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Pro Wrestling EVE – Empire Strikes Back

Pro Wrestling EVE
“Empire Strikes Back”
Reviewed by Brad Dykens

INTRODUCTION: My immediate impression of Pro Wrestling EVE was that it has really exceptional production quality, which I fully expected from Dann Read and his staff. They had a pretty slick DVD menu design, crisp audio/video quality, intelligent commentary, and helpful post match replays. EVE promotes itself as Europe’s only all-girl wrestling promotion, piggy backing off of successful American promotions like ChickFight, SHIMMER, and WSU.

Britani Knight vs. Shanna: They are really pushing 18 year old Britani because she is the daughter of British legends Sweet Saraya & Ricky Knight. I had to wonder if Britani would be another cliche example of a wrestler’s child getting over-exposed due to her family connections. I was pleasantly relieved when I saw that she was actually quite technically sound. Her opponent Shanna was 10 years older than her, but still looks like a very fit teenager. Both girls were fan-favorites here, allowing the fans to cheer both wrestlers. Britani got her first victory in EVE after a Night Light on Shanna! Impressive showing for a young rookie, but let’s not see her competing in any main events for a few years at least.

April Daniels & Jenny Sjodin vs. Amazon & Destiny: April & Jenny are two competitors who can’t afford to rely on their looks to get over. They’re billed as technical wrestlers with a high level of respect for the sport. They even showed respect for the ring before entering it. Amazon & Destiny are a couple of big ugly heels hungry for fresh meat. Destiny reminds me of a particularly lame American wrestler named Primetime Amy Lee. The match kicked off with a brawl and both teams received yellow cards (a warning). They brawl continued and both teams received red cards, which translates to a double disqualification. A bunch of male crew members hit the ring and worked to separate everybody. That was quick.

The Alpha Female vs. Jane Beatrix Dunn w/The Glamour Gym: I love the Alpha Female, and I’ve loved her since I first saw her years ago when she was known as Jazzy Bi. She is a monster in the ring with a great look, and would be a good addition to the WWE ranks (in my humble opinion). From what I gather, the story on the Glamour Gym is that they have a nerdy girl in their group who they bully and push around. Her name is Jane Beatrix Dunn and she does not stand up for herself. The Glamour Gym forced her to wrestle the much larger Alpha Female. Jane looks like a teenaged librarian virgin with zero confidence in herself – but you can tell she is still very CUTE. She was eaten alive by the Alpha Female, who showed no mercy to her abused opponent. Jane actually kicked out of the X-Factor and hit a drop toe-hold. Jane went to the top rope but was distracted by the Galmour Girls. The Alpha Female grabbed Jane and planted her with a powerful slam for the win!

After the match, the Glamour Gym attacked little Jane until the Alpha Female ran back out to make the save! Good job!

Team Storm (Becky James & Rhia O’Reilly) vs. The Glamour Gym (Sara-Marie Taylor & Carmel Jacob): The Glamour Gym are Britain’s answer to TNA’s Beautiful People or perhaps WWE’s LayCool – depending on how you look at it. They are great little heels with hot bodies and snotty attitudes. The good girls were Team Storm, a couple of red-headed spitfires trained by Lance Storm at the Storm Wrestling Academy in Canada. After a surprisingly one-sided contest, it was the Glamour Gym walking out victorious after giving Team Storm a make-over.

Saraya Knight vs. Nikki Storm: I think Nikki Storm is somehow affiliated with the Team Storm from the previous match. She is a two and a half year pro from Scotland and carries herself very well. Saraya has been around for over twenty years, and has the respect of every female wrestler to come out of the UK. I liked her better when she wrestled in daisy dukes. After a long great match, Saraya hit a Superplex, but Nikki kicked out. Saraya followed up with a devastating power-bomb in the middle of the ring for the win! Saraya was declared the winner to massive applause. Saraya helped her fallen opponent up to her feet and embraced her before raising her arm out of respect. Saraya took the mic and spoke about her impending retirement and how good it felt to see girls like Nikki Storm coming up the ranks.

BONUS CONTENT: This DVD also includes some bonus material. We got to see footage of Jetta announcing her retirement plans, and also a segment featuring the Knight family at their home doing a bit of a shoot interview talking about British female wrestling.

You can purchase this DVD, and other Pro Wrestling EVE DVD’s
at www.EVEwrestling.com or email info@evewrestling.com