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The Katz Files – Arnie Katz
My No Surrender Preview & Predictions!
The Kingfish Arnie Katz breaks out the crystal ball to get you ready for TNA’s September pay per view event, No Surrender.

No Surrender finds TNA beset by many problems. The promotion needs No Surrender to be a home run, but the show doesn’t shape up that way/

This isn’t entirely TNA’s fault. The loss of Angelina Love and Jeff Jarrett, the out-of-the-ring problems of Daniels and the shake-up on the Creative Committee are all working against the promotion at this time.

Let’s look at No Surrender, match by match, to see what’s in store – and what may happen.

Hernandez vs. Eric Young
The Story: The World Elite, led by Eric Young, have tried to get Hernandez to join their group. Now, since reason has failed, Young hopes to beat Hernandez into accepting his version of the truth.

My Prediction: Hernandez is heading for bigger things and, hopefully, bigger matches than this. Eric dropped some pretty big hints that this won’t be an actual wrestling match, which means that the World Elite will be poised to interfere. The only problem is that TNA is now on a referee-is-the-law kick, so it’s going to look pretty suspicious if the official lets Kyoshi, Bashir and the rest hang around the ring. Therefore, assuming TNA goes this direction, the mass attack on Hernandez and the beatdown may come even before the start of the match! The match will either by a Hernandez victory by DQ or, a No Contest or a Double Count out.
Predicted Grade: B-

Abyss vs. Kevin Nash
Legends Championship
$50,000 Bounty Match + Legends Championship Match
The Story: Dr. Stevie continues to try to destroy Abyss. Kevin Nash, known as a mercenary, will try to claim the cash. A late announcement indicates that Nash’s Legends Championship will be on the line, too.

My Prediction: Mick Foley could well be the decisive factor in this match. The pointless quarrel with Abyss on the final iMPACT before the pay per view must mean something, even at TNA. The most likely thing would be for Foley to interfere in a way that costs Abyss the match, but which also prevents Nash from claiming the bounty. That would set up Mick Foley vs. Abyss for Bound for Glory. Nash keeps the belt and could defend it against Jarrett or someone else at the next big show.
Predicted Grade: B-

Bobby Lashley vs. Rhino
The Story: This is Lashley’s TNA debit as a wrestler. Dixie Carter made this match against Rhino.

My Prediction: This could be one of those matches that adds to TNA’s reputation for bad booking. Lashley pretty much has to win, since anything less would spoil his debut. On the other hand, Rhino will have to take a lopsided loss right in the middle of his Jessie Neal storyline. Bobby Lashley will score the winning pin and it won’t take him too long to do it.
Predicted Grade: B-

Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People
Knockout Tag Team Championship
The Story: This is the final match of the tag team tournament to crown the division’s first tag team champions.

My Prediction: My assumption is that Madison Rayne will replace the absent Angelina Love. If that’s the case, a good way to book it would be to have the faces win the title in such a way that hostilities break out between Madison and Velvet. The new champions might then do a program against Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed or even Alissa Flash and Hamada, while Rayne and Sky battle it out in one-on-one competition.
Predicted Grade: B+

ODB vs. Cody Deaner
TNA Knockout Championship
The Story: They were sweethearts, but that ended when Deaner captured “The Knocked-Up Championship.” ODB has vowed to restore the title to someone more fitting than a man.

My Prediction: If TNA thinks they have a Santino Morella here, they may be over-estimating Cody Deaner by a bit. I would like to think that TNA is ready to end the boring farce and get on with real women’s title contests. My prediction, therefore, is that ODB whips his butt. At the end of the match, she will throw him over her shoulder and carry him back to her locker room for Nameless Activities.
Predicted Grade: C

Samoa Joe vs. Daniels
X-Division Title Match
The Story: Samoa Joe, now a member of the Main Event Mafia, showed he had returned to something like his old self when he smashed his way to the X Division Championship. Daniels, one of the pioneers in this division, will try to take the title from him and put a dent in the MEM in the process.

My Prediction: This looks like a set-up for a really big match between these two at next, much more important pay per view. The delay will also give TNA a chance to decide whether Daniels’ recent troubles are an isolated incident or a warning sign. Samoa Joe will lose the match (by DQ), buy retain the strap.
Predicted Grade: B+

Beer Money vs. Team 3D vs. Scott Steiner & Booker T vs. British Invasion
Lethal Lockdown Steel Cage Match
The Story: These teams, in various combinations, have battled for months. Veer Money and Team 3D have an alliance, as do the two heel duos, but all such bonds could be shattered if circumstances dictate.

My Prediction: Unless they suddenly put one or both tag titles on the line, the outcome doesn’t mean very much. In a cluster schmazz like this, any of the four teams could win a dozen different ways without making it seem like a crippling loss for the others. Why not a victory for Veer Money so that they can challenge for the TNA titles at the next pay view as Team 3D goes after the IWGP belts.
Predicted Grade: B+

A.J. Styles vs. Sting vs. Matt Morgan vs. Kurt Angle
TNA World title match
The Story: Kurt Angle won’t have any friends inside the ropes when he risks his title against three powerful challengers. Any of them would have a legitimate shot at winning in a singles match; what will happen if they all combine on the former Olympian is anyone’s guess.

My Prediction: If Angle doesn’t keep the title, the most likely winner, in my opinion, is Matt Morgan. I think Kurt will retain against his three challengers – and will fight Morgan at the next pay per view. I must mention here a prediction sent by reader Nic Farey, who feels that Angle will retain only to have Hernandez cash in the briefcase and win the title.
Predicted Grade: A

Predicted Grade for No Surrender: B-

That’s all for today! I’ll be back on Monday with my recap and analysis of No Surrender on Monday. Hope you’ll join me then – and, please, bring your friends.

— Arnie Katz
Executive Editor