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From the offices of Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling and Damien Christopher International:

FSPW @ Gallery Billiards
Saturday August 4th
1925 Northgate Blvd in Sarasota
5pm belltime 

I wish to elaborate further or update you on two of the big title matches set for our August 4th event. One was announced after the main event of our last show. The FSPW Heavyweight champion “the Prodigy” Jason Sensation will take on number one contender Ray Beez in a hardcore rules bout. That means no countouts, no disqualifications and the only way to win is pinfall or submission. Yesterday I received this email notice posted by Mr. Sensation on the FSPW website:

“Wait a damn minute. I did not sign up for some hardcore rules match. I am a WRESTLER. I am not Abdullah the butcher or anyone like that. I can not afford to hurt this pretty face. Damien you will be hearing from my lawyers. After what happened to my face at the last show I am protesting.”

Well I spoke to the lawyers of the “Prodigy” and either he will defend the title on August 4th or have it stripped off his waist. Last week I mentioned a call from a certain FSPW star who wanted to know how he fit into the heavyweight title picture. That person was the loser in a recent #1 contender match and felt since there wasn’t a clear-cut winner at the last show; he should be involved and get the title shot he feels he deserves. I agree and the inclusion of the “The Latin Sensation” Ricky Romeo into the match makes it a TRIPLE THREAT match with HARDCORE RULES!!

The other big match concerns the FSPW Tag Team champions Deathrow Jethro & Barney Rumble who defeated La Familia Latina at Summer Heat IV. Last Monday our offices received a letter from the Angola Prison, the current home of Deathrow Jethro. In the letter he expressed the anger he has for his “partner” who attacked La Familia Latina after the match without provocation. Jethro asked our offices to grant a rematch on the 8/4 event. We granted the request and awaited a reply from Jethro’s volatile partner and as his post on the website shows, Mr. Rumble is not a happy champion:

“I see Sensation isn’t the only one not happy with the next show’s card. Since when do matches involving a TAG TEAM only need to be approved by ONE member of the TEAM? I don’t know what Deathrow’s agenda is, but I didn’t agree to a damn thing. But you know what? You think you’re smart? Well I’m smarter. I pose a question for u, Christopher. How are we supposed to defend against the team of La Familia if one of the members isn’t there? I mean, it would be a shame if someone were to call a certain government agency and have a certain immigrant sent home or something. heh heh. Just remember, I’m ALWAYS one step ahead of u!”

Our legal is investigating Mr. Rumble’s threats and hope all the members of La Familia Latina are in attendance Saturday night.

The third exciting match is the first ever WOMEN’S match as the lovely Arsen will be taking on the debuting Jelena, who has been working wrestling throughout Florida.

We will also see the match scheduled for Summer Heat IV between FSPW Florida champion VA Hampton and BoneZ the Cutthroat. The CIA will be taking Las Vegas Male Revue star Myles Long and a mystery partner and the Fed Up North is issuing some kind of open challenge which their lawyer John Q is keeping a secret until Saturday.  Be sure to buy tickets early because we were crowded last event. Remember if you come to the event early, you get to play pool for free. See you August 4th.

Damien Christopher

Chairman/CEO DCI. LLC


TICKETS ARE $8 AND CAN BE PURCHASED AT GALLERY BILLIARDS, OR DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE TO LOCAL AREA BY CALLING 941-580-0112. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.FSPWONLINE.COM  OR CALL OUR TICKET NUMBER ABOVE. If you have any questions log onto the FSPW website link below or contact Damien directly at Damien_Christopher1974@yahoo.com