Sunset Flip Presents: Hogan’s Friends
By Jim Boy Star

This week, I want to take a look at Hogan’s friends in TNA. When Hogan and Bischoff took the reigns of TNA, people figured that he would bring some of his friends in such as the Nasty Boys and Brutus Beefcake. Some were right and some weren’t. As I was watching on January 4th, I said to myself “I would be shocked if all these people stayed within the next two months”. Some have stayed around such as the Nasty Boys while others, such as Jeff Hardy, have not been seen since January 4th. Are their times up? Or can they contribute to TNA? That is what I will take a look at in this column.

Hall and X-Pac: First off, I want to say how impressed I am that Scott Hall continuously shows up for work. For the normal person like myself and probably everyone reading, this seems like an easy task. But not for Scott Hall. If I ever ran a promotion, I would NEVER book Scott Hall because there is a 50 percent chance that he would not show up. Remember when TNA made a PPV based around the “Outsiders” reunion and Scott Hall no showed that PPV? The 2nd biggest promotion in the US is focusing a PPV on you and put you in the main event and you don’t show up for it? To me, that shows me alot about Scott Hall, the person.

With that in mind, I think Hall’s time is going to be up. On the other hand, I have been very impressed by Waltman. He seems like he can still go in the ring as evident from the last PPV when Waltman tooks Hall’s place in the tag match against Beer Money. I certainly hope Waltman stays around for the long haul. Speaking of Hall (bad pun), I want Scott Hall to be on the show and not be on the show. On one hand, it’s funny seeing him look like he’s drunk at the tapings or on something. On the other hand, Hall is unprofessional and I don’t think it’s benefiting anyone by giving him a job despite doing nothing to earn it.

Sean Morley: I don’t care what anyone says. I was thrilled when Morley beat Daniels. Morley for World Champ! It should have happened in WWE under the porn star gimmick. Morley has a great character because it’s the same as WWE’s and in my opinion Val Venis was the unsung hero of the Attitude Era. Morley should be signed to either TNA or WWE to a 10 year contract. If Randy Orton can get one, Morley should as well.

Nasty Boys: I think their time is running out quickly. I feel that after they have the match with Team 3D, that will be the end of their run. This will lead to many wrestling fans rejoicing. However, I’m still waiting for Brutus Beefcake to show up. Maybe he will help the Nasty Boys.

Orlando Jordan: I was in and out in regards to Impact this week. I don’t believe he was on this week but I don’t think he is gone either. He was feuding with Dinero, but for some reason I don’t see TNA pulling the trigger on an actual match between the two. If there is no match, then it’s pointless to have him on the roster. So much like the Nasty Boys, I think Orlando Jordan’s time is running out. That is, if it hasn’t run out yet.

Ric Flair: Flair’s role, in my opinion, has been the best over all the guys that came in post Hogan. He’s being used to take AJ Styles to the next level and since he’s great on the mic that is good for AJ. Flair should definitely stay for awhile longer.

Ken Anderson: I’m impressed by Ken Anderson. Not because he’s been great or anything like that. I’ve been impressed with Mr. Anderson because he has not been injured yet. Some feel I may be going long with that joke but I don’t. I’ll stop if he can make it to past Lockdown and the post Lockdown Impact tapings not being injured. Back to the topic at hand, Anderson should stick around because he probably won’t be around that much longer before he injures himself again.

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Have a great week everyone

Jim Boy Star

Sunset Flip Wrestling Show
Sunday 6pm EST
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