This week on William Hatfield’s The Wrestling Hotseat Video Show we travel deep into the hollers of West Virginia and Kentucky to speak with NWA Bluegrass superstar tag team, Hoss Cat Big Henry & Cousin Bobby Paul, collectively known as Hillbilly Deluxe. NWA BG is a regional promotion running shows in Kenutcky and the surrounding tri state area, boasting an incredible roster of up and comers and prowrestling legends like Masked Superstar, The Midnight Express and WWE Hall of Famer, Handsome Jimmy Valiant, as well as, Tradition Chris Draven, Kris King, Chance Prophet & Hillbilly Deluxe.

We have individual interviews with both members of Hillbilly Deluxe, and these guys have to be seen and heard to be believed! These guys are great storytellers and have a great love for wrestling, so if you’ve never watched the show before, this is one you won’t want to miss! In addition to the interviews, we also have a great match featuring a young Hoss Cat Big Henry in action against Devin Davis, courtesy of Gen-X Wrestling So you’ve personalities of the National Wrestling Alliance and a great match so sit back and watch and enjoy from your computer or iPod! A completely packed show this week! Don’t forget to pick up NWA Bluegrass DVD’s at and check out

You can download the interview or listen online at

and while you’re there check out the other interviews with stars of the WWE, TNA, WCW, ECW, and the National Wrestling Alliance, like Doug Basham,Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore, Vyper, Jamie Dundee, Amy Vitale, “Ironman” Rob Conway, “The Boogie Woogie Man” Handsome Jimmy Valiant, “Nightmare” Ken Wayne, Bill DeMott, “Southern Justice” Jude Justice, “Tradition” Chris Draven, “Lightning” Mike Quackenbush, “Stone Cold” Shark Boy, “The Damaja” Danny Basham, “The ECW Zombie” Tim Arson, and more!


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