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The Katz Files – Arnie Katz
Nobody Asked Me (about WWE), But…
Post-WrestleMania 25 Edition
The Kingfish Arnie Katz continues a “Katz Files” tradition with answers to some ticklish questions that have seeped into his mind as he reflects on recent WWE wrestling...

Like most fans, I’ve been watching a lot of WWE this week, both regular shows and Extreme Rules and
Nobody Asked Me, But…

… Wasn’t Tommy Dreamer finally winning the ECW title the “feel good” moment of not only the pay per view but the year? Talk about a sentimental favorite! Anyone who watched Dreamer in the “old ECW” will never forget his long feud with Raven, He won’t hold the title very long, but seeing him win it against Christian and Jack Swagger made for a wonderful moment.

… Didn’t WWE botch the whole Rey Mysterio unmasking? The kind of unmasking they did really only works when the person under the hood is someone the fans know in another identity. Mysterio’s situation was entirely different. It revolved around the symbolic value of the mask. They talked about it a little, but that went out the window when the opening bell rang. This was just too abrupt and too ordinary.

… Wouldn’t you like to see them introduce a masochistic wrestler who fights to earn disrespect?

… Don’t you wish that WWE would humanize the way it announced a firing? That little rote formula about wishing them well has become a macabre little epitaph. It’s so insincere to report the worst event in a person’s career as you wish him well. Firings are inevitable, but they can be handled with more class.

… Isn’t a lot of RAW’s talent sitting outside the ring? It’s a great rosteron paper. In reality, Triple H, Undertaker and Shawn Michaels are all sidelined, to which can now be added Dave Batista. Jeff Hardy reportedly racked up his shoulder and broke a finger at the pay per view, but he is still working.

… Didn’t WWE walk the knife edge with CM Punk’s title victory at <Extreme Rules? They got huge excitement out of Punk cashing in the “Money in the Bank” suitcase – and they also used it to push the new champion into his big heel turn. Hr should do well, because he has a malevolent look that goes well with villainous deeds. Turning him heel looks like a much better move than the previously rumored Batista heel turn.

That’s all for today. I’ll be back tomorrow with another installment of the Internet’s fastest-rising daily wrestling column. I hope you’ll join me then – and, please, bring your friends.

— Arnie Katz
Executive Editor