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NWA News and Notes 2-7-2013

BOOKINGS SITE www.sbibookings.com

BILL BEHRENS ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/bill.behrens.52?ref=ts

BILL BEHRENS ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/WilliamBehrens




NWA Wildside featured stars like Current TNA Heavyweight Champion, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles (TNA/WCW), Ron Killings (WWE/TNA), Abyss (Justice) (TNA), Jimmy Rave (TNA), Amazing Red (TNA), Tony Mamaluke (WWE/WCW/TNA), Air Paris (WCW), Hotstuff Hernandez (TNA), David Young (TNA), Kenn Phoenix (Kenn Doane/Dykstra) (WWE), Luke Hawx (Altar Boy Luke) (WSX), Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) (WWE), Delirious (ROH), Mike Posey (WWE/TNA), “The Original Gangsta” New Jack (ECW/TNA) and many more. NWA Wildside served a development promotion for WCW and featured stars like The Beast (Bob Sapp), David Flair, Tank Abbott, Shannon Moore, Shane Helms, Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire, Elix Skipper, Jimmy Yang and many more. Wrestling legends like Dusty Rhodes, Dory Funk, Jr., Terry Taylor, Larry Zbsyzko, James E Cornette, The Rock & Roll Express (Ricky & Robert), Abdullah The Butcher, and many more all appeared on NWA Wildside TV.

The NWA Wildside announce team featured Dan “The Dragon” Wilson, Steven Prazak, Scott Hudson, Steve Martin, Bill Behrens, Al Getz, Chris Cruise & others.

Classic NWA Wildside DVD’s are now available at www.sbibookings.com . Relive the excitement of one of the most talked about independent promotions in professional wrestling, NWA Wildside!

All DVD’s may be purchased by using your PayPal account and using the “Send Money” option to showbis@aol.com. Each LAST RITES 2005, FREEDOM FIGHT 2004 or HARDCORE HELL 2005 PT 1 or 2 DVD is only $10, shipping included!

And WILDSIDE TV episodes are available for $5 each or 3 for $10 on DVD with shipping included for free.

Write to Show Business, Inc at ShowBis@aol.com for info on how to order by mail and on how to order any of the over 300 episodes of NWA Wildside TV, or write to PO Box 941787 Atlanta, GA 31141.





ANARCHY TV at http://anarchy-wrestling.net/

SHOW #663-364







4236 Level Grove Rd. Cornelia, GA





JEFF G BAILEY (NWA ELITE) YOU TUBE page http://www.youtube.com/user/NWAElite

Anarchy star, Slim J, announces the launch of his new website www.slimj.com .

The website features pics & videos of Slim J, plus very soon fans will be able to purchase Slim J T-Shirts & DVDs. Slim J also create original music & beats that are available for purchase using paypal.

If you want to get trained as a professional wrestler you will find info on the NWA Anarchy Wrestling School at www.slimj.com too.

SLIM J appeared in the JAN/FEB edition of MENTAL FLOSS magazine.

Dan “The Rev” Wilson podcast:

Thursday at 11:30 PM EST at www.blogtalkradio.com/dragonsrejects

The Rev’s Midnight Black Mass – bringing you the most in unique and sinister coverage of all entertainment “On The Fringe” (Pro Wrestling, Music, Horror Films, TV, Comics, Stand Up Comedy and More)







Watch RPW TV each Saturday on Macon’s Fox 24 at 9:00AM and MY41.2 at 10AM and Cox Communications Cable 11 in Middle Georgia Thurs 8PM & Sat noon or anytime at www.rampageprowrestling.net , plus Rampage Rewind on Cox Communications Cable 11 M, W, & F 5PM Fri & Sat 11:30PM & My41 Sat noon and at http://highspots.tv/category/video/free-videos/

RAMPAGE 1 HOUR COX 11 Thurs 8PM & Sat noon

My41.2 Sat 10AM

Fox 24 Sat 9AM

RAMPAGE REWIND COX 11 M, W, & F 5PM Fri & Sat 11:30PM

Rampage Website:


Rampage Facebook:





ProSouth Wrestling

627 Southern Avenue

Piedmont, AL 36272

Tickets are $6 and free for children under 5. Doors open at 6:00 and bell time is at 7:00. For more information, call (256) 447-3825.


