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The Katz Files – Arnie Katz

Nobody Asked Me, But…
WrestleMania 25 Week Edition

The Kingfish Arnie Katz continues a “Katz Files” tradition with answers to some ticklish questions that have seeped into his mind during WrestleMania week..

I was watching WWE this week and
Nobody Asked Me, But…

… Wasn’t it sad that Tazz left as the color commentator on Smackdown? He wasn’t a terrific fit with Jim Ross, but the fierce fireplug often contributed interesting inside information. The best thing now might be to move Jerry Lawler to Smackdown to reunite the popular team and give Matt Stryker a shot at the RAW job.

,,, It looks like WWE is trying to kill ECW by boring fans into submission. The last two shows before WrestleMania were very poor and WWE’s general inattention to the brand doesn’t inspire much hope for improvement. The addition of the Superstars on WGN this month could mean that the worst is yet to come.

… Hasn’t Santino Morella done some nice work trying to pump life into the T&A fest known as the 25-Diva Battle Royal. If they staged the introductions at WrestleMania and then went on to something else, nobody would know the match never took place, because they’d all be in the bathroom or the kitchen.

,,, Shouldn’t WWE post a Viewer Warning if the rumor is true that Santino join the Battle Royal in drag? The man-kini was enough.

… Haven’t they done a terrific job on the Orton-McMahon Family feud over the last two weeks prior to WrestleMania? Just think how much more effective it would be if WWE hadn’t screwed up the pace of the story and had to restart the plot and if Vince McMahon wasn’t 63 years old.

… How can Michael Cole talk about treating the Legends with respect without laughing out loud? Respect is a nice Hall of Fame ceremony with pretty girls to help the Legends get t the podium on their wrecked knees. Respect is not putting elderly, out-of-shape men into the ring where they can’t look anything but awkward. Turning the match into an Elimination Contest will only give fans a greater opportunity to see how far Piper, Steamboat and Snuka have deteriorated from their primes.

… Doesn’t the Shawn Michaels-Undertaker match shape up as a potential best-of-show contest? Considering that this is about two babyfaces with very little at issue, they pre-match promotion has been nothing less than fantastic. “My light will forever outshine your darkness,” is a great line, even from a guy just coming off a storyline in which he sold out his values for money.

That’s all for today. I’ll be back tomorrow with another installment of the Internet’s fastest-rising daily wrestling column. I hope you’ll join me then – and, please, bring your friends.

— Arnie Katz