chris Wylde defeats Mark Harro and Kao Storm to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship- The 3 men absolutely blew the roof of the building with what many called match of the night. Storm and Wylde would start the match double teaming Harro trying to take him out of commission early. Beating him down with clotheslines and stomps they would throw him from the ring. Storm and Wylde would square off. Storm would get the early nod hitting Wylde with suplexes and body slams. Wylde would counter with a cannonball roll of his own onto Storm in the corner but that’s where it broke down. Harro would re-enter the match jumping off of Wylde’s bent knee with a devastating knee to Storm in the corner. Then hitting a running moonsault for a near fall. Wylde would be up first putting Kao Storm in a STF submission while at the same time giving Harro a fisher man suplex! The crowd was crazy throughout! Then Storm picked up business by suplexing Wylde over the top rope onto Harro who was recovering on the floor! Then the big move as Storm flew through the ropes hitting both men! As all 3 men recovered in the ring the end was near… Wylde would send Harro and Storm into the turnbuckle. Climbing to the top rope he would jump over both men super kicking Harro after landing! Storm would try his Canadian Destroyed finisher for the win but Wylde would counter with a Destroyer of his own to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship!

6- Renee Michelle vs. Jessie Kaye ended in a double pinfall, vacating the Woman’s Championship- It’s no secret that Michelle and Kaye have no love lost for each other. Kaye wouldn’t even wait for entrance music attacking the champion from behind landing a huge boot to the face, body slam, and leg drop for the near fall. But the champion wasn’t so easily defeated… Michelle hit a running bulldog and stomped away at the challenger. Michelle would try a moonsault only to miss! However, Kaye would attempt a flying shoulder block hitting the referee! With him down she hit her finisher, a foot on the neck style stomp, but the referee was out! Another referee would enter the ring and try to make the pinfall but NO the champion would not give up. Going for a big move of her own, Michelle smelt blood but Kaye would counter with a Northern Lights Suplex. The new referee and now recovered original referee would both make the count with one saying Jessie Kaye won and the other Renee Michelle. Chaos ensued as neither man could come to an agreement on who the victor was. ECWA booker Joe Zanolle and both referees entered the locker room arguing over who was the rightful winner.

7- Chuck Payne, Phil Sly, and his legal counsel defeat Meisure Ooh La La, Kid USA, and Coach Jim Shorts- The debuting Chuck Payne joined the cocky Phil Sly and his legal counsel to fight Ooh La La and Jim Shorts, but ECWA booker Joe Zanolle would make Kid USA their third partner. Things started slow. Sly and his legal counsel would tag in and out… same for Ooh La La and Jim Shorts to see who would finally fight. Ooh La La would eventually get his hands on the legal counsel kicking and punching him into the corner. He would hit a Stinkface! The fans laughed as Chuck Payne was tagged in. Billed as the ‘Extreme Redneck”, he would prove that moniker true. He would destroy Ooh La La  with a huge body slam for a near fall. The wily Frenchman would make enough room to tag in Kid USA who would unless a flurry of offense onto Chuck Payne. He would hit a dropkick and rally the fans by stunning the bigger Payne with anything he could hit Payne with. But it wouldn’t work, using his superior strength he would down the Kid with a devastating clothesline first in the middle of the ring and then into the corner. Kid USA tried to counter but Payne would hit a crushing sit down power bomb for the pinfall.

8- Papadon & Ricky Martinez defeat Team CK- The tag team champions would be stunned with how well Papadon and Martinez worked together. Papadon would ground Sean Carr with an impressive display of chain wrestling. Martinez would tag in and out as well showcasing both men’s abilities. Papadon would hit a sit down clothesline and side slam for a near fall. Martinez would tag in and hit a suplex and neck breaker for another near fall. It seemed the tag team champions just couldn’t mount any offense. But then Carr would counter a body slam attempt tagging in Kage. Kage would hit huge blows onto Martinez. Slowly showcasing why they are the best team in ECWA currently, CK would tag in and out weakening Martinez with submissions and tandem moves. But the fans were willing Martinez to tag in his partner.. . And when he finally did Papadon cleared house! Papadon would fly around the ring delivered clubbing blows to Team CK. All 4 men would enter the fray! Stunning Martinez with a haymaker, Kage would pick up Papadon setting up for their super kick powerslam combo… but Carr would accidentally hit Kage with the super kick! A shocked Carr tried to attack but Ricky Martinez would hit a backstabber followed by an Alpha-Omega shining wizard by Papadon for the win to become NEW ECWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIOS… or so they thought. Mike Tartaglia would get on the mic saying that while this was an open challenge it was NOT for the ECWA Tag Team Titles… the fans voiced their displeasure as The Boss would explain they would get their shot… at the 47 year anniversary show in September. Turning back over the belts, Papadon and Martinez would accept.

9- Bobby Shields defeats Napalm Bomb to retain the ECWA Heavyweight Championship- Napalm was out for blood. He would brutally assault the champion with a heel kick and clotheslines in the corner. The Bomb would pick apart Shields piece by piece with submission and a big vertical suplex. The fans would will Shields back into it however. Beginning his assault, Shields hit a big heel kick in the corner followed by an STO. The fans backed the champion as he stunned Napalm Bomb with quick, fast offense looking for pin falls throughout. But Napalm’s far too deadly to go down that easy. Countering a Shields suplex he would deliver one of his own then climb the turnbuckle to try for a Swanton Bomb. He would hit it for a 1..2.. No near fall for the challenger. Clearly upset, Napalm Bomb decided if you can’t beat them clean, beat them down dirty. Grabbing a chair he would climb back into the ring. His evil manager Joel Blackhart would try to distract the referee so Napalm could use the chair but Bobby Shields was ready! As he went to use the chair, Bobby Shields would hit a dropkick onto the chair with it hitting Napalm in the face! Going for the pinfall Shields would seemingly easily get the 3 count but Napalm Bomb’s foot was on the bottom rope! But no! The referee didn’t see it and continued the count anyway! Much to the chagrin of an irate Joel Blackhart and Napalm, Bobby Shields retained his ECWA Heavyweight Championship.