ProSouth Champion: “The Last Hero” Ace Haven (since 5/04/2012)

All-Out Champion: Jed Johnson (since 10/26/2012)

Tag Team Champions: De La Vega & Wrestling Star Najasism (since 11/02/2012)

#1 – Big Tomb (destroyed Ace Haven, Brandon Collum & Daniel Alexander all in one night)

#2 – Steven Michaels (victorious in the final chapter of a 3 year rivalry)

#3 – Red Rayne (path of destruction earns him the #3 spot)

#4 – Tyler Gage (won via submission in his official return match)

#5 – Kyle Matthews (inactivity causes him to drop a few spots)

ProSouth Wrestling was in Piedmont, AL on February 1st. Results: Steven Michaels defeated Dakota Outlaw (w/James Hardy) to advance to the finals of the Gold Rush tournament. Big Tomb defeated Scott Spade. “The Last Hero” Ace Spade (w/Amy) defeated Elrod Campbell. “Future Classic” Tyler Gage defeated Outpatient AZ85 to advance to the finals of the Gold Rush tournament. Stupid (w/Tweety) defeated Jed Johnson to advance to the finals of the Gold Rush tournament. After the match, Big Tomb attacked Jed Johnson and referee Jeremy Black. Ace Haven tried making the save but was stopped by Big Tomb. Tomb then attacked Earl Davidson until Tyler Gage made the save. Tomb ended up choke slamming Gage through a table. D2dac ran to the ring with a steel chair, but instead of going after Tomb, he hits Haven with the chair.

Note: Due to injuries suffered from being chokeslammed through a table, Gage has not been medically cleared for the next ProSouth Wrestling event and has been removed from the finals of the Gold Rush tournament.

The fifth annual Valentine’s Day Massacre takes place on February 15th! Don’t miss the first stop on the road to Spring Spectacular!

627 Southern Avenue

Piedmont, AL 36272

256-447-3825 for more information

Doors open at 5:30 PM and bell time at 7:00 PM

ALL Tickets $7 (Ringside – First Come, First Served)

Kids 4 and under FREE


~~~ProSouth Championship~~~

~The Final Encounter: Last Man Standing~

#1 Contender Big Tomb


Champion “The Last Hero” Ace Haven (w/Amy)

~~~2013 Gold Rush Finals~~~

~Winner Gets a Title Shot ANYTIME, ANYWHERE~

Stupid (w/Tweety)


Steven Michaels

~~~Tag Team Championship~~~

~Can the champs get along?~

Dakota Outlaw & Mystery Partner (w/James Hardy)


Champions Wrestling Star Najasism & De La Vega

~~~Nontitle Challenge Match~~~

~Total Justice Implodes~



All-Out Champion Jed Johnson

UPDATE: “Future Classic” Tyler Gage has been removed from this event due to not being medically cleared for competition.

Referees for the event will be Jeremy Black and Earl Davidson

So much more from all your ProSouth favorites!

NWA Atlanta Wrestling



NWA Atlanta will be at the Metro Auction Co. in Locust Grove, GA on February 9th. Advertised: AJ Steele defends the NWA Atlanta Heavyweight championship against Pain (w/Jersey Girl) in a falls count anywhere match. Bill the Butcher vs. Cru Jones. Beauty & the Beast (Bobby Hayes & Rick Michaels) defends the NWA Atlanta Tag Team championships against The BFFs (“Marvelous” Michael Stevens & “Adorable” Anthony Andrews). The Afghan Assassins (w/Prince Akbar) vs. Matt “Sex” Sells & Fry Daddy. Bell time is at 7:30. For more information call (678)873-4010.



Deep Southern Championship Wrestling was created in March of? of 2010 and started running shows once a month in Ellijay, Ga. We started out in a place known as Gilmer Golf and games. Our first show drew a crowd of 35 or 40 people. DSCW didn’t get discouraged though we kept giving good quality matches at a fair price and got our crowds up to 150 or more. We had to move to gyms and civic centers to support our fan base, drawing close to 600 on some of our big shows.




Latest episode at: http://www.youtube.com/alternativepro

APW has live events each Friday at the Cherry Street Gym in Royston, GA 8PM Belltime.






February 2 Platinum Championship Wrestling – Live Report by Larry Goodman

The Platinum Championship Wrestling show in Porterdale, GA last night, featuring the return of Stephen Platinum, was indy wrestling entertainment at its finest. It was the most fun I’ve had at a wrestling show since Platinum’s magnum opus, Sacred Ground 3.

Platinum booked the main and tweaked the match order, but this is Shane Mackey’s show now. Mackey took over as booker in October when Platinum relocated to Orlando for good after Sacred Ground 3. Platinum has been providing long distance consultation since then.

This show retained crucial elements of PCW’s past success — pacing, variety and the emotional roller coaster. Every match had something different to offer. No match dragged on too long, and there was zero dead time between matches. The show was completed in a less than 2 and 1/2 hours. Nothing on the undercard upstaged the main event, although I doubt anything could have.

