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From the offices of Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling and Damien Christopher International:

Hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend as I have been attending the US Open at Flushing Meadows. Here the updated information on our three upcoming events. See everyone this Saturday night.

FSPW @ Gallery Billiards

Saturday September 8th

1925 Northgate Blvd in Sarasota


5pm belltime

Tickets are 8 dollars

FSPW Heavyweight champion Ricky Romeo vs. Ray Beez (w/Benny Bennett)

Former FSPW Heavyweight champion “The Prodigy” Jason Sensation vs. “Hardcore Conquistador” Tony

FSPW Tag Team champions Barney Rumble & Deathrow Jethro vs. Chip and Dale (Myles Long & Brian Copley)

Tough Man Match

Joe “Son of Sicily” Pepitone (w/Stone Cates & James T Micco) vs. Liam “Irish Destroyer Heater” Stephenson

FSPW Florida title #1 contender BoneZ the Cutthroat vs. Bobby Wolfhert vs. Fed Up North member James “Don’t Call Me Johnny” Morrison (w/John Q)

Two qualifier matches for 10/21 Florida Title Tournament:

Pretty Fly vs. Fed Up North member Mark Zout (w/John Q)

“Fire Breathing Monster” Torcher vs. Fed Up North member Lou Cypher (w/John Q)

FSPW @ Manatee Technical Institute

Friday September 21st

5603 34th Street West

Bradenton, FL


7:30pm Belltime

This is a special fundraiser event for the Manatee Technical Institute with a 20 man over the top battle royal as the main event. Other matches will be determined after the 9/8 event and the people listed above will be attending as the matches made will have Florida Title Tournament implications.

Tickets for the 9/21 event are $8 and $5 for MTI students/children 8 yrs and under.

FSPW @ Gallery Billiards

Saturday October 20th

1925 Northgate Blvd in Sarasota


5pm belltime

Featuring a one night tournament to crown the new FSPW Florida champion. Participants already announced include BoneZ the Cutthroat and “Hardcore Conquistador” Tony. At the 9/8 and 9/21 events there will be qualifier matches.

TICKETS ARE $8 AND CAN BE PURCHASED AT GALLERY BILLIARDS, OR DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE TO LOCAL AREA BY CALLING 941-580-0112. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.FSPWONLINE.COM  OR CALL OUR TICKET NUMBER ABOVE. If you have any questions log onto the FSPW website link below or contact Damien directly at Damien_Christopher1974@yahoo.com

I hope everyone is enjoying their August and has survived the rainstorms I keep reading about online. We at FSPW wanted to express our condolences to the families of the recently deceased Bronco Lubich and Brian “Crush” Adams. We also offer best wishes to Myles Long who is recovering from a knee injury. Rest assured he has enough lady admirers to get him better and back dancing soon.

This is your FSPW update on our next show to be held Saturday September 8th at Gallery Billiards:

The biggest question our offices have been hit with in emails is how “Latin Sensation” Ricky Romeo went from being inured and retiring to walking out the new FSPW Heavyweight champion. I had our legal department read over the contracts signed for the triple threat match that also included former champion “The Prodigy” Jason Sensation and Ray Beez as well as view the in-ring conversation between me and Romeo. They felt despite Romeo verbally removing himself from the bout it didn’t negate the actual written contract. Therefore Romeo had every right to get involved in the match physically. I am not happy to say it but Ricky Romeo is the champion but he won’t be getting a vacation on a tropical island because on September 8th he will defend against the man many feel should be the champion, RAY BEEZ.

Next thing to address is the verbal battle between Sensation and rising star “Hardcore Conquistador” Tony that became physical at our last show. Sensation came out during the announcement Tony will be in the October 20th Florida Title tournament and attacked Tony after Tony took a verbal shot at “the Prodigy”. I feel Sensation needs to have his out of control ego put in check. If he wants a shot at FSPW Heavyweight champion Ricky Romeo he is going to have to work his way through the entire FSPW roster starting on September 8th with TONY!

The most confusing issue from our last event came out of a tag team match between the CIA, “Irish Destroyer” Heater and Myles Long. During the match Son of Sicily and Heater got into what is best described as a shoot fight. Referee Diaz Mascaras did what he felt was right and ended the match so noone was seriously hurt. Both men had conversations with me in the past week and have decided they want a Tough Man Rules bout with 3, 30 second rounds. So FSPW has decided to let it happen, Joe “Son of Sicily” Pepitone against Liam “Irish Destroyer Heater” Stephenson.

Also appearing on September 8th will be: FSPW Tag Team champions Barney Rumble & Deathrow Jethro, BoneZ the Cutthroat, “Fire Breathing Monster” Torcher, Jelena, Pretty Fly, the members of the Fed Up North (w/John Q) plus FXE’s JP Ace and AJ Gallant. Their matches will be determined in the coming days as well as information on the October 20th Florida Title Tournament.

Be sure to buy tickets early because we were crowded last event. Remember if you come to the event early, you get to play pool for free. See you September 8th.

Damien Christopher

Chairman/CEO DCI. LLC


TICKETS ARE $8 AND CAN BE PURCHASED AT GALLERY BILLIARDS, OR DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE TO LOCAL AREA BY CALLING 941-580-0112. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.FSPWONLINE.COM  OR CALL OUR TICKET NUMBER ABOVE. If you have any questions log onto the FSPW website link below or contact Damien directly at Damien_Christopher1974@yahoo.com