THE FIRST SHOOT INTERVIEW CONDUCTED ENTIRELY BY THE FANS, YOUSHOOT, RELEASED TODAY and The Honky Tonk Man solicited the public’s webcam and email questions several months ago. You were told you could ask him ANYTHING and, as part of the new DVD series from KayfabeCommentaries-YouShoot–Honky Tonk said he’d answer it all on-camera. You held your end of the bargain and Honky did his.
Today marks the release of the first shoot interview to be conducted entirely via webcam and email, and the first edition of the wild and fun series. co-owner Sean Oliver says this new series is a break from the company’s Guest Booker series. “We’re certainly going to continue Guest Booker, but we wanted to offer some more variety with our DVDs,” he said. “We’re applying a model built by traditional television by treating our DVDs as ongoing series. Whereas Guest Booker was heavily mired in the study of the creative end of the wrestling business, YouShoot is just fun, fun, fun.”
The guests of the series will be the more outspoken and provocative figures in the wrestling business. “That’s the cornerstone of the series-put those types of individuals on the hotseat with the prerequisite that they agree to answer anything,” Oliver says. “Then, we turn it over to the public and buckle our seatbelts.”
YouShoot with The Honky Tonk Man is now on sale at