The storefront venue at 2001 Main Street was packed to the gills with a standing room only crowd of 150. The heat was to die for. PCW runs at 6pm and draw a lot kids, but as historically been the case, the PCW audience is an interesting mix. PCW appears to be regaining momentum, drawing full houses at the January shows.

(1) Fred Yehi defeated Corey Hollis via submission in 9:25. They kicked the show off with a bang, a rematch of one of my favorite matches of 2012. Big pop for Yehi. It was crisp and clean grappling until Hollis spit a nasty hocker right on Yehi’s chest. Yehi fired up. Hollis used tights to run Yehi’s face into the bottom turnbuckle. They lit each other up with strikes. Yehi did the Flair flip over the buckles into a slingshot O’Connor roll. Damn that was smooth. Yehi with an exploder suplex and Exploder for two. Hollis rolled Yehi up using the tights, then followed by a powerbomb. Hollis went for the Clash, but Yehi escaped and locked in the Koji Clutch. Hollis did a stellar job of turning the crowd against him, which doesn’t take much in Porterdale. The match built just the way you draw them up. The credibility of the wrestling was established so solidly that suspension of disbelief wasn’t going to be an issue for the rest of the evening. A great way to open the show.

(2) Jagged Edge (with Unified Champion Shane Marx & Miss Rachael) defeated Matt Von Reaper in 2:45. Massive heat for Jagged Edge. This is what a pro wrestling show should sound and feel like. Jagged Edge dismantled Reaper, while calling for Sylar Cross. Jagged pinned Reaper with a uranage slam.

Jagged drilled Reaper with two powerbombs after the match. Cross came out wanting a piece of Jagged, several pieces more likely, but was held back by Chip Day. Chip’s adrenaline must have been flowing to accomplish that feat on a 350 pounder.

(3) “The Coach” Fred Avery squashed Kody Jack (with Billy Jack) in five minutes. Avery has dropped considerable weight from his WCW days. Kody doesn’t look like much, small with no meat on his bones, but the crowd loves him. Avery humiliated Kody in front of dear old dad. Stretched him, stomped him, and generally abused the kid.

Mackey announced a special 4 pm bell time for February 16 (so as not to conflict with the annual Ted Allen tribute show – A Nightmare to Remember III).

Warhorse Steelhorse was accompanied to the ring by Quasi Mandisco, the leader of Priority Males. Mandisco said the people wanted a whole lot of savagery but that’s not what Steelhorse was going to give them. Out came Supernatural, and boy, is he over in Porterdale. Supernatural curbstomped Steelhorse, killed him dead with two top rope double stomps to the back, then ran off with Mandisco’s phone. Mandisco said Steelhorse was a failure and would not become a Priority Male because “Priority Males always deliver, baby.”

(4) Supernatural & Johnny Danger & De La Vega vs. Priority Males (Marko Polo & Matt Sells & “Pump Yo Brakes” Steve Goins with Quasi Mandisco) was ruled a no contest in 6:30. “Rock ‘n Role Model” Sells cut a promo on rockstar in residence Danger. Polo did likewise on Supernatural, and the match was on with Sells taking major abuse. De La Vega dropped him on his head with spike brainbuster. Sells didn’t know whether to fish or cut bait. Danger ran into the post when Sells stepped aside. All six started going at it, and the pandemonium was beyond the control of referee Knife Evans. Just the right length. The non-finish will surely lead to bigger and better things.

(5) In the 2013 Tag Team Season opener, Washington Bullets (Jon & Trey Williams) defeated Geter & Brian Blaze and Chip Day & Sylar Cross and Najasism & Eric Walker in a four way elimination match at 15 minutes. Action packed right from the get go. Naja & Walker are heels. Walker got his head kicked in by Day and Cross and was eliminated at 7:35. Jagged Edge ran out and pulled Cross off the apron. This distracted Day allowing Blaze to nail Day with a german suplex. Geter followed with a powerbomb to eliminate Day and Cross at 12:10. Geter & Blaze squared off with Bullets in a reprise of the 2012 Tag Team Season finale. Geter and Jon both survived big moves. Geter had Jon set up for his finisher when Trey stunned him with a superkick. Bullets hit a double backcracker on Geter and finished the big man with a double RKO. A close second for best match behind Hollis/Yehi.

Afterward, the two teams bumped chests and talked trash. Geter left clutching the Tag Team Season trophy.

