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Hard Knocks is a 40 minute documentary on Professional Wrestling featuring stars from the WWE, TNA and the international independent circuit. Production began in October 2008 in the United Kingdom, with photography taking place in London, Manchester, Portsmouth and across the Southwest. Post-production was completed on 1st June 2009. The film is due to be screened at numerous prestigious film festivals in the UK, The USA, Canada and Europe, commencing September 2009. All festival dates are to be announced over the coming months via the official Hard Knocks website: http://www.myspace.com/hardknocksdoc

Presented by De Cauze Films. Directed and Produced by Arthur Cauty.

Hard Knocks marks the directorial debut of Arthur Cauty, with his crew having collectively worked on numerous award winning features and shorts, music videos, corporate videos, commercials, DVD releases and television broadcasts with the BBC, ITV and Channel 4.


The cast includes former WWE superstars Al Snow (also MTV’s WWE Tough Enough head trainer & WWE developmental trainer), Chris Mordetzky, D’Lo Brown, Kip James, Mick Foley, Raven and current WWE superstar CM Punk. Starring alongside them are Independent Wrestler and Promoter Alex Shane, Promoter Len Davies, referee Steve Lynskey, and Independent wrestlers Andy “Boy” Simmonz, Chris Andrews, Dave Rayne, Robbie Everest, Sam Andrews, The Ballard Brothers, Twinkletoes, T-bone and The UK Kid.

Including appearances from AJ Styles, Aviv Maayan, Bob Howard, Chris Petherwick, Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, Danny Sensation, Doug Williams, El Diablo Infinito, Jake McCluskey, Iceman, Jack Toxic, James Tighe, Johnny Goodtime, Jonny Storm, Mal Sanders, Marcel Gibbons, Matt Vaughn, Mike Fitzgerald, Mistuharu Misawa, Naomichi Marufuji, Petey Williams, Samoa Joe, Scorpio, Shawn Daivari, Spiro, Spud, Steve Grey, Stixx, Tiger Emperor, Tom Newton and Yoshinari Ogawa.


Professional wrestling is an industry largely misunderstood by the general public and an industry that has been victim of ridicule time and time again. Over the past few years in particular, the professional wrestling world has been thrust into complete turmoil after the deceiving and biased portrayal of certain events by the national media. The deaths of top wrestlers in their prime as well as numerous steroid scandals have been used to kick the industry when it’s down.

Hard Knocks dives deep into this bizarre fusion of sport and theatre in order to uncover the true art of professional wrestling; blending combat and athleticism with drama and showmanship to captivate the minds of the audience, suspending any disbelief that what they are seeing is not real. Although you can hardly epitomize it as simply “real” or “fake”, there is no denying the tremendous skill and aptitude required of each performer. Yet despite this and the often harsh realities of each match, to most people, professional wrestling is a laughing stock. Director Arthur Cauty interviews wrestlers, referees and promoters alike, with world famous stars of the WWE aligning with the stars of tomorrow to voice their opinions, revealing startling truths about this illusive business.

Ultimately, the collective aim of those involved is to generate public awareness of what professional wrestling actually is. It is a pre-determined sport; a unique blend of combat and theatre, blurring the line between reality and fiction. Wrestlers are sportsman, they are actors, they are stuntmen and above all they are athletes. Why then does the average Joe sneer at the slightest hint of the word? Of course, pro wrestling has its problems, but what industry doesn’t? The music industry is plagued with drugs and alcohol, the fashion industry has its coveted “size zero” and today’s supermarkets seem to have more in common with science laboratories than with farms. The world of pro wrestling is a secretive one and despite its tarnished reputation, there is an admirable side to which, the man in the street is completely oblivious. Hard Knocks lifts the curtain on the show, and sheds a light on a sport suffering it’s darkest days, analysing everything from broken bones to steroid use, choreography to promos, to the impracticalities of depending on wrestling for financial security. This film will shock and astound, leaving you with a new found respect for professional wrestling and the men and women who dedicate their lives and bodies to this obscure art form.




All enquiries to be directed to the following:

Arthur Cauty
De Cauze Films
19 Rosemary Avenue
Newton Abbot
TQ12 1NT
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1626 200 560 or +44 (0) 7810 805 132

Email: arthur@cauty.co.uk

A Glass Walls Documentary (c) De Cauze Films 2009