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Boy makes a 3,500 mile trip across the pond to meet Jeff Hardy and attend #TNANYC Live Events at Manhattan Center
During TNA’s events in New York City last week, one Jeff Hardy superfan from the UK had a day he will always remember. With the help of UK wish granting charity Starlight Children’s Foundation and TNA Wrestling, Tom Trussler, a 12-year-old who has been diagnosed with a rare progressive congenital disorder, was granted his wish of meeting TNA Superstar “The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy.
“The thing that caught my eye about Jeff is his determination, and I like that,” said Tom. “Ever since I first saw him on TV Jeff Hardy has been my favorite wrestler.”
Determination is something Tom knows a lot about. In July 2013, Tom underwent a bone marrow transplant, which forced him to be homebound for six months. During his recovery Tom spent much of his time watching professional wrestling, in particular matches of Jeff Hardy on IMPACT WRESTLING.
Tom and his parents, Mark and Lesley, made the 3,500 mile trek from the U.K. to New York City to meet Hardy and take part in the IMPACT WRESTLING live event at the Manhattan Center on Tuesday, Aug. 5 and Wednesday, Aug. 6. Prior to the sold out August 5 show, Hardy spent the afternoon hanging out with Tom as the two talked wrestling and took photos. Hardy also introduced Tom to dozens of fellow TNA Superstars – Bully Ray, The Wolves and Mr. Anderson, to list a few.
Before the start of the event Tom was invited backstage to Hardy’s dressing room where his face was painted by Hardy to match the “Charismatic Engima’s” own face paint in signature IMPACT WRESTLING colors of black, blue and white.
Following an afternoon of activities with Hardy and a VIP meet-and-greet autograph session with other TNA Superstars, Tom and his parents were escorted to their front row ringside seats to watch the IMPACT WRESTLING televised event from the sold out Manhattan Center.