roh-logoVaughn Johnson, Sports Producer:

This week’s episode of Ring of Honor television was the final edition of the program before the promotion’s big shows in Philadelphia and Brooklyn this weekend.

As far as the television show was concerned, not much went into hyping the shows other than a video package about midway through.

What we did get was an entertaining match between Silas Young and Dalton Castle, as the pair continued their rival to see who is indeed a real man.

Despite a different setting, the outcome was the same, as Castle defeated Young again with the help of The Boys.

Young got on the microphone after the match and asked for one more match with Castle and if he won, he would get control of Castle’s boys and would turn them into real men. Castle, confident he’ll defeat Young again, agreed.

We got the beginning of some tension between ROH World/Television champion Jay Lethal and Bobby Fish. Fish is the next challenger in line for the Television title once Lethal and Hanson go at it in a few weeks.

The show ended with an entertaining match between the Young Bucks and Roppongi Vice. The Young Bucks came out on top, but Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian and Chris Saban attacked both teams were attacked by

It looks we’ll have A.J. Styles teaming with the Young Bucks soon to go up against Daniels, Kazarian and Saban.

When it was all said and done, it was a fairly decent episode of Ring of Honor television. Nothing inherently stood out, but nothing was awfully bad either. Here are the full match results:

– Dalton Castle def. Silas Young

– Moose def. Will Ferrera

– The Young Bucks def. Roppongi Vice

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