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IWC SUPER INDY VIII: A Moment Seven Years In The Making Tarnished with Politics
by Joe Dombrowski, iwcmc_dombrowski@yahoo.com

The most unpredictable and perhaps emotional Super Indy tournament of all time took place May 15 & 16 from two important locations: The Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, Pa (site of Super Indy V & VII) and the White Oak Athletic Association (site of Super Indy II). It was the largest and most competitive field in history, and unfortunately would become the most mired in controversy.

In round one action, Super Indy’s most underrated athlete Justin Idol defeated 12-year veteran and formed NWA World Jr. Heavyweight Champion Tony Kozina… The amply facial-haired Joey “Magnum” Ryan brought his brand of sleaze to IWC for the first time with a victory over IWC’s shortest reigning Super Indy champion ever Jason Gory, thanks to help from the similarly ‘stashed “Megastar” Marion Fontaine… Perhaps the tournament’s best pure athlete Elijah Burke brought his 98-1 amateur boxing background and “The Elijah Express” to help him defeat the martial arts and aerial skills of Michael “The Bomber” Façade… And in perhaps the most physical battle of the entire tournament, the legendary innovator Too Cold Scorpio survived over 15 minutes of intense battle with Davey Richards to move on. Four names were set for the second round, but this is merely scratching the surface.

Current Super Indy Champion, and #1 seed, Delirious hoped to become the first person ever to successfully defend their championship in the Super Indy Tournament. To do so, he’d have to conquer the hard-hitting human horror-film Sami Callihan. Fueled by anger based on Sami’s back suplex from behind on Daizee Haze back in January, Delirious was willing to put his #1 seed on the line, however if Callihan lost he’d be out of IWC for 90 days. And furthermore, it was no disqualification. Sami’s deplorable nature came out again as he began to stalk Haze late into the match, taking Delirious’ mind out of the game and onto his interpreter. Once Delirious was distracted, Callihan dropped him onto a stack of chairs and snuck into the back door of the Super Indy Tournament, ruining Delirious’ title reign, weekend, and to say the least, his mood, as things appear to be far from over here.

Three former tournament winners squared off to determine seeding #2-4 as Super Hentai (Super Indy I), Colt “Boom Boom” Cabana (Super Indy 2) and “Fabulous” John McChesney (Super Indy IV) did battle. Cabana was able to halt Hentai’s hopeful momentum, eliminating him first with the Colt 45, giving Hentai seed #4. McChesney pinned Cabana to give Cabana #3 and the Fabulous One #2. However, out of the crowd came Dennis Gregory, who had quit the company rather than face McChesney in a Humiliation Match a few months ago, savagely attacked Fab’s knee, leaving him medically unable to compete for the rest of the weekend. Winning Super Indy would have been the final step to McChesney’s re-emergence, his rebirth as an independent individual, and to burying his days as a Gregory lackey once and for all. Now, Fab is on the outside looking in, and should he ever show up in IWC again, Gregory will no doubt have to answer to the one man in IWC he may not be able to beat.

With Super Indy now a man short, an impromptu four-way dance was booked, giving a second chance to Michael Façade, Jason Gory, Tony Kozina, and a first chance to Super Indy I participant CJ Sensation. It was Façade who received a second chance at glory when he scored the pinfall after the Arashikage Driver.

Round two saw Justin Idol’s success story continue as he defeated Joey Ryan… Colt Cabana returned to the building he won Super Indy II in to continue his winning ways by defeating Scorpio… Sami Callihan moved onward with a victory over Michael Façade… and Super Hentai advanced over Elijah Burke.

The third round saw Hentai overcome Callihan, yet suffer an ankle injury that would haunt him for the rest of the evening, meanwhile Justin Idol may have single-handedly changed the course of destiny as he pinned Colt Cabana, leaving Colt just short of not only two-peating as Super Indy winner, but doing it all in the same building.

