Kevin Kleinrock
By Andrew Pritchard
Kevin Kleinrock joined the In Your Head Crew for a XPW 10th Anniversary Countdown, Jack, One Inch Biceps and Barbie Richards conducted the interview for the August 21, 2009 edition of In Your Head Wrestling Radio.
XPW 10th Anniversay Super Show at the:
The Arena
6655 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles CA
For more information on getting your tickets and the complete run down of the card please visit:
Jack asked whether Kleinrock was surprised that a 10th Anniversary Special for XPW has come about, Kleinrock says he thinks its like a High School Reunion and everyone is surprised that the show is happening because of the desire of the wrestlers and the fans to see this happen, he says he wasn’t sure it would happen, and Mike Hartsfield who’s the promoter of the show who’s the person who spurred up to do the Cold Day in Hell show who after XPW was constantly bringing it up wanting to do another XPW show, so Kevin and Mike worked to do a Cold Day in Hell and every week since Cold Day in Hell Mike kept ringing Kevin saying we have to do a 10 year show, between Mike and a bunch of the boys, and being out at a couple of local Indy shows over the last year and the fans asking, he says it was like “well if the people want to see it, lets let it happen”, and he’s just been able to sit back and enjoy what’s been going on, and Kevin knows that we’ve got a few surprises from people we might no expect to see, so he says he’s looking forward to it.
Jack asks if Kevin is happy with how the Cold Day in Hell DVD came out, Kevin says he was very happy,, other than the WSX DVD which came out he’s probably most proud of the XPW Cold Day in Hell DVD out of all the XPW and Big Vision Entertainment DVDs which have been produced. Kevin says the XPW DVD has an entire 30+ Minute Pre-Show which is kind of like a WWE or TNA special which would air before a PPV, includes a run down of the matches, promos for the matches as well as other stuff on the Pre-Show, it has a bunch of XPW footage from guys who were on the show, and he was really happy with how it came out, definitely worth a check out and he says it was a pretty good show, Kevin says the XPW show was very entertaining from top to bottom and definitely delivered an XPW show to the XPW fans as it definitely delivered people were looking for, the cool thing about XPW is that its really not a product that you can find anywhere else, its got it’s own unique style and charm to it, from the comedy to the violence to the girls and there’s really no one out there who is doing that, so he says he thinks that there’s a void in that market and especially with the way WWE has turned ECW into what it is today, and there’s nothing edgy or anything which pushes any boundaries, so he thinks there was a demand for it and people will enjoy that black side to it and he thinks that the 10 year show will also deliver that to the fans.
Jack says it hurt to watch Necro Butcher step in the thumbtacks on the XPW Cold Day in Hell, Kevin says that it was a legit shoot and the story behind that match was nobody wanted to get in the ring and work a death match with Supreme, and he says there aren’t a lot of guys out there who wanted to put themselves through that, so they booked somebody who was going to put on a match worthy of an XPW Main Event, and Necro literally stepped to the challenge and he says it was great to work with Necro and there is really no one else like Necro Butcher, it was an honor to have him on the show and he thought him and Supreme put on a hell of a match, and had XPW continued back when it did or if there was going to be a new run of XPW, Necro would be a welcome addition to the Roster. Jack says it was a dream match Supreme vs. Necro Butcher, Kevin says that XPW fans know how legendary the matches between Hardcore Homo Angel and Supreme were and there was not a single Supreme/Angel XPW match which didn’t deliver, from 40 foot scaffolds to balconies, every time they went out there they put on a hell of a show, he says one of the things of the 10 year show was that back in the people were told by the promoter/booker this is the match and feud and go do it, and one of the things for the 10 year show was this is by the boys for the boys and what the fans want to see. And he’s excited because Angel wanted to get in the ring with Supreme one more and Angel has pretty much stayed away from death matches since XPW, and when an opportunity came up to wrestle supreme one more time and go out there and lay it all on the line is his opportunity he’s taken, so Kevin is definitely looking forward to seeing how it turns out Saturday,
Kevin also talked about Upcoming Surprises in XPW’s show, Mick Foley Standup and much more. To hear the full interview head on over to You can also listen to In Your Head’s amazing 4 year archive including interviews from people such as Blackjack Mulligan, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley many more. Be sure to check out In Your Head’s official message board where you can leave your questions for upcoming guests, and also get all your official In Your Head news, and you can also subscribe to the IYH Blogspot for the latest In Your Head Podcasts at future In Your Head guests include Bill Alfonso and Rock Riddle.