Here’s the skinny on everything you need to know about the Dragon Gate USA shows in Phoenix this Friday and Saturday. There were several new matches announced this week and Fanfest details so please make sure you have all the info. Go to for more details.
-TODAY is the final day to purchase tickets in the Store for this Friday and Saturday’s Phoenix events. Today is the final day of the sale for this Friday’s event where you can save money on premium seats. It could also be your final chance at A-Ring Rows 1-5 for Saturday as there are fewer than 20 left. After today, tickets for both nights will be available at or at the door on the night of the shows.
-Make sure to read the “What You Need To Know” piece in the Feature Articles section if you are attending these events or thinking of coming.
-The Celebrity Theater is located close to the airport. It’s address is 440 N. 32nd Street, Phoenix, 85008. It is a first class building.
-Gabe has a new blog up looking at why DGUSA is going to Phoenix, Paul London, Teddy Hart and more at:
-We will have constant updates all weekend at including new matches for Saturday’s show after the Friday event.
-There will be a fanfest at 5:30pm each night for A-Ring Rows 1-5 ticket holders. The fanfest will open up to the rest of the ticket holders at around 6:30pm. There will be a Bonus Match on both nights for A-Ring Rows 1-5 ticket holders at 6:30pm. The belltime for the main show each night is 8:00pm. All A-Ring Rows 1-5 ticket holders will be allowed in the main room at 6:15. All other ticket holders will be let in after the Bonus Match at approximately 7:00pm.
-Check News Alerts to read about how you can save $20 to the Friday night event with your ticket from another company.
-Here are the lineups for both cards:
Friday, March 26th
-Jack Evans & The Young Bucks vs. CIMA, Gamma & Dragon Kid
-Open Freedom Gate Title Match: BxB Hulk defends vs. Naruki Doi
-Shingo vs. Masato Yoshino
-Paul London & Jimmy Jacobs vs. Brian Kendrick & Jon Moxley
-Susumu Yokosuka & Genki Horiguchi vs. Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw
-Special Lucha guests LA PARK (original from WCW) & Hijo De Rey Misterio vs. Derrick Niekirk & GQ Gallo
-Plus A-Ring rows 1-5 will get early admission to FRAY!
-Special fanfest where you can meet the stars including Paul London, LA PARK, Hijo De Rey Misterio and the Dragon Gate roster.
-Plus an opening match featuring a Dragon Gate star that will be taped by A&E featuring a mystery celebrity.
-You never know who will show up at this event!!!
-The event is held at the first class Celebrity Theater with intimate stadium seating. You are practically in the ring with a perfect view!!!
-Check the Live Events section for more info on this card.
Saturday, March 27th
-CIMA, Gamma & Dragon Kid vs. BxB Hulk, Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino
-Open Dream Gate Title Match: YAMATO defends vs. Susumu Yokosuka
-Tommy Dreamer vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jon Moxley
-Shingo vs. Genki Horiguchi
-The Young Bucks vs. Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw
-TJP vs. Brad Allen
Plus more to be added after Friday’s show with:
-Paul London
-Brian Kendrick
-Jack Evans
-Special fanfest with Tommy Dreamer, Paul London and Dragon Gate stars.
-Bonus Match action for fans with tickets in A-Ring Rows 1-5 with The Cutler Brothers, Irish Airborne, Malachi Jackson and others.
-Thank you for reading this press release. We hope to see you in Phoenix!!!