The finals pitted Super Hentai vs. Justin Idol. Two very young, very able ten-year veterans. Two completely different paths. For Idol it was about a coming of age years in the making. Long considered Pittsburgh’s most underrated wrestler, Justin had the chance to realize his true potential, all with tag partner Eric Xtasy watching on from the commentary location in full support. For Hentai, it was a chance to come full circle. Considered to be the heart, soul, and very embodiment of Super Indy, Hentai put that term and title on the map with his inaugural tournament win in 2002, holding that belt for a still-record-holding 51 weeks, and defending it in the US as well as Japan. Since that day, the legacy of Hentai and Super Indy have continued to grow, and when Norm Connors shelved the tournament last year, it was Hentai who fought so hard to re-instate it, to not see the death of something he had helped build so many years. Idol and Hentai’s career paths collided in violent fashion. Neither men held back as a respectful crowd watched on as two of their favorites fought their hearts out, battling near-exhaustion, for a moment they may never have a chance to experience again. When the dust was settled, it was Super Hentai making history again. However, the image of a proud warrior hoisted on the shoulders of his peers that is indelibly etched in our minds from Super Indy I was the furthest thing from the moment Hentai experienced on this day.

Promoter Norm Connors came to the ring to award the Super Indy Title to Hentai, or so we had thought, as Connors swerved the world by claiming Hentai was NOT the champion. Instead, Connors brought out Johnny Gargano, the immature punk kid whom had won the championship last fall only to forfeit it due to injury. Connors claimed if Hentai wanted to be champion, he’d have to get through Gargano. Johnny rushed the ring, immediately targeting the ankle of Hentai, however before any more damage can be done, chaos ensued, resulting in an angry and injured John McChesney aiding Hentai and clearing the ring. Once the evil-doers had left, Hentai had a moment of celebration, but no doubt could not make up for the injustice that had just been done. While the true possessor of the Super Indy Title, Hentai or Gargano, seems mired in political turmoil what we do know is this – Super Hentai is your Super Indy VIII tournament champion, however the moment he had worked tirelessly for seven years to re-live was ruined by Norm Connors and his dirty politics.

“N-Con’s Revenge” pitted “DeeeLicious” Jimmy DeMarco against, in essence, a hired assassin in the form of a man feared and known the world over, the sadistic and unpredictable Necro Butcher. Necro carried out his instructions from the boss, absolutely abusing and assaulting DeMarco with some of the most graphic and uncomfortable activity in IWC history. However, somehow, DeMarco’s true toughness and tenacity came out, allowing Jimmy to press on and, not only survive, but defeat the one and only Necro Butcher. Whether driven by his love of competition or his hatred for his boss, DeMarco survived and proved, whether Norm Connors likes it or not, Jimmy DeMarco truly is without ANY question, one of IWC’s elite.

Thanks to the bickering of DeMarco and Connors, our planned seven-man tag turned to a ten-man tag, as Connors and his “Chosen Ones” – Tag champions Irish Airborne, would-be heavyweight champion Ray Rowe, 350-lb backup Shane Taylor, and latest Kool-Aid drinker Logan Shulo battled what Norm considers IWC’s “Old Guard” – Mickey & Marshall Gambino, Eric Xtasy, and two men who had left IWC thanks to Norm but had returned out of loyalty to right some wrongs – “Cuban Crippler” Ricky Reyes and the one and only Shiima Xion, still reigning IWC Champion much to Norm Connors’ chagrin. Despite the additions, “N-Con” proved to have one-extra con job up his sleeve as Ricky Reyes betrayed his partners, and sided with the very man he had almost assaulted months ago, Norm Connors, proving once again Norm’s power of connections may be stronger than all of us care to admit.

Shiima Xion gained a measure of revenge one-night later as he and Necro Butcher, who had a falling out with Norm after gaining respect for Jimmy DeMarco the night before, were able to defeat The Irish Airborne in a non-title affair. Meanwhile, Airborne’s tag titles ended up in possession of The Gambino Brothers following a wild altercation between those teams. Despite the hopes and plotting of the evil boss, IWC’s alleged “old guard” is clearly not ready to go anywhere anytime soon.

Ricky Reyes, reigning Jr. Champion for WWC, World Wrestling Council in Puerto Rico, successfully defended his title against Davey Richards, evening their IWC series 2-2.

Also in special bonus contests, Eric Xtasy bested CJ Sensation while Jason Gory gained some Super Indy VIII revenge when he defeated Marion Fontaine.