Prime Wrestling (OH)

Now Online: PRIME TV #182: Krimson vs. Rickey Shane Page

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Airdate: 6/2/13

PRIME TV airs every Sunday at 10PM on SportsTime Ohio with recent episodes showcased on Here’s what’s on tap for the next new episode…

PRIME Champion Krimson vs. Rickey Shane Page
When Commissioner Vic Travagliante assumed power, he immediately gained grandiose visions… such as a supergroup aligning The Megalomaniacs & Dead Wrestling Society. When that involved Krimson surrendering the PRIME Title & all of his own macabre visions for it, talks broke down and FAST. Vic responded by immediately deeming Rickey Shane Page the #1 contender and granting him a championship match. These are two of the most physical athletes PRIME has ever seen, and both have an uncharacteristically high tolerance for pain. What must these two men do to one another to keep the other down with something as prestigious as the PRIME Championship at stake?? This will be a match not soon forgotten by anyone who witnesses it.

PRIME TV Championship: Facade vs. Matthew Justice
The now-ironically dubbed “One Man Militia” has been rewarded quite handsomely for allowing The Megalomaniacs to assume power at “Pressure Rising” — including being deemed #1 contender to the TV Title. Sensing a pattern here? Facade has now usurped his predecessor as longest reigning TV Champion in history, but with an entire crooked regime against him, could those days be numbered? Facade has always marched to the beat of his own drum and, more often than not, seen great success from it. Will it happen here? And what is this yet-to-be-revealed “signing bonus” Justice received upon joining The Megalomaniacs??

Nicki Valentino vs. Aiden Veil
Valentino was sent to find Krimson on PRIME TV #181 and… let’s just say that didn’t work out so well. It’s back to the drawing board for Mr. “Old School Muscle” as far as trying to impress his boss and gain membership to The Megalomaniacs. How will Valentino fare against 21-year-old upstart Aiden Veil? Still a PRIME rookie, Veil has seen his stock rise after a recent win over Bobby Shields and tough battle with The Dead Wrestling Society. Can Aiden add to his resume or will Valentino start to build his bridge to Megalomania?

Plus: “World’s Most Huggable Wrestler” Bryan Castle in action; We hear from The Handicapped Heroes Gregory Iron & Zach Gowen, The Sons of Michigan, “THE BEV” Bobby Beverly and more!

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