(6) Steve “The Brawler” Lawler & “Jailhouse Rocker” Terry Lawler defeated Worst Case Scenario (Ethan Case & Eli Evans with Miss Rachael) in 7:43. Terry said this was the last time he would be tagging with brother Steve, who is wrestling his final match in two weeks (at Nightmare III). Terry thanked PCW for changing their start time and allowing them to advertise the Nightmare III show. Miss Rachael and WCS came out to wreck the sentimental moment. Rachael noted Steve’s 30 year career and said he 10 years past his prime. The crowd drowned out the rest of her diatribe. Steve answered with a string of one liners that popped the crowd. Once the bell rang, we got methodical, old school tag work by the Lawler brothers. WCS got heat on Terry. Steve cleaned house with the hot tag and pinned Case with DDT. Referee Evans was caught out of position on the finish and got banged up via an accidental collision with Steve. Match was slower paced and didn’t have the heat of the other matches, which was just fine in light of what was to come.

(7) Former Unified Champion Mason & Stephen Platinum defeated Unified Champion Shane Marx & Miss Rachael (with Jeff G. Bailey) in a Loser Leaves Town Match at 9:55. A little back story is in order. Mason won a grueling, bloody battle with Marx at Sacred Ground 3 to unify the titles. Disguised as Fifth Column, Marx defeated Mason at the very next show, and he’s held the titles ever since. Rachael has used nefarious means to defeat Platinum in the past. Bailey was Platinum’s arch nemesis, the mastermind of the EMPIRE that ruled the company until Platinum got his revenge at Sacred Ground 3.

Mason came out alone. Platinum’s music played but Bailey appeared instead. Bailey said Mason had no partner and would have to forfeit. Supernatural came out to replace Platinum. Bailey said the contract specified Mason’s partner could not be a wrestler. Mason pulled a female fan out of the crowd. Bailey said the contract specified Platinum, and ordered referee Duke Korey to rule the match a forfeit. With Bailey in the ring berating Korey and the crowd chanting “shut up Bailey”, cue up “Heaven Is a Place on Earth” by Belinda Carlisle. Out came Platinum with angel wings pasted onto his green jacket and a halo attached to his head. It was ridiculous and wonderful. The place went up for grabs. Platinum said that was the favorite song of his high school heartthrob, Heather Craven. Heather broke his heart by going to the prom with her ex-boyfriend and using the flowers Platinum gave her. “I can’t hit her, but I can hit you”. Platinum and Rachael traded blows. Platinum throttled Rachael. The crowd roared their approval until Bailey bopped Platinum with one of the belts.

It was Marx and Platinum once the bell rang. Heat off the hook. Platinum with a leapfrog! They criss-crossed running the ropes. Platinum slid out leaving Marx running solo. Marx stopped without doing the stupid running himself into exhaustion stuff. The spot was funnier that way. Marx softened Platinum up for Rachael. She applied a standing Indian deathlock. The crowd popped huge when Mason broke it up. Hot damn these people despise her. After failing to convert earlier in the match, Platinum hit his Jake Roberts inspired DDT on Marx. Tags were made both ways. Marx pulled Mason out of the ring. Inside, Rachael was nailing Platinum with martial arts kicks, but went for one too many and Platinum turned it into capture buckle bomb. Marx jumped in and laid Platinum out with a DVD. Rachael covered but Korey refused to count because Platinum wasn’t the legal man. The complaining fell on deaf ears. Platinum leveled Marx with a lariat as a tribute to Dany Only (just as he had vowed to do here. Mason locked Rachael in Occam’s Razor and it was celebration time.

Platinum said Marx was gone and announced a tournament starting October 16 to name a new champion. The crowd tortured Marx with the goodbye song. Platinum ordered Marx to hand over the belts. Marx wasn’t letting loose. Platinum said that as a concession, he would reinstate Marx and allow him to win the title back in the tournament. Fans were in an uproar about Marx being allowed to stay. After an amazing display of angst, Marx forked over the belts. PCW is playing with fire by not honoring the stipulation. I think it will be OK so long as it is the exception. They’re playing with fire by not honoring the stipulation, although in this case, it will probably work out fine. The fans in Porterdale have a high tolerance being screwed. Deep down, they know Marx and Rachael are the villains they love to hate and PCW wouldn’t be as good without them.



Empire Pro Wrestling will be at the Empire Arena in Rossville, GA Tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and bell time is at 8:00.


The Championship Wrestling Alliance, based in the Tri-Cities area of Northeast TN, has presented top quality wrestling events for the last 7 years. Their television show, Championship Wrestling TV has aired consecutively in their home market for over 6 years. The show’s current timeslot is at Noon on Saturdays on Tri-Cities CW 4. The show is posted online at ChampionshipWrestlingTV.com every week and has been available in the past in national syndication via AMG-TV.

