
TNA star, Lance Hoyt, was the special guest on this past week’s live edition of Monday Night Mayhem (07/09/07), which can be heard in streaming audio every week (hosted by The Big Mosh & Blade, and heard LIVE at 8PM ET/7PM CT every Monday night) exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (,,,, www.Showdown,net, &

Members of’s ON-DEMAND 360 section now get exclusive access to “The Best Of Candice Michelle” broadband video featuring WWE Women’s Champion & former Mayhem guest, Candice, in all of her hottest & most revealing moments from outside of the WWE. Log onto the front page of for more information. For $4.95, you cannot go wrong fans!

This exclusive interview with Lance can now be heard for FREE in Real Audio.

Here are some of the highlights from the interview provided by The Mayhem’s co-host, The Big Mosh.

*Lance was welcomed by Mosh & Blade for his third-ever Mayhem appearance. Right off the bat, and on a general perspective, Mosh asked Lance if the negative publicity that the wrestling business has received (on different angles) has been given over the past three weeks has bothered him personally. “It eats to the root & core for everyone in the business to a certain degree. It has taken its toll on each & every person in the wrestling business.”

*One of TNA’s original stars, Konnan, has done some recent radio & television interviews shooting on the professional wresting industry, but mainly Total Nonstop Action Wrestling — making some pretty inflammatory statements about the company, some of its talent, & the hierarchy of the organization. After reading Konnan’s comments from an interview last Sunday night. To Lance, Konnan has always been “a big supporter of his.” There were times in his stay within the company he was featured prominently, and there were times he was sitting at home for a few months. At one point in time or another, everyone gets frustrated — whether you are the champion of your respective company or not. Lance went on by adding that his relationship with Konnan was not an extremely close one (more of a professional business one, as they did not hang outside of the tapings & events), but he was always appreciative of the feedback Konnan gave him — as well as taking him to AAA in Mexico. “Each person has to make a choice,” Lance added about Konnan’s decision to go on a national stage to voice his concerns & issues on the company. Hoyt does not know what Konnan was dealing with on a business level, but Lance’s communication with TNA on his end has always been good. He sincerely hopes that Konnan has success where he goes from here: whether it be back to AAA, to the WWE, or back to TNA down the road — in addition to Konnan making a speedy recovery from his hip replacement.

*As a parting shot to the wrestling fans around the world that might be on the fence about continuing to watch/follow the product after what has happened collectively over the past month, Lance’s statement/words of advice to those individuals is very clear: “Stay in there….Don’t stop watching. Don’t give up. There is a lot of good people within the business, which will continue to grow. It’s going to get better. It’s going to be best for the fans”

*Plenty of discussion is contained in the rest of this interview, including Lance’s takes & thoughts on TNA’s Bound For Glory heading to Chicago, the company debuting in other markets, the rumors of negotiations of another possible network for TNA, his match vs. Abyss from this past week’s Impact (and whether or not Abyss “speaking for the first time” will “kill” his mystique & persona), as well as Lance’s recent decision to choose “ho’s before bro’s,” as the expression goes (choosing Christy Hemme & leaving VKM).

(07/09/07 streaming MNM:
07/09/07 podcast MNM:

Call your local cable or satellite provider, and place your order for TNA’s Victory Road PPV. & (the official message board of The Mayhem) will have your live coverage of tonight’s event, as well as the response from you, the wrestling fans from around the world.

*Also joining the 7/9 program is an interview with former Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Champion, BJ Whitmer, as ROH prepares for its debut in Japan this week & the debut of their first ever Pay-Per-View (“Respect Is Earned”) on In-Demand. What is Ring Of Honor’s reaction to the Benoit family tragedy? What are the last-minute preparations going into one of ROH’s biggest weeks ever? Log onto for all of the latest…

*”The Summer Of Mayhem 2007″ rolls on this Monday night, July 16th (beginning at 8PM ET/7PM CT) — as the former star of FOX’s Mad TV & stand-up comedian, Aries Spears, hits The Mayhem airwaves (log onto for where you can see Aries in your area & his latest projects), along with former WWE World Tag Team Champion & member of Demolition, Barry Darsow, to preview next month’s NWA Legends Fan Fest in Charlotte, NC (log onto Plus, an in-depth preview of next Sunday night’s WWE Great American Bash Pay-Per-View with The Mayhem’s National WWE Correspondent, Scott Hudson & The Mayhem’s ECW Correspondent, The Monster Factory’s Jim Molineaux. A stacked program for all entertainment & wrestling fans to say the least…

Want to submit your WWE Great American Bash predictions live on the air or ask questions to Aries & Barry? No problem…The Mayhem Crew will be taking your calls @ 716.989.6630 (long distance charges may apply), e-mails @, your comments/questions @, & feedback on The Mayhem’s Message Board @

All new & old Mayhem listeners can still check out the archived programs/shows of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” (including the voice of Monday Night RAW himself/WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross, new WWE Women’s Champion Candice Michelle, TNA President Dixie Carter, Howard Stern’s very own Gary The Retard, The Four Horsemen’s Tully Blanchard & J.J. Dillon, “The Notorious 187” Homicide, Danny Doring’s first post-WWE interview, “The Wildman” Marc Mero, Diana Hart Smith, “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, the legendary voice of the Mid-Atlantic territory, Bob Caudle, the official Monday Night Mayhem WrestleMania 23 Countdown Special from Detroit’s Hilton Garden Inn, the “Sensational” Sherri Martel Tribute Special w/Sherri’s son, Jared, & the official Monday Night Mayhem WWE Draft Night Special)…now available on,,, &

“The Summer Of Mayhem 2007” has now hit the mid-point of July, so make sure you tune in this Monday night (beginning at 8PM ET/7PM CT), as The Big Mosh, Blade, & The Angry Hero are back for another all-new edition of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio,” Monday Night Mayhem…presented by our fine sponsors: Ticket Relief, Sweet Sunshine Sauces, The Monster Factory, Kayfabe Commentaries, Pro Wrestling Unplugged, B. Brown Videos, Pierced Clothing.