Wrestling-Radio.com is 2 years old today! It is hard to believe that we have come so far in such a small amount of time, but we have and I hope you enjoy this little message which looks back at our 2nd year online and gives thanks to all those who have helped us achieve our goals.
The past year has seen Wrestling-Radio.com establish a strong and loyal fan base something which seemed unthinkable a year ago. I have had the luxury once again this year of an extended break from my college life and this has given me a lot of time to connect with the fans O and also watch Lost (what a great show!) anyways I have had the privilege to really grow our myspace – http://www.myspace.com/wrestlingradio and connect with fans i really never knew we had it has also given me the opportunity to promote the site further and established a regular blog and bulletin service which I know many are users of.
It would be foolish of me to overlook the radio aspect of our site which has become strong and more motivated over the past year. We set the site up initially on the agreement that we would do everything we could to help wrestling radio shows promote themselves…I believe we have not failed but have some way to go….and that is something of a goal for the upcoming year. There was a time not so long ago when many shows felt cheated, conned (literally) and somewhat let down by those who considered themselves “leaders” of the wrestling radio community – first and foremost broadcasting your own wrestling radio show is a hobby and should not be exploited beyond that. For shows that seek to move on beyond a hobby they should learn how to broadcast/syndicate themselves or move onto a stable and professional service – My tip for the year =p
Most of the shows currently listed on Wrestling-Radio.com have put 100% commitment and effort into advertising/promoting themselves with the wide range of promotional tools provided and many are starting to notice the increase in popularity etc…. it will be interesting to see what shows we have a year from now.
Over the past year we have had the privilege of continuing our strong partnership with Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW) and the wonderful online web team. We launched the CZW Live Chat and Result system several months back – which runs every month live during the events. Each and every month there is a considerable turnout sometimes reaching 50+ live chatters and it can get pretty ultraviolent at times! We also continue to provide the Official forums for CZW which equality can get pretty hot epically the Billy Gram area! … I would like to personally thank CZW, the online web team and Billy Gram for all they have done over the past year to help expand and grow the official community – which is certainly not easy when you have an unofficial one lurking =P – Check out the CZW Forum
My thanks go to Steve Corino who reached out to Wrestling-Radio.com for a forum area for himself and fans to communicate – I believe he answers the questions with a morning cup of coffee …how civilised for a former ECW Original! I look forward to the upcoming year and seeing the fans drill Steve with 80 questions per-post haha. You can support support by visiting Steve’s forum area, site and myspace.
Areas of the site that have seen improvement in the past year:
News Coverage – which has expanded and is constantly updated 24/7 with news, polls etc provided by wonderful sources such as Wrestling Obersever / FW4, Gerweck.net, WrestlingNewsWorld.com, EWRESTLINGNEWS.COM, Rajah.com and NODQ.com – I extend my thanks to all these sources who provide the best wrestling news around and until we find our own Steve Gerweck, Dave Meltzer or Ryan Clark then the sources will continued to be used =] –
Columnist – We have many of the old faithfuls (I’m not calling you old Bob or Linda hehe) and some new columnist which are breaking into the columnist scene and also some of our own exclusive show reviewers who spend hours perfecting a perfect column or review.
Video – We actually relaunched this section after a hiatus …. now on a new system which allows me to input fan videos more easily it is sure to be a bigger hit over the coming months – If you have any videos feel free to send them in EVERY video is fan created and adds to our user contributed community.
Forums – Our forums have been given a new look and strengthened against spammers (annoying little beeeeps). We have kept the same loyal community we have always had with some new additions. Big shout out to Bombstriker who runs out very own exclusive Wrestling Radio Predictions League; Its unique in its approach as its design and I thank all members who have taken the time every month to make it a huge success. Thanks also go to Titch who recently joined us in the last month and has followed through with a increasingly popular e-federation which looks set to be another forum hit!
Myspce- We have over 5,000 friends and more then 300 blog subscribers …Like i noted before it has been great connected with our fan base and using this wonderful promotional tool to establish our very own update service for the fans!
