Courtesy of
Ring of Honor
June 10, 2015
Ted Reeve Arena
Toronto, Canada
The Addiction Promo:
Kazarian congratulates reDRagon because their bitching, pissing, moaning, and complaining paid off because you get your shot at the tag titles tonight. You need to remember that when you pray for the rain, you must then deal with the mud. Daniels tells Fish and O’Reilly that just like every other member of this entitlement generation, you complained, bitched, and moaned and said you wanted your rematch right now. Tonight, you got us right where we want you. You saw what we did to win these championships, what do you think we will do to keep these championships.
Daniels says there is breaking news from the World Tag Team Champions of the World. In a shocking turn of events, Bobby Fish has been ruled medically unable to compete tonight. While that is bad news for the fans, it is really bad news for reDRagon because their title rematch is tonight. Their contract states that they are wrestling Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish, not Kyle O’Reilly and a suitable replacement. If they do not come down to wrestle tonight, they can go back into the title contention pool and face teams like the Mulkeys and Conquistadors until they get back into title contention. Daniels says he is telling reDRagon, come fight The Addiction or forfeit your title rematch. Kyle O’Reilly makes his way to the ring and he is alone.
First Match: Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Handicap Match
The Addiction (c) vs. Kyle O’Reilly
O’Reilly pulls Daniels’ shirt over his head and he goes after him with punches like he is the enforcer for the Maple Leafs. O’Reilly chops Daniels. Daniels with an Irish whip but O’Reilly floats over and Kazarian accidentally clotheslines Daniels. O’Reilly rolls through into a cross arm breaker on Kazarian. Daniels kicks O’Reilly but O’Reilly with forearms. Kazarian with a boot to O’Reilly and then they hit a version of Total Elimination on O’Reilly. Daniels chokes Kyle with his t-shirt. The referee forces one of them to the apron and Kazarian with a forearm followed by a gutwrench suplex to O’Reilly and then he kicks O’Reilly in the back after mocking the fact that Fish is not here for O’Reilly to make the tag. Daniels tags in and Kazarian with an Irish whip followed by an elbow in the corner from Daniels and a spinning heel kick from Kazarian. Daniels kicks O’Reilly in the back and punches him. Daniels goes into what would have been O’Reilly’s corner and he does not have to worry about a double team against him. Daniels with a kick and he tags Kazarian back in.
Kyle with a boot to Kazarian and he sends Daniels to the apron. Kazarian charges at Kyle and he knocks Daniels off the apron. Kyle with an O’Connor Roll but Kazarian kicks out and he is sent towards the ropes and Daniels with a palm thrust to the head. Kazarian with an Irish whip and Kyle with a baseball slide to the floor and he hits Daniels. Kyle sends Kazarian into the guardrails and then he does the same to Daniels. Kyle sets up a chair and he sits Daniels in it. Kyle with kicks to the chest and then he kicks a charging Kazarian in the shin and he falls into Daniels in an uncomfortable position. Kyle puts Kazarian on Daniels’ lap and Kyle goes to the apron for the running drop kick off the apron. Kyle sends Kazarian into the ring and he hits a running forearm followed by three rolling butterfly suplexes and then he applies the cross arm breaker. Daniels hits Kyle with the title belt and the referee calls for the bell. After the match, Daniels kicks Kyle and then he punches the referee. Kazarian holds Kyle and then they hit Celebrity Rehab on the title belt. Matt Sydal and ACH make their way to the ring and Daniels and Kazarian leave the ring.
Winner: Kyle O’Reilly by DQ, but still ROH World Tag Team Champions The Addiction
Read the rest of the recap here!