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Mario Savoldi offers us interesting declarations about his side of the story in the controversial situation that has happened in The International Wrestling Association (IWA). Savoldi says that all that has been said about his person by Miguel Perez and Savio Vega are not true and he talks against all that has been said in the past weeks. Mario is accusing Miguel Perez and Juan Rivera (Savio), of taking the reigns of a company that is not theirs. He says that the equipment and the company are his according to the agreements that allowed his arrival to the company.



Savoldi says that there is no such thing as the International Wrestling Association (IWA). Savoldi says that IWA stops being a company as he starts promoting matches under the new name of International Wrestling Entertainment (IWE). According to him, the equipment and talent that are being used by Savio and Miguel, belong to the IWE. Since the entity called IWA does not exist, cards and programs that are being used with IWE material are illegal and do not count with the appropriate documentation to be transmitted and used. This illegal activity according to Savoldi, is the decision that takes him to engage in a legal battle against the so called Authentics of the IWA.


This interview also comments on Savoldi’s rol in the event that brought WWC’s Universal Championship to the IWA last January. Finnaly, Savoldi mentions the names of the puertorrican superstars that keep working for him. He mentions the names of Ray Gonzales, Ricky Vega, Karlito, Hiram Tua and other stars that he is interested in sending on a tour to Mexico and the United States.