Much of our success and growth is down to our unique and exclusive design and I would like to take the time to make everybody aware of the second person behind Wrestling-Radio.com -known to some as iLLer and others as Timothy Armstrong. He is the web coder/developer and designer of the site and the various cool features you see around and about. Many people compliment our design and often ask what content management system we use and I have to laugh and say we actually have our very own. Tim builds the front end of the site and the “behind the scene” system which allows myself to manage the site with easy through publishing features and one-click button systems.
Recently Tim has been working on the brand new CMS system for our new site (coming soon). I thought our current CMS system was powerful however the new 2.0 system is just wooptastic and set to take us to the next level. This system will be publicly available soon for those who want to jump on board and use it to manage their own site with ease , please check out – http://www.xtremewebsitedesign.com/ for package deals on web design and development / You can contact Tim at coder@wrestling-radio.com
I would like to thank Tim for everything he does , he goes above and beyond hell this is the guy who has a car crash, ends up in a coma and as a result received short term memory loss and is back up and running within a month!! LOL anyways Tim you are a mentor and great friend and I look forward to seeing what you come up with during the next 12 months on the new site.
I would like to conclude by saying thank you to everybody (I’m getting sick of them words now haha) and remember I am always here for a general chat (I like talking) , new ideas and concepts etc…We are looking for financial backing to progress ourselves forward , something more official will be published in the coming months about that however if you have some interest then please do no hesitate to hit me up – ben@wrestling-radio.com / messenger – aim – rawbenk or msn – wweisben@hotmail.com
I wish to thank the following people/sites for helping Wrestling-Radio.com reach goals and new heights! – Wrestling-News.com; Ant, Don and Kevin, Brad Dykens (onlineworldofwrestling.com) The Irish Whip; Big Joe and J.P and Yeti. Adam Martin (wrestleview.com), Steve Gerweck (gerweck.net), Richard Gray (WrestlingNewsWord.com), Andy Steven (pwmania.com) Doc Young and Les Thatcher (WrestlingWeekly.com) – get well soon Doc!, Sean Oliver (kayfabecommentaries.com), Shawn Moniz (wrestle-complex.com), Percy Pringle (Paul Bearer), Ronan (kupywrestlingwallpapers.info), Spencer Strickland (fourdown.org),Dave Meltzer (wrestlingobserver.com), Bryan Alverez (f4weekly.com), (pwinsider.com), Dale R. Gagne (awastars.com), Rajah.com, NoDQ.com, EWRESTLINGNEWS.com …. to name a few!
Wrestling-Radio.com Staff , Mods and general peeps; WrestlingExpert (Caylon – Mod and News), Edge64430 (Daniel – E-Fed) – great friends! JT Evans (Advertising), Johnathan Clarke (Radio Promotion), Titch & Co. (E-Federation), Bombstriker (Admin, WRPL, GFX’s), Kenny Kylnes (Mod), Bryan Gillbert, Danny Maher, Micky Byggs (News) & Various Indy Reporters. CZW online web team, Lyle C. Williams, Billy Gram, Steve Corino (Exclusives), Gary Wolf (Host, ECW Original) Orlando Quinones (Audio Exclusives) Bob Magee, Linda, Lee-o-mc, Dr. Wrestling, Roxanne Springer, Devlin, Vinny Truncellito, Hollywood Joe Williamson, Mark Myshack (columnists), Rick Hendrickson/Casey (radio services) and every show host etc on the site over the past year! (too many to list!) and the huge amount of people who view us monthly.
Sorry if I missed you but you know it is hard to construct these lists haha.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WRESTLING-RADIO.COM – Reply to this email with messages or our myspace blog or forum
A wise man once said “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm” – keep that in mind.
Look out for the new site soon!.
Ben Jordan Kerin
Director of Operations – Wrestling-Radio.com
Timothy Armstrong (iLLer)
Lead Web Developer
New: Need Website Design? – http://xtremewebsitedesign.com/