The NWA Smoky Mountain Event Center is Now Online at http://youtu.be/8QOkrRZCwAw

Check it out now at www.NWASmokyMountain.com

Tickets are $10 Front Row; $8 General Admission

NWA Wrestling returns to Rogersville, TN at the National Guard Armory on Saturday, February 9!

In the main event, NWA Southern Television Champion Vince Brent will defend the title against Zac Vincent in the first ever meeting of these two high flying athletes! Zac Vincent is looking to win his first championship under the NWA Smoky Mountain banner, while Brent is looking to capitalize on a recent victory over Menace and start a winning streak of his own.

Also, last month in Rogersville… Josh Crawford told former ring announcer and color commentator Dylan Sizemore he had to choose a side between himself and Vince Brent, which led to Sizemore shocking everyone by giving Brent a low blow and leaving with Crawford. What will happen next between these now-former best friends?

The card is as follows

NWA Southern Television Championship

“Supernatural” Zac Vincent


Champion, “The Prodigy” Vince Brent

Grudge Match

“The Mad Dog” Daniel Mulligan


“The Strong-Styled Redneck” Chris Richards

with Rob Knight

Singles Action

“The Reaper” Matt Conard


“The Blackanese Assassin: Menace

Also featuring:

“The Xcception” Josh Crawford with Dylan Sizemore

Air America (Gavin Darring and Skylar Kruze)

“Mr. E-Lit-Tricity” Billy Lit

Travis Dykes’ Revolution X (Shane Daniels and Big Daddy Freddie)

The debuting team of J-Mac and Brad Cash

and Much More!

Ticket Information

Front Row $10.00 – General Admission $7.00 – Ages 10 and Under Free

Venue Information

National Guard Armory

108 Frontage Rd.

Rogersville, TN 37857

Keep checking for updates on this huge event at www.NWASmokyMountain.com !




Ultimate on facebook!






Thursdays 8 PM Belltime.

Arena and TV Studios

1056 E. Trinity Lane at Gallatin Rd. Nashville, TN 37216.

Best Snack Bar in Town!

Main Event – http://www.nwame.com

Main Event Wrestling returns to Westmoreland, TN. on Sat Feb 2, 2013 8 PM Bell Time

Main Event Wrestllng will kick off 2013 in Princeton, Ky. on Feb. 16 This is the year that we are going to show our veterans how much they mean to us. Starting that date in Princeton,Ky. and every show that we do a portion of the proceeds will go directly to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. So watch for us to come to a town near you and come out and support independent wrestling and show our veterans how much we appreciate their service to our country and for our freedom



Georgia Wrestling Award Winners for 2012

From Larry Goodman:

Here’s the complete list of the winners of Georgia Wrestling History’s annual awards for 2012 as voted by the Georgia wrestling community and the staff of GWH News.

Best Overall Wrestler – Kyle Matthews

Second year in a row for Matthews. Runner up: A tie between Shane Marx and Shaun Tempers. Both received just one vote less than Matthews.

Best Performer – Cru Jones

Jones made it two straight by a wide margin. His Hot Like Lava partner Shaun Banks was runner up.

Best Technical Wrestler– Kyle Matthews

Matthews won this category hands down, making it four years in a row.

Corey Hollis, Fred Yehi and Anthony Henry received a few votes apiece.

Ted Allen Legends Award — None

No winner this year because no nominees received the required 50% of the votes.

Those receiving votes included Brodie Chase, Rick Michaels, Jimmy Rave, Iceberg, Terry Lawler, Bill Behrens and Big Wood.

Best Live Event -Sacred Ground III

Platinum Championship Wrestling premier annual event won by a landslide. No other event got more than two votes.

Best Tag Team – Hot Like Lava

Cru Jones and Shaun Banks nosed out last year’s winner, The Washington Bullets

Most Improved – Fred Yehi and Drew Adler (tie)
Yehi received votes in this category because there was no Rookie of the Year award.

Best Manager – Jeff G. Bailey

Bailey got all but few of the votes. I believe that over the last decade, Bailey has won this award every year except one.

Best Promoter – Peachstate Wrestling Alliance promoter Shane Noles

Doc Gayton was a close second.

Best Booker- Stephen Platinum

Platinum won by an overwhelming margin. Murder One was runner up.

Best Promotion – Platinum Championship Wrestling

Rampager Pro Wrestling trailed by one vote.

Announcer – Dan Masters
The runner up was last year’s winner, retired Anarchy announcer John Johnson.

Best Referee – Dee Byers

Jeff McGowan, Dustin Robinson and Duke Korey all finished